Have you ever been on the receiving end of emotional abuse? Or have you ever seen signs of emotional abuse in other relationships? Sometimes the signs of emotional abuse in a relationship are quite prominent, while sometimes the signs can be quite subtle.
Pain is not always inflicted by physical abuse, emotional abuse hurts equally if not more. In fact, in most cases, the effect of emotional abuse lasts longer and the scars haunt you for the rest of your life. The impact of emotional abuse is deep and you spend the rest of your life picking up the pieces.
Unfortunately, most people in a toxic relationship go through emotional abuse but unfortunately don’t realize it until it’s too late
Read on to know some of the major warning signs of emotional abuse you should look out for.
Related: Reactive Abuse To Emotional Abuse: What Is Reactive Abuse?
20 Subtle Signs of Emotional Abuse
1. They belittle your accomplishments. Your achievements and accomplishments are not celebrated but just passed on as unimportant events.
2. Somehow, you’re always responsible for their sadness, and you’re always to be blamed for everything that goes wrong in their lives.
3. They claim to know you better and believe that the decisions they make for you are the best. They deprive you of making your own choices, and always impose their decisions and opinions on you.

4. They need you to answer their calls or text messages right away, and even a short delay makes them angry. It doesn’t matter that you might be busy, the only thing that matters is that you should always be at their beck and call.
5. They always try to be above you, time, and again they will try to make you think that you don’t really deserve to have them as their partner but it’s just your good luck that they are with you.
6. You’re to be blamed for everything and often you’re accused of doing things that you didn’t do.
7. No secret is safe or off-limits. They share your private details like your fears, insecurities, secrets, and even intimate moments with others.
8. You cannot ignore what they say even if it’s just a ‘suggestion’. You have to absolutely do what they tell you, and you don’t have the option to disagree with them or say ‘no’.
Related: What Is Emotional Abuse? 10 Signs You’re Being Emotionally Abused
9. They don’t hesitate from criticizing you in public, making faces of disagreement and disapproving, or just rolling their eyes whenever you speak or put forth your opinion.
10. You are often called horrible names in the guise of ‘humor’. They pretend that they are calling you these names because they are cute, but in reality, they are insulting and abusing you.
11. They need to know everything about you, and they want to be included in everything you do. You are simply not allowed to do anything without them.
12. They get irritated and angry when you tease them, even in loving ways. The thing is, they can mock and ridicule you in front of others in the name of love, but when you do it, all hell breaks loose.
13. They often punish you by not talking to you or withholding love, care, and sex.
14. If you get into an argument with them, you always lose, because they never admit their mistakes. Rather they will always blame you for everything.

15. They take control of finances, and you’re questioned for every expense.
16. If they hate a person so should you. If they don’t like anyone of your family members you’re not allowed to talk to them.
17. They convince you that your dreams are unworthy and impractical. They diminish your ambitions, and always make you feel like you are not good enough.
18. Every time you try to be vulnerable and pour your heart out to them, they dismiss you as being too emotional or sensitive.
Related: 7 Types Of Non-Verbal Emotional Abuse
19. You fear to fail in front of them. You’re not confident that they will catch you when you fall but instead leave you there to pick up the pieces.
20. One of the major signs of emotional abuse is when they try to control all your major life decisions including your career choices; you are not allowed to be in control of your own life, they are.
If your relationship reflects these signs, then you are in a toxic relationship and are a victim of emotional abuse. We urge you to get out of that toxic relationship and take back control of your life. It’s not easy, it never is, but you need to put yourself and your emotional well-being first. Let them go and live your life the way you want to.
Want to know about what are signs of emotional abuse? Check this video out below!

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