What Do Men Find Attractive About Women? Astrology Spills The Tea!

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What Do Men Find Attractive About Women Signs Dream Girl 1

What do men find attractive about women? Difficult to answer, right? But here we attempt to solve this age-old mystery, so stick with us till the end!

As a woman, do you wonder what qualities a man looks for in a potential partner? As each man is different from another, their wishlist also varies.

But when classified into zodiac groups, it’s easier to find the answer to the question “What do men look for in a woman?”

Relationships are not an easy affair. It’d be great if we had come to this world knowing whom we should date and marry – but it’s not like that. Relationships are not very logical – they involve a lot of work.

Related: What Love Means To You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

The fairer sex tends to be more expressive and outspoken about their feelings, while men are not so much. So, it’s natural for you to wonder what a man looks for in a woman pertaining to romantic relationships.

Thankfully, astrology has the answer to most of our relationship problems. Astrology gives us a close sneak peek into who we are. It knows us better than we know ourselves. Now, with the help of astrology, you can get to know what men like in women.

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What Do Men Find Attractive About Women

Here’s all the tea on the question; what do men find attractive about women?

The man or woman you choose to be your partner affects everything in your life

1. Aries  (March 21 – April 19)

A competitive woman for an Aries man

An Aries man loves challenges. He doesn’t go for a woman that will keep him from achieving his goal. Neither should she let him get what he wants easily.

Make everything a challenge for the Aries man and he would love it. For that, you have to be very competitive. Get what you want and show the Aries man that you are worth it.

2. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

A down-to-earth woman for a Taurus man

Sensual and generous, a Taurus man craves a woman of the earth. His woman should be kind and not high-maintenance.

Little things will matter to her and that makes her attractive to a Taurus man. She is kind and calm and her calmness makes her the best person to have a conversation with.

Related: Here’s How To Find Love That You Deserve Based On Your Zodiac Sign

3. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

An intellectual woman for a Gemini Man

You need to be able to talk about substantial stuff if you want a Gemini man. Geminis are intellectual and smart, and nothing can draw a Gemini man towards you except a good conversation that adds to their mental growth.

Hold their attention by having a sense of humor, innovative discussions, and intelligence that can make your Gemini man just swoon over you.

Men Want Someone Who Will Appreciate Their Jokes

4. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

A motherly woman for a Cancer Man

Emotions rule the Cancer man – he needs someone who could take care of them. Cancer needs a maternal figure – someone who could show them the right way and give them advice on their life.

They need nurturance and care, and if you can do that, they will love you endlessly for it.

Related: Signs She Is Falling In Love With You Based on Her Zodiac

5. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

An all-rounder for a Leo Man

Leo always grabs the limelight and he needs his woman to be the same – the whole package with beauty, brains, and fun.

She should support him and not let his limelight dim down in her presence. However, you should not try to dominate the lion in Leo – but can tame him with love and affection.

Related: The Most Lovey-Dovey To The Least Affectionate, Zodiac Signs RANKED

6. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

A thorough woman for a Virgo Man

What do men find attractive about women when it comes to the Virgo zodiac? The critical Virgo knows exactly what they want from a woman. Their standards are already set in their head – they must be independent, can take care of themselves, and is smart.

Match all three and you bag your Virgo man. Make sure you are confident and know your self-worth. Then, even when your Virgo man gets harsh with you, you can keep your head high and tackle his harshness. That’s exactly what he would like from you.

what do men find attractive about women

7. Libra (September 23 – October 22)

A balanced woman for a Libra man

What do men find attractive about women in the Libra group? Libra goes for the well-balanced. They find themselves dealing with everything – being socially adept, charming, and fair when it comes to their judgments. 

For a Libra Man, the woman should be attractive in her own way. She should be composed and not too aggressive. Her decisions should not be one-sided. Don’t tip to any side with your bias, and you will have the Libra man’s attention on you.

8. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

A self-dependent woman for a Scorpio man

Scorpio comes with passion. They are always burning with it, and they would not like a woman that wants to put it off. A Scorpio man craves a woman who will keep her own passion alive and yet support him to the fullest to get what he wants.

She will be fuel to his passionate flame. He wants an independent woman who knows her stuff and could help him too. They should be capable enough to blaze together.

Related: Dependent Disorder

9. Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

An enthusiastic woman for a Sagittarius man

Adventures make Sagittarius go weak in their knees. They are attracted to new places, new people, and even new ideas. Their enthusiasm for life is always on high.

To pair up with a Sagittarius man, you need the same energy they bring to the table. Keep up with their zeal for life and you’ll be the apple of their eye.

10. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

A sociable woman for a Capricorn Man

The thoughtful Capricorn remains silent. Ideas are always revolving in his head. But they don’t want someone like themselves. What do men find attractive about women when it comes to the Capricorn sign?

A Capricorn man needs someone who could break them from their conservative side and reveal the fun hidden inside them.

Confidence and dependability would be a great fit for their partner, but they should be sociable and friendly. How else could they break this tough cover of the Capricorn man?

11. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

An unorthodox woman for an Aquarius man

The unconventional Aquarius man would not be satisfied with the normal. What do men find attractive about women in the Aquarius group?

They need a woman with a bit of a difference. She should have opinions of course, and interests – but they should not align with the general crowd.

She’s the one who takes the road not generally taken and he will be her partner-in-crime. Bringing uniqueness into their lives would be a mutual challenge for them.

Related: 12 Signs She’s The Woman You Should Marry

12. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

A loving woman for a Pisces man

A Pisces man lives in their own dreams. Imagination keeps them away from the ground but that’s not the thing they want from a woman. What do men find attractive about women based on the Pieces zodiac sign?

They want a loving companion, who can also make them rooted back on the ground and not let them escape into their dreams. He wants care and love and her woman should make sure he is enveloped with it.

Be Sure Whether You Can Offer What They Want, Before Saying Yes

Just Because Someone Doesnt Want To Be With You

That’s all for the topic of “What do men find attractive about women based on zodiacs.” Astrology can bring together great matches that won’t make you regret your date.

Of course, there are many other factors that come into play, but using astrology to find the man or woman of your dreams is a great way to begin a stable relationship.

What do men find attractive about women depending on their zodiac sign? Let us know your views by commenting down below.

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What men want from women based on their zodiac signs is revealed here.
What A Man Looks For In A Woman Based on His Zodiac Sign
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Man Looks For In Woman Zodiac Sign
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