8 Red Flags In A Relationship With A Woman

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When you initially start dating someone, everything seems picture-perfect and oh-so-dreamy, doesnโ€™t it? It seems like youโ€™ve finally found your dream woman and everything could not be better. However, be careful and keep an eye out for these red flags in women. Letโ€™s explore some of the major red flags in a relationship with a woman.

Before you fall head over heels in love with a woman and decide to spend your whole life with her, itโ€™s crucial to know and look out for some major red flags in a relationship. Because if you are not aware of the kind of person youโ€™re dating, you will end up trapped in a toxic, unhappy, and miserable relationship for the rest of your life.

So what are those red flags in a relationship with a woman you need to keep an eye out for? Keep reading to know more about this, so that you can make an informed choice when it comes to choosing your significant other.

Related: 13 Red Flags Of A Doomed Relationship

8 Red Flags In A Relationship With A Woman You Need To Look Out For

1. She complains about everything and criticizes you all the time.

If sheโ€™s always looking for a reason to complain and put you down, then this is one of the major red flags in a woman. Of course, there are going to be minor fights and disagreements once in a while, but if sheโ€™s always looking to fight with you for even the smallest of things, then maybe youโ€™re better off without her.

When a woman is always trying to demean you, insult you, and is criticising everything about you, when all youโ€™re trying to do is make her happy, then itโ€™s one of the many examples of red flags in relationships.

2. She tries very hard to convince you that all her exes were horrible.

If she tells you that all the men she has dated in the past are jerks, and each one of them treated her like garbage, then donโ€™t be so sure that sheโ€™s telling the truth.

Yes, there are bad people out there, who exploit women and treat them very badly. But if everyone she has dated was โ€˜crazyโ€™, โ€˜jerksโ€™, and โ€˜toxicโ€˜, then chances are she is lying.

Maybe she was the problem, not them. Maybe she was the one who treated her partners badly, and not the other way round. This is an alarming sign because it shows her lack of accountability and self-awareness.

Or maybe she knows exactly what she did, and she simply doesnโ€™t care; all she cares about is badmouthing her exes (who maybe were good men), in order to keep her own image clean.

Red flags in a relationship with a woman

3. She is extremely controlling, and tries to control every aspect of your life.

This is one of the biggest examples of red flags in relationships. If you notice that directly or indirectly she is trying to make you do what she wants you to do without taking into consideration your opinion, then you need to rethink your relationship with her.

If you ignore this red flag now, then there will come a point when she will start controlling every little thing in your life. What you wear, who you hang out with, where you go, who you see, and how you choose to live your life โ€“ she will dictate everything. Having a control freak as your partner is one of the worst things you can do to yourself.

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4. She always expects you to treat her like a queen.

Now let me explain. When you love a woman, you would naturally want to make her feel like a queen, and you would obviously want to make sure that she feels special and happy with you.

But there are some women who are so entitled and spoilt, that they consider themselves to be Godโ€™s gift in your life.

If she wants you to spoil and pamper her all the time, focus only on her needs and expectations but never yours, and always has an unending list of demands from you, then she doesnโ€™t deserve you.

On top of that, if she acts out or becomes bitter and resentful if you donโ€™t fulfill all her demands, then it further proves the point that sheโ€™s a problematic person who only cares about herself.

5. She repeatedly stonewalls you whenever she doesnโ€™t get her way.

This is one of the silent examples of red flags in relationships. If your partner always stonewalls you whenever you try to hold her accountable for her actions, then itโ€™s not a good sign. Whenever you refuse to bow down to her expectations and demands, she leaves the conversation and refuses to engage and even consider where youโ€™re coming from.

Itโ€™s normal to want some space sometimes when things get too heated and overwhelming, but if she stonewalls you every time she doesnโ€™t get her way, then itโ€™s a cause for concern. This might be considered to be one of the small red flags in a relationship, but one that should not be ignored.

Unless she has a kid with her ex, and they are co-parenting together, thereโ€™s no reason why she has to talk to her ex so much.

And I am coming right out and saying this โ€“ if your partner is in constant touch with their ex, despite having no reason to be, and knowing that youโ€™re unhappy about it, is one of the biggest red flags in a relationship with a woman.

The occasional chatting and texting might be fine, but constant communication is not. If this keeps on happening, then itโ€™s very clear that she is still hung up on them, and hasnโ€™t moved on from that relationship. Pining for your ex while being with someone else is one of the most prominent red flags in a relationship with a woman.

7. She gets physically aggressive and violent, whenever sheโ€™s upset.

Physical violence is never okay, no matter who is on the other side of it. When a man physically abuses a woman and gets violent with her, it is regarded to be a despicable act.

Similarly, if your partner gets aggressive with you and tries to hurt you physically, thatโ€™s despicable too. This is one of the biggest red flags in dating a woman who is not fit to be in a relationship with a good person like you.

Slapping, pushing, hitting, punching, and scratching are all forms of physical abuse and violence and should not be tolerated at all. If sheโ€™s angry and upset about something, she needs to deal with it in a healthier way, and express her feelings in a non-violent manner, instead of getting brutal with you.

Related: Abuse Knows No Gender: Real Life Examples Of How Women Abuse Men

8. She hates it whenever you go out with your friends.

Itโ€™s important to have a life outside of your relationship, and friends with whom you can spend ample time. Just like having a stable, happy relationship is important, so is having a strong set of friends in your life.

So if you notice that your girlfriend seems disturbed, angry, and irritated whenever you make plans with your friends, remember that this is one of the many major red flags in a relationship with a woman.

Additionally, if she is always asking you to take her with you to meet your friends, then thatโ€™s a red flag too. Itโ€™s important to give your partner some personal space, and give them the freedom to hang out with their friends once in a while.

If she is unable to do this, and is always trying to monopolize you or expects you to take her with you, then donโ€™t stand for it.

Red flags in a relationship with a woman

How To Deal With Red Flags In A Relationship

Itโ€™s important to be in a relationship that is stable, healthy, happy, and has scope for both of you to grow as people. Itโ€™s very common for victims to blame themselves when things go wrong in their relationships, and during such circumstances, instead of blaming yourself for your partnerโ€™s red flags, you need to know how to handle them.

Hereโ€™s how to address the red flags in a relationship with a woman:

1. Learn to be comfortable with solitude.

Itโ€™s okay to be alone sometimes, especially when the alternative is to be with a toxic, problematic person. Donโ€™t force yourself to stay in a dysfunctional relationship just because you are scared of being alone. Always remember that unless you are comfortable being alone, you will never be able to have a happy relationship with someone else.

Learning to be okay with solitude, and understanding the importance of it is crucial for your self-growth. Itโ€™s definitely a learning process and a far better one than being in a relationship that only causes you pain.

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2. Never ignore your gut instincts.

Wondering how to deal with red flags in a relationship? Never, ever forget this.

Your body has a sixth sense that helps it understand other peopleโ€™s intentions, motivations, and energies. So if your gut instincts are warning you about someone, donโ€™t ignore them. Itโ€™s after all your soul speaking to you.

If you come into contact with a toxic person, and youโ€™re not able to see the red flags in a new relationship, then your gut is going to send you signals to make you see the truth.

When it comes to dealing with red flags in a relationship with a woman, always trust your gut instincts and never take them for granted. If you have the feeling that someone is not right for you, take it seriously and stay away from them.

3. Stand up for yourself and set boundaries.

You tell people how you should be treated. If you donโ€™t respect yourself, and fight for yourself, toxic people are going to keep on disrespecting you. If you choose to remain quiet every time they mistreat you, youโ€™re sending off the message that itโ€™s okay for them to treat you badly.

Stop doing that, and learn to fight for yourself. Stand up for yourself and let them know that they have no right to humiliate, degrade and mistreat you, just because you love them and care about them.

Set some much-needed boundaries, and never ever let them cross those. Love yourself enough to know that you deserve honesty, respect, loyalty, kindness, and reliability, and not pain, insults, betrayal, and manipulation.

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When it comes to understanding red flags in a relationship with a woman, these are the ones you should definitely look out for. You donโ€™t deserve to be in a toxic and painful relationship just because you chose to love someone with your whole heart. If they cannot give you the love and respect you deserve, then you are better off without them.

Respect is everything in a relationship, and without it, no relationship can ever hope to survive, no matter how hard you may try. Love and respect yourself enough to know what you deserve and what you donโ€™t.

According to you, what are the examples of red flags in relationships, and what are the major red flags in a woman? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section down below!

Want to know more about the red flags in a relationship with a woman? Check this video out below!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the red flags when talking to a guy?

Some of the major red flags you should look out for when talking to a guy are that they make you feel bad about yourself, they never emotionally support you, they force you to get physical with them, they never listen to you and they hardly spend any time with you.

Is it a red flag if a guy moves fast?

If a guy gets interested in you too soon and wants to get close to you too fast, then thatโ€™s a major red flag. He is with you for the wrong reasons and doesnโ€™t really care about you emotionally.

Why do girls end relationships?

The four main reasons why girls end relationships are because they donโ€™t feel appreciated enough, feel ignored, infidelity and insensitivity.

What are early relationship red flags?

Some of the early relationship red flags are excessive calling or texting, destructive anger, and emotional outbursts, controlling behavior, talking about their ex-partners constantly and openly being mean and insensitive.

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