10 Perfect Sentences Of Seduction Used By The Narcissist

Perfect Sentences Of Seduction Used By The Narcissist 1

The words of seduction used by the narcissist might seem very exciting and sensual at first, but as time goes by, you will quickly realize that the reality is starkly different, and so much more dubious and poisonous.

What is really meant when we say these words.

Here Are 10 Perfect Sentences of Seduction Used By The Narcissist

1. I love you and I always have.

My need to seduce you is considerable and therefore I will use language which will appeal to you and be so outlandish that it will blow you away. I do not actually love you. I do not love the way that you do. I understand that the closest I come to it is infatuation.

I am not in fact infatuated with you but more precisely with what you can do for me. My needs are paramount. Yours are largely irrelevant. I write irrelevant because I do take them into account during the seduction but after that, they are thrown to one side. I love the fact you fuel me, allow me to steal traits of you for my own use and you give me shelter, meals, and money.

Related: Slippery And Scaly: Beware Of The Reptilian Shadiness Of The Seductive-Withholding Narcissist

2. We are soulmates.

I know you are a big believer in emotional concepts such as love, spirituality, and the soul. I need to tap into that and I need to do so quickly. I want to suggest that our love goes beyond this earthly plane on which we stand and it is something all the more ethereal and noble.

That ought to impress you and cause you to become bound to me. I am not your soul mate, I am here to steal your soul because I do not have one.

3. I have not loved anyone like this before.

There will be half a dozen willing witnesses who will testify to the contrary. In my world, however, I have deleted them from my mind (except when I fancy hoovering them and triangulating them with you for some extra fuel) and there was nothing like what I feel for you now.

They are defunct and redundant, an unfortunate reminder of an abuser who trapped me. They do not matter now, you are all that matters to me now, your fuel, to be accurate, is all that matters to me now.

4. I want us to be together forever.

There is no want about it. We are already locked together forever. You may not think this and indeed somewhere along the line, you will want to escape me, although quite why that is when you are the problem, is beyond me. Anyway, that is for later.

Right now you have agreed (although you will never recall having said such words to that effect) to remain my property for the rest of your life. This means that everything you own, and have, now belongs to me and I will deal with it in whatever fashion I see fit. I will use and abuse you over and over again as this is my right. Just when you think I have disappeared I will be back more. This is a life-long covenant.

5. We have so much in common.

What a wonderful occurrence, such serendipity that everything you like I like as well. Even better, all the things that you do not like, I do not like either. It is as if we are two halves of one perfect person. That is exactly what I see because all I will do is mirror you.

I have spent time watching you, observing you, finding out about you from friends, and scouring your internet footprint in order to learn as much as I can about you so that I can present myself as a mirror image. I actually cannot stand listening to Coldplay but that isnโ€™t going to stand in the way of my replication so I seduce you with incredible speed and ease.

Related: How Sharing Your Concerns Makes You Vulnerable To A Narcissist

6. I hate it when we are apart.

A rare nugget of truth here. I do hate it when we are apart but for the reasons, I have made you think. You think it is because I miss the wonderful, kind, humorous, and delightful you. I actually miss all that positive fuel you supply me with when we are together as you are taken in by this illusion that I have created.

Moreover, I hate the fact that when I am not with you I cannot control your environment and I am concerned that with space to think and breathe you may just see through what I am doing, or even worse, you may listen to one of your so-called friends who will be whispering in your ear and briefing against me. I donโ€™t want your head turned elsewhere. I want it looking at me. Always.

7. Nobody can love you the way I do.

Amazingly another piece of truth. Nobody else can love you in this way because none of it is real. This is all made-up in order to attract you and bind you to me because if you saw what I was really like (not that I would ever allow that to happen) you would run screaming and never return.

Accordingly, I will love you in a way that you are unlikely to have experienced before by deluging you with desire and then nearly destroying you through malice and vitriolic hatred. I told you I was special.

8. I canโ€™t believe we have only just met. I feel like Iโ€™ve known you forever. Letโ€™s live together.

It feels familiar to me because you are giving me positive fuel just like your predecessor and the one before her and the one before her as well. I do not distinguish between you, not really, because you are all appliances to me which I want to ensnare and then drain as you pump out delicious fuel for me to consume.

I say this though to make you feel special and because I am obviously so wonderful and brilliant you will be thrilled that someone like me wants to live with you. This will make you grab this marvelous opportunity before you lose it and then I have ensnared you.

9. I need you. I want you. I love you.

Sounds dramatic and romantic, doesnโ€™t it? It makes you feel as if everything is focused on you and I could not live without you. Notice how many times I used the word โ€œIโ€?

Thatโ€™s because this is all about me and has nothing to do with you save for what you can do for me. I really mean that I need your fuel, I want your fuel and I love your fuel.

Related: What Is Future Faking And Why Do Narcissists Do It?

10. You have saved me.

Yet more drama straight from the romantic handbook. I know your type. That is why I chose you. You like to fix, heal and save. You will have plenty to do in that regard, believe me, but that will come later.

For now, what I really mean is that you have saved me from having to look anywhere else for fuel. Time to feed.

Written by H.G. Tudor
Originally appeared on Narcsite
The Perfect Ten of Seduction
10 Perfect Sentences Of Seduction Used By The Narcissist
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