How To Manipulate Each Zodiac Sign


How To Manipulate Each Zodiac Sign? What Makes Signs Tick

Do you know how to manipulate each zodiac sign? Now, we don’t recommend manipulating others around you! But if you want toโ€ฆhere are all the zodiac secrets that you need to knowโ€ฆ 

Manipulation— the word has an uneasy ring to it, doesn’t it? While the idea of using trickery to get what you want sounds tempting, being on the receiving end of it, where you’re being secretly controlled, is absolutely unacceptable!

Hence, we definitely don’t recommend using the knowledge of zodiac signs to manipulate a person, because it leads to trouble and unnecessary drama. However, we advise being aware of the loopholes in your personality that others can exploit to manipulate you. Protect yourself from getting played!

Once you know what makes each zodiac sign tick, manipulating them becomes a child’s play. But as we said before, we don’t recommend it at all…

But knowing these zodiac secrets might provide foresight, so you at least understand when someone tries to manipulate you.

How To Manipulate Each Zodiac Sign

Let’s understand better how to manipulate each zodiac sign!

1. Aries (March 21st โ€“ April 19th)

How To Manipulate aries
How To Manipulate An Aries Woman Or Man

How to manipulate an Aries? Give them the credit for being the ideator

The first sign in astrology is always looking for ways to be the number one in everything they do. They are born leaders, determined and ambitious, which means that they want to stay ahead of the game and hate to play catch-up. 

If you want to use some of the quintessential Aries energy to meet your personal goals, you better convince them that the idea sprung from their mind first, and give them credit for coming up with such a brilliant idea.

In simple terms, you need to make them believe that they are pulling all the strings. You canโ€™t make an Aries work behind something they donโ€™t think of as their own. But if you can make them believe that the idea was born out of them, they will see it through to fruition.

Related: Aries Personality: 15 Things You Need To Know About The Ram Sign
Related: Aries Personality Traits: A Zodiac Guide to the Enterprising Yet Ruthless Sig

2. Taurus (April 20th โ€“ May 20th)

How To Manipulate taurus
How To Manipulate Each Zodiac Sign

How to manipulate a Taurus? Tempt them through their senses.

Taurus is more tuned to his earthly senses than all other zodiac signs. Pleasures of the senses are their weakness. So if you learn the art of captivating their five senses, you can successfully manipulate them and get what you want.

It will require some hard work on your part. You need to understand their taste and create an experience that they can’t help appreciating. If you do it right, most of the time, they reward you by giving you what you want.

They are also fond of exquisite gifts, so if you are willing to spend some cash, it becomes all the more easy to manipulate them.

Related: 10 Secrets About Taurus You Probably Know Nothing About
Related: 8 Reasons Why A Taurus Makes The Best Partner In Life

3. Gemini (May 21st โ€“ June 20th)

How To Manipulate gemini
How To Manipulate A Gemini?

How to manipulate a Gemini? Play on their indecisiveness.

Gemini is flighty; they find it very hard to pick a lane. Give a Gemini many options to choose from and theyโ€™ll bite off all their nails in nervous tension! You have to take advantage of this weakness in their character, their indecisiveness, to manipulate this zodiac. 

It can be a little tricky to get them to choose whatโ€™s best for you. So first of all, you need to confuse them by giving them tons of options, and next, you need to portray the best option (the one that benefits you) as the least favorable one! 

How will this work?  When you downplay a choice but make it sound intriguing and kind of forbidden, Geminis fall into the trap. It appeals to a Geminiโ€™s inborn thirst for adventure. 

Geminis can be funny creatures; they are always looking for new experiences and thrills, and rarely settle for whatโ€™s best for them. They are a curious lot. So all you need to do is rouse their interest, and you are set.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of The Misunderstood Gemini
Related: 5 Reasons A Gemini Is The Most Interesting Person Youโ€™ll Meet

4. Cancer (June 21st โ€“ July 22nd)

How To Manipulate cancer
How To Manipulate Each Zodiac Sign

How to manipulate a Cancer? Get emotional and feel free to let your tears roll down.

When you need to manipulate this highly emotional zodiac, you need to beat them at their own game. You need to be the first one to cry. 

You canโ€™t force the Cancer to do what you want, because they have mastered the art of playing the victim and will immediately start getting weepy and moody. They will make you feel guilty and you will have to comfort them. Thatโ€™s not ideal.

So if you want something, you need to let your tears roll free. Cancers have high emotional sensitivity and when they see a person in distress, they do just about anything to uplift them.

Related: 12 Personality Traits Of Cancer, The Cardinal Water Sign
Related: 7 Reasons Cancers are the Best Lovers In the Zodiac

5. Leo (July 23rd โ€“ August 22nd)

How To Manipulate leo
How To Manipulate Each Zodiac Sign

How to manipulate a Leo? Explain how it will benefit them. 

Leos are self-obsessed and the best way to get them to do something is to explain whatโ€™s in it for them. They love the limelight and attention. Use their love of admiration to your benefit. Shower them with loads of compliments and stroke their ego.

Itโ€™s not that they only want to be admired, Leos are kind-hearted and want to help others out. That being said, if your proposal doesnโ€™t benefit them, they will turn it down. So you need to show them multiple reasons why it’s great if they go ahead with your proposal.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Leo, The Untamed Fire Sign
Related: Top 13 Reasons Why Leo Is The Best Zodiac Sign

6. Virgo (August 23rd โ€“ September 22nd)

How To Manipulate libra
How To Manipulate Each Zodiac Sign

How to manipulate a Virgo? Play dumb and appreciate their intellect.

The smart and analytical-minded Virgos are hard to manipulate because they can see through your schemes. So chances are that you canโ€™t trick them into doing something they probably shouldnโ€™t be doing.

The only way to get them to do the things you want them to do is to admit that you are too stupid to do it and need the help of a smart person like them. 

Virgos are modest people, but they are aware of their skills, which include hard work, practicality, attention to detail, and methodical. So when it comes to their intellect, they like some recognition and may fall for it.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Virgo, The Mercurial Earth Sign
Related: The Good and Bad of Loving a Virgo (12 Brutal Truths)

7. Libra (September 23rdโ€“ October 22nd)

How To Manipulate virgo
How To Manipulate Each Zodiac Sign

How to manipulate a Libra? Compliment them and make them feel beautiful.

Libra doesnโ€™t like confrontations, so asking them directly to be a part of your plan isnโ€™t the best idea. 

Libra prizes harmony and is sociable, so partnerships work for them. But to actually get them to do something for you, all you need to do is give them a compliment that makes them feel beautiful.

They are gracious in their response to compliments and a nice compliment can make their day. They feel the need to be kind to you, and thatโ€™s when you need to use your manipulative powers.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Libra, The Idealistic Air Sign
Related: 9 Reasons to Love a Libra and the One Secret they Keep

8. Scorpio (October 23rd โ€“ November 21st)

How To Manipulate scorpio
How To Manipulate Each Zodiac Sign

How to manipulate a Scorpio? Blackmail is the only thing that works with the master manipulators of the zodiac.

Scorpios have mastered the art of manipulation. They are distrusting, secretive, and highly skilled at spotting the weaknesses of their enemy and taking advantage of them. So chances are this zodiac will see through you when you try to manipulate them and if you arenโ€™t careful, they will take you down.

The only thing that works in the case of Scorpio is blackmail. Maybe threaten them that youโ€™ll reveal their secrets if they donโ€™t listen to you. However, brace yourself for dark times ahead because a Scorpio will make you pay dearly.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Scorpio, The Ambitious Water Sign
Related: 10 Reasons to Love a SCORPIO

9. Sagittarius (November 22nd โ€“ December 21st)

How To Manipulate sagittarius
How To Manipulate Each Zodiac Sign

How to manipulate a Sagittarius? Ignore them a bit and make them feel the FOMO.

FOMO hits Sagittarius harder than most other signs. All they want is to experience the good and exciting things in life. They hate being left out of an interesting experience. All they want is the feeling that they belong with the cool people.

So if you need a Sagittarius to say yes to whatever you want them to do, ignore them temporarily. They will feel the FOMO really hard.

They are curious and full of energy but also fickle. So playing the manipulation game hot and cold will get them to do exactly what you want.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Sagittarius, The Fiery Archer Sign
Related: The Good and Bad of Loving A Sagittarius: 7 Brutal Truths

10. Capricorn (December 22nd โ€“ January 19th)

How To Manipulate capricon
How To Manipulate Each Zodiac Sign

How to manipulate a Capricorn? Get down on your knees and beg.

Capricorn is a sign that likes to hold all the power and be in control. They are also very condescending and believe that they know better than the rest. 

What they are genuinely interested in is climbing the social ladder, so they think of themselves before everyone else. But they occasionally like to feel generous towards the โ€œless fortunateโ€ ones around them.

Considering the above characteristics of a Capricorn’s personality, it is no surprise that begging appeals to their patronizing nature. Yes, you wonโ€™t earn their respect, but who cares when you get them to do what you want?

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Capricorn, The Disciplined Soul
Related: The Good and Bad of Loving A Capricorn (7 Brutal Truths)

11. Aquarius (January 20th โ€“ February 18th)

How to Manipulate aquarius
How To Manipulate Each Zodiac Sign

How to manipulate an Aquarius? Tempt them by asking them not to do it.

The oddballs of the zodiac with a rebellious streak– all you need to do to manipulate the Aquarius is tell them that they shouldn’t do something and give them a ton of reasons explaining why.

Aquarians can’t resist the temptation of doing what’s forbidden. They despise being held back, limitations make them feel less independent. Hence the moment you ask an Aquarian to stay away from something, they will go ahead and pursue it at that very instance.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Aquarius, The Progressive Air Sign
Related: Aquarius: The Sign Most Likely To Be A Successful Celebrity, according to Studies

12. Pisces (February 19th โ€“ March 20th)

How To Manipulate pisces
How To Manipulate Each Zodiac Sign

How to manipulate a Pisces? Convince them that it is a charitable act.

Pisces are empathetic and selfless souls. They find peace in helping others, especially the ones who are less fortunate.

So if you want to manipulate this zodiac that has a very trusting nature you need to present yourself as the “less fortunate” person and convince them that what you’re asking them to do will benefit a lot of people.

Once they believe that they are acting for the greater good, they will do it at the expense of themselves if need be. Surely, you can understand where to strike…

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Pisces, The Gentle Water Sign
Related: 9 Reasons Why Pisces Are The Most Difficult People To Figure Out

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How To Manipulate Each Zodiac Sign
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How To Manipulate Each Zodiac Sign
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How To Manipulate Each Zodiac Sign
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How To Manipulate Each Zodiac Sign
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How To Manipulate Each Zodiac Sign

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