11 Unusual Things That Define A Girl With A Gypsy Soul


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Unusual Things That Define Girl With Gypsy Soul

A woman with a gypsy soul is truly magical. She is someone who always does everything with her heart and soul. She is someone who will always choose happiness, peace of mind, and contentment over everything else.

โ€œI like stormy nights and full moons. I like wolves and wild water. I like to wander and I like adventures. I like unpredictable kisses and conversations full of unexpected truth. I like things that have the soul. They make me feel free.โ€ โ€“ Brooke Hampton

I am a woman with a Gypsy soul.
I am a wanderer โ€“ I cannot be owned.
Freedom is my drug
And discovery is my sin.
The unknown calls my name
And I follow the winds.
I commune with the stars
My path is lit with purpose and passion.
I am not lost
Love guides my direction.
A woman with a gypsy soul is unlike any other you will ever meet.

Here Are 11 Unusual Things That Define A Girl With A Gypsy Soul

1. She dances to the rhythm of her own heartbeat.

A gypsy woman follows the guidance of her own heart. She cares a hoot about rules or conventions. She knows what she wants and she does what feels right to her. The rules donโ€™t apply; she will always question and refuse to conform to the norm. She follows her own intuition and she wonโ€™t be held down by anything.

2. Freedom is her pudding.

A gypsy soul is bohemian at heart. She answers every call of the unknown winds. She is curious as a child and routine is not her thing. Freedom is her pudding and travel is her first love. She canโ€™t be tamed. She will leave anything or anyone that constrains her freedom.

Related: When You Are Fiercely Independent But Also Ridiculously Emotional

3. She is fiercely independent.

A gypsy soul might look like a loner to you. But she just enjoys her solitude. She is fiercely independent and doesnโ€™t depend on anyone for her happiness or fulfillment. She is self-sufficient and chases her wildest dreams.

4. She is unpredictable.

A gypsy soul is a paradox. She is multi-faceted. Because of her love for life, she has varied interests. She likes staying at home alone reading a book as much as she likes attending concerts. She is playful as a child and wise as ancient seers.

5. She is constantly looking to expand her horizons.

A gypsy soul is always looking for something new and exciting. Be it a new place, a new book, a new hobby, or a new skill. She gets bored with routine. Her zest for life is insatiable and she is constantly looking to expand her horizons.

6. She is all heart.

A gypsy soul is guided by her emotions. Whatever she does brims with passion, whether it is her work or her relationships, she puts her soul into everything.

7. She loves unconditionally.

A gypsy soulโ€™s love is unlike any other. She loves hard and she loves unconditionally. She provides a zero judgment kind of love and space where you can be completely yourself. She will push you to expand your horizons and become the highest possible version of yourself.

8. She will always spill the truth.

A gypsy woman is honest and fearless. She will always speak her mind. She is aware of who she is and is crystal clear about her values and opinions. She will not impose her viewpoints on others as she is very open-minded but she will always fight for what is right.

Related: This Is How You Date A Woman Who Likes Being On Her Own

9. She lives life to the fullest.

A gypsy soul is in love with the entire cosmos. She cherishes the little moments and knows how to live life to the fullest. She is an Omni orgasmic. The sunrays kiss her cheeks on her early morning jogs. She smells the roses and hugs the trees. The stars call out her name as she dances bare feet. A gypsy soul knows that life is a gift and she makes every breath count.

10. She is an old soul and a deep thinker.

A gypsy woman is an old soul. She is wise beyond her age like she has lived many lifetimes before. Her soul longs to be somewhere else. She asks deep questions and tries to find the meaning of life. She does not like superficial things. She will ask you about your hopes and childhood dreams. She will ask you what is your highest purpose in life. She will inspire the dreams you said you no longer have.

11. She believes in magic.

A gypsy soul is an optimist. She has discovered her connection with the cosmos and believes in magic. She knows that there are no limits on what she can achieve and she follows her heart passionately. She creates a life that leaves her heart beating wildly and keeps her eyes sparkling.

โ€œA gypsy soul isnโ€™t lost and looking. A gypsy soul is one who loves movement and finding the pulse in nature and flight as a metaphor. One who thinks everything is music. One who knows and holds an inward and therefore outwardly contagious kind of freedom.โ€ -Victoria Erickson

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    Eloisa Pens


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