10 Signs You Are Dating An Emotional Psychopath


signs you are dating emotional psychopath

Having bad dating experiences is something that everyone goes through at some point in their lives, but dating an emotional psychopath, and experiencing their mental and emotional abuse day in and day out is an entirely different story altogether. Being in a relationship with a person like that can not just make you lose yourself, it can entirely deplete your sense of self-confidence, and self-worth.

โ€œThe toxic behaviors were there before you decided to enter into relationships with them. The signs were there. You may have chosen to look the other way, but the signs were there.โ€ โ€• P.A. Speers, Type 1 Sociopath – When Difficult People Are More Than Just Difficult People.

Psychopaths donโ€™t come with stamps or visible physical appearances which can distinguish them from others. Rather they are too clever to hide their real nature behind the garb of being a โ€˜nice guyโ€™ so that it would be difficult to recognize them.

If youโ€™re dating an emotional psychopath and you don’t realize it, chances are you will be left heartbroken in the end or it will be too late until you understand what is going on, and how he is playing you, which will leave you devastated.

Here Are 10 Signs You Are Dating An Emotional Psychopath

1. They have zero empathy.

When you are dating an emotional psychopath, you will notice that they don’t express any kind of emotions most of the time, and seem like robots. Showing emotion does not mean someone needs to be oversensitive or overemotional all the time, but a semblance of emotions at times can be expected from the person you love.

Emotional psychopaths don’t understand what emotions are, and no matter what you are going through, and how much pain you are in, they will not show even the tiniest amount of compassion and support towards you. If your partner lacks empathy, then it’s better to end the relationship.

Related: How Life Changes After Being Broken By An Emotional Psychopath

2. They are never wrong.

Playing the blame game is an emotional psychopath’s most favorite hobby. Whenever something goes wrong, some way or the other, you will be responsible for it. Do you know what the worst part is? Many times they realize very well that it is their fault, but they would never admit it, and would rather someone else take the fall for their mistakes.

If he blames everything on you and makes you believe that yes, somehow you were involved, and you are to be blamed, then you really need to take a call. They would induce you to think that you are guilty of it without taking any kind of accountability for their actions.

3. They are always looking for your sympathy.

How many times have you heard your partner telling you about their exes cheating on them, stalking them, and still disturbing them? Did they tell you anything good about them? Or is it that it’s always your partner who is the victim and their exes are the devil incarnate? No matter who they have been in a relationship with in the past, every one of them has been bad.

Wait. Reality check. If they werenโ€™t good, then why did your partner date them? Make them your ex before they make you theirs, firstly because if they are saying these horrible things about others, they can do the same to you too, and youโ€™re next on their list.

4. They are always lying.

Do you always have a niggling feeling that your partner is not being honest with you? Or that they are hiding things from you? If you constantly feel out of the loop, then chances are you are being lied to again and again. Emotional psychopaths are pathological liars, who never tell you the truth; they will constantly manipulate you into falling for their countless lies.

They will have lies at the tip of their tongues. They will say white lies. They will say major lies. No matter what you do, you can never expect honesty and truth from them.

Related: 4 Ways Psychopaths Uses Pathological Lying To Manipulate You

5. They manipulate everything.

If your partner insults you constantly and then comes up to you a few minutes later and says, โ€˜I didnโ€™t mean it when I said that!โ€™, then it’s probably the best idea to pack your bags and leave the relationship for good. If this happens often, then you need to understand that your partner is manipulating you.

They are tweaking your words to show that they are getting hurt by them and if the relationship fails, then itโ€™s your responsibility. Donโ€™t fall into the trap. Manipulative is their middle name, and they will keep on doing it unless they have completely destroyed you emotionally, and mentally.

6. They gaslight you.

Gaslighting is one of the important techniques of emotional psychopaths, that can cause a lot of psychological damage to you. By gaslighting you, an emotional psychopath makes you question your memory and your own perception of the world. And most importantly, their gaslighting makes you question your own self.

In this way, when you feel he is ignoring you or is cheating on you, you will think you are just not being logical and in the end, when he leaves you, you will feel itโ€™s your fault that you couldnโ€™t sustain the relationship. Leave before his gaslighting takes away all your self-confidence and self-worth.

7. They will cut you off from your family and friends.

An emotional psychopath is always looking for attention, and craves it, especially from you to satisfy their ego. Which is why they will try their level best to isolate you from your family, and friends. This way they can have you all to themselves, without having to ‘share’ you with anybody else. They want every drop of your attention on them.

Dating an emotional psychopath means they will try to stop you from leaving your house to meet your family and friends by manipulating you in the name of romance. If you have plans to meet your friends for dinner, they will suddenly whip up a candlelight dinner for the two of you. It might seem romantic and thoughtful on the surface, but their intentions are nothing short of sinister.

Related: 9 Ways to Identify A Sociopath, Psychopath, or Narcissist in your life

8. They will embarrass you in public.

They will never stop cracking jokes at you in public. Teasing is perfectly okay but these jokes are something you are not comfortable with, and you always have a feeling that they are insulting you and ridiculing you in the name of humor. It might seem funny on the surface, but deep inside only you know what they are doing.

They might discuss things you donโ€™t want others to know or things you feel embarrassed about. This doesnโ€™t mean they are genuinely joking around or romancing you in any way; it shows they have no respect for you or your privacy. Itโ€™s their twisted and disgusting way of humiliating you in public.

9. They have a lack of remorse.

Despite all the horrible and disturbing things they do, you will never see a hint of remorse in them; emotional psychopaths are just not built that way. Even when they know very well how they are hurting others, they will never apologize, rather they will somehow pin the blame on you. As long as you are dating an emotional psychopath, don’t expect to hear the words “I’m sorry.”

Their lack of remorse makes it impossible after a point to stay strong, and you will see yourself crumbling under all the emotional stress and manipulation they subject you to.

10. They break you completely.

They wreak havoc in your mind, and with every passing day you will find yourself extremely dependent on them, yet they are never there. You will see that you have lost your self-worth and self-confidence in the process and you feel like a shell of the person you once were. An emotional psychopath sucks you dry and then throws you out like garbage.

You donโ€™t have anyone beside you. You want to be loved back; you want their love but they are not there for you. They blame everything on you. You need to understand itโ€™s not your fault and you donโ€™t deserve all this. Stop believing that there is something wrong with you, and then only will you able to stop them from pulling you down.

Related: Why It Takes So Long To Get Over A Psychopath

You are a beautiful soul and you deserve a better partner. You do not deserve to get hurt every second of every day of your life, just because you chose to love someone. Emotional psychopaths are beyond help. If you find most or all of these attributes in your partner, then you are definitely dating an emotional psychopath, and in that case, you should run and never look back.

10 Signs You Are Dating An Emotional Psychopath
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