Why Empaths Should Avoid Negative People: 9 Important Reasons


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Empaths always want to live a life of peace and harmony. However, toxic and negative people can wreak havoc on their mental and emotional well-being. And that is why empaths should avoid negative people. Being an empath, you need to let go and release such people from your life and protect yourself from unnecessary emotional pain.

There is no denying it, โ€˜people stressโ€™ exists. Every one of us has experienced it. And I have no doubt we will have caused people to stress to others at some point.

But there are some who seem to enjoy living under a dark cloud and make an occupation out of unpleasantness; they talk malevolently of people, places, and pastimes and suck the joy out of lifeโ€ฆ These are the negative people of the world

Science has acknowledged that just spending too much time around those who are constantly disapproving or miserable, has an undesirable influence on oneโ€™s health and happiness.

There are many studies showing how prolonged โ€˜people stressโ€™ alters gene expression within the immune systemโ€ฆ Meaning: we become sick just by hanging out with angry, gloomy, or demoralizing people.

Some doctors now even recommend their patients avoid spending time with those who cause them emotional stress; for the fact they could exacerbate health conditions.

Here Are The Reasons Why Empaths Should Avoid Negative People

It may seem unkind to suggest avoiding negative people, but here are 9 reasons why empaths should avoid negative people.

1. Low Moods are Triggered by Emotional Contagion:

Emotional contagion is the phenomenon of having one personโ€™s emotions and linked behaviors trigger similar emotions in others. Meaning: Negativity is contagious. You can experience other peopleโ€™s low moods just by spending time with them.

2. You Become a Magnet for Negativity:

Ever wondered why after spending time around negative people you draw more negative situations towards you? Like attracts like.

When you unintentionally harvest other peopleโ€™s negativity, through emotional contagion, it often becomes your own. Through the law of attraction, you then attract more. Negativity breeds negativity!

3.ย You Experience an Energy Drain:

empaths should avoid negative people

You may have noticed that when you spend time around negative people you feel cloudy, flat, and lethargic. Many negative people are also energy vampires. Their negativity sucks the energy from you, even after a short time spent in their presence. This drain can leave you feeling low, uninspired, and weary.

Read: The Empath, The Narcissist And The Brutal Reality Of Their Toxic Relationship

4. Negative People Contribute to Inflammation:

Stress causes inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation has been linked to autoimmune disorders, depression, heart disease, and even cancer. By keeping negative people in your life, who cause you stress, you are causing your body more damage than you know.

5. The Adrenal Glands Weaken:

Although every organ is affected by peopleโ€™s stress, the adrenals are one of the first to be impacted. The adrenals are part of the endocrine system and are responsible for releasing the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline.

When the adrenals are functioning properly, cortisol is anti-inflammatory, otherwise, it has the opposite effect. By spending time around negative people it causes excessive stress which activates the fight-or-flight system.

This system is supposed to keep you safe from harm, giving you the energy to run away or stay and do battleโ€ฆ but there is no danger just peopleโ€™s stress. This happening repeatedly not only weakens the adrenals but inhibits the proper release of cortisol and impairs health.

6. Weight Gain:

If you are Sensitive and spend a lot of time around stress-inducing people, your adrenals become impaired, which, as mentioned above, plays havoc with cortisol production and can lead to weight gain. As well as being known as the stress hormone, cortisol is also called the fat-storing hormone.

The weight gain, caused by excess cortisol production, is often seen around the stomach โ€“ and a reason many Empaths have a squidgy, pot belly. This fat is difficult to eliminate because it is not caused by eating too much food, so reducing food intake has little effect.

7. Imbalanced or Blocked Chakras

Chakras are also known as energy centers. The chakras are directly linked to your endocrine glands (glands that release hormones into the body), and peopleโ€™s stress is known to impair the endocrine glands.

When any endocrine gland weakens (adrenals for example), it has a knock-on effect and leads to unbalanced chakras. Blocked or unbalanced chakras cause many health problems and can also lead to leaky aura syndrome (a problem many Empaths struggle with).

8. Weakened Energy Field:

empath know youre lying

Also known as the aura or pranic sheath, your energy field emanates around you like a luminous egg-shaped sheath. The energy field has been defined as a haze or โ€˜metamolecular spaceโ€™ that surrounds every living thing.

A healthy energy field keeps good energy in and bad energy out. A weak energy field, however, is porous and leaky, also known as leaky aura syndrome, and allows in too much energy from others.

If you become overly stressed or anxious when around negative people, you are more at risk of developing a permeable aura. This can cause many unnecessary difficulties in life.

A weakened aura is a piece of bad news on many levels for the Empath (see this post to learn more) and staying away from negative people will help keep your energy field healthy.

Read: 5 Ways Empaths Can Protect Themselves from Toxic Energy

9. Unhappiness and Depression:

It is difficult to stay upbeat when around anyone who drags you down emotionally. Sensitive people are prone to low moods and depression, and for this โ€“ and all the above reasons โ€“ the best way to stay happy is by avoiding nasty or unpleasant people.

If you experience guilt at the prospect of avoiding certain negative people, remind yourself you are looking after your health and wellbeingโ€ฆYou deserve to be happy and healthy!


We know empaths should avoid negative people, but complete avoidance of negative people is near impossible, I have included 3 quick recovery remedies that aid relaxation and help switch on the parasympathetic nervous system (the system responsible for bringing calm and balance to the body).

1. Take a Salted, Magnesium, Essential Oil Bath:

This is an incredible combination for instilling calm and overall balance. Salt clears negative energy, it also heals and softens the skin.

Magnesium helps one relax, boosts energy, supports the endocrine system, and aids sleep (quality sleep is essential for repairs). Choosing an essential oil, such as lavender, further supports deep relaxation.

2. Still the Mind and Calm the Breath:

When stressed or anxious the breathing becomes erratic and thoughts go into overdrive, this only serves in heightening stress and weakens the body.

To quieten the mind, sit comfortably in a darkened room, with incense or your favorite essential oil burning, and practice alternate nostril breathing. This breathing technique brings instant serenity and quietens a chaotic mind.

3. Get Outdoors:

An effortless way to restore balance is by simply stepping out in nature (read more here), or by using a technique called Earthing (read more here).

Hope this helps on your journey.

Until next time
ยฉDiane Kathrine

Written By Diane Kathrine
Originally Appeared In EMPATHS EMPOWERED
Reasons Empaths Should Avoid Negative People
Empaths Avoid Negative People
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