If you have a notion that strong women have attitude, then you have hit a right post! Read on to know everything about strong women standards and it will surely change the way you think.
Boy bye.
When we were kids, “getting an attitude” usually meant we were refusing to eat our broccoli
We quickly learned that having an attitude was a bad thing and worth a scolding because it meant we were acting like snobby little brats who thought they were above eating veggies.
As we’ve gotten older, I think we’ve lost sight of that definition in a way that makes it difficult for strong women to find love.
Having an attitude means you’re putting out negative energy
Because you think you’re above the person/situation.
It’s rude, childish and you will keep you from falling in love.
People (a.k.a. those who are intimidated by women with confidence) want to say that women who have standards (and keep up with those standards) have attitudes.
Related: These Behaviors Are The Ones That A Strong Woman Should Not, Will Not, Put Up With
If a guy you’re not interested in asks you on a date, and you decline, you do not have an attitude.
If you don’t take on a project at work because it doesn’t line up with your moral values, you do not have an attitude.
If you stop hanging out with a friend because she’s been toxic to your life, you do not have an attitude.

Having standards does not mean having an attitude. Being a strong, confident woman means you know what you want kind of love you want in your life, and you don’t make room for anything that isn’t.
Related: There Is Only One Type Of Woman Who Is Worth Chasing In This Life
You’re not judgmental or worried about what anyone else wants or does
Because you know everyone has a right to control their own lives. You’re not worried about other people, or what they think.
And if we’re being honest here, that’s the best kind of woman to fall in love with.
Related: 15 Traits of A Strong Woman
So if someone tries to make you feel bad for knowing what you want, don’t entertain it. If they think you have an attitude, that’s their problem, not yours.
(Unless you’re actually being rude for no reason, then it’s time to reevaluate.)
Strong women don’t compare themselves to others, and they don’t see life as a hierarchy.
They know they can’t — and have no business — trying to control anyone else, so they just stay focused on their own goals.
That’s something to praise, not ridicule.
What do you think? Let us know in comments.
Written By: Emily Blackwood
Originally appeared on Yourtango.com

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