Afterlife BREAKTHROUGH: Soul DOES Live On After Death, Claims Science


Afterlife breakthrough Soul Live After Death

What happens to the soul when we die? Is our soul immortal? Is there any possibility of an afterlife? What if the soul doesn’t die and the reincarnation theory is all false?

The debate about soul and life after death is never-ending, with different religion coming up with different ideas. Some great minds have come forward to reveal the truth. 

A scientist claimed after tests that soul is immortal and it does not die alongside the body. After people die, the soul goes back to the universe. “soul” doesn’t die!

Quantum Theory of Consciousness 

Dr Stuart Hameroff, an American Physicist and Emeritus in the Department of Anesthesiology and Psychology, and Sir Roger Penrose, a mathematical physicist at Oxford University, have worked in a Quantum Theory of Consciousness for more than 20 years.

As per their theory, the human soul is maintained in the in microtubules, which are structures inside the brain cells. 

The two researchers found that the human brain works like a  biological computer and human consciousness is a program run by the quantum computer that is located inside the brain that even continues to exist after we die.

According to these experts, what we perceive as ‘consciousness’ is the outcome of quantum gravity effects inside the micro-tubules and the process is Orchestrated Objective Reduction – (Orch-OR)”.

As per the two researchers, after the clinical death of an individual, the microtubules in the brain lose their quantum state but retain the information contained within them. The information is maintained in the form of soul. So, the soul is retained after we die and it returns back to the universe. In short, the soul never dies. 

A lot of you must have watched, “Through the Wormhole” –  an American science documentary television series narrated and hosted by American actor Morgan Freeman. It began airing on Science Channel in the United States in 2010 and the show ended in 2017. 

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In one of the episodes, Dr. Hameroff explained that even if heartbeat and blood flow stops or microtubules have lost their quantum state, the quantum information within the microtubules remains intact. This information is not destroyed and cannot be destroyed. He added that the quantum information just distributes and dissipates to the universe.

He further said,

If the patient is resuscitated, revived, this quantum information can go back into the microtubules and the patient says ‘I had a near-death experience.’ If they’re not revived, and the patient dies, it’s possible that this quantum information can exist outside the body, perhaps indefinitely, as a soul.”

Based on what he said and the study conducted by the two researchers, human souls are more than just  – ‘interactions’ and ‘firings’ of neurons in our brain. A soul could have been existent ever since the beginning of time.

Now, these findings align with what UK scientist Dr Sam Parnia believes –  ‘human consciousness does live on after we die’. Dr Parnia is the director of the Human Consciousness Project at the University of Southampton,

During Morgan Freeman’s show “The story of God”, he revealed that he studied more than 100 cases of cardiac arrest survivors. He interacted with patients who technically died and came back to life and a large percentage had shared bizarre experiences.

While some described a sensation of actually meeting deceased relatives or people they don’t really know, some shared experiences that were profound, deep and in some ways mystical.

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Dr Sam Parnia said that these first-hand accounts of what it is like to go through death can be supported by science. He explained that when a person is dying and turned into a cadaver, it is only at that point the cells inside the body start to die but the process may take a few hours. So, there is a small window of time to bring a person back to life. 

And these experiences motivated Dr Parnia to test the soul consciousness theory and he concluded – 

“The evidence we have is that when a person dies, that part that makes us who we are – the soul or mind, or whatever you call it – it does not become annihilated.”

Scientists Found That The Soul Doesn’t Die – It Goes Back To The Universe
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  1. John Slover Avatar
    John Slover

    Science has found nothing of the sort. The best evidence suggests that who we are is inextricably linked to brain function. When someone suffers a brain injury, it can lower their IQ, inhibit their ability to perform basic tasks, and often permanently alters their personality. Who you are changes depending on how your brain changes.

    I work with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. I’ve watched people develop dementia over time, and have seen their personalities shift in severe fashion as their brain function declined.

    There’s no evidence of a soul. There’s a huge amount of evidence that who we are is generated by our brains, and that it continues, changes, or goes away dependent on brain function, or lack thereof.

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