What Does It Mean To Be Autosexual? 6 Signs You Are Sexually Attracted To Yourself



In a world that is constantly growing and changing, especially when it comes to sexual orientation and identity, itโ€™s important to come to terms with all the different ways humans can be human. Some people see themselves in the mirror and feel deep love and attraction. Well, that might be a sign of autosexuality. But what does it mean to be autosexual?

They donโ€™t need someone to tell them they are attractive, but those people exist, and something like that has a name โ€” autosexuality. Rather than caring about others, this orientation looks directly at oneโ€™s own pleasure sexually.

In this article we will explore what does it mean to be autosexual, learn about the signs of autosexuality, and even go as far as telling you some signs you might be autosexual.

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What Does It Mean To Be Autosexual?

Being autosexual means being more attracted to yourself and preferring having sex with yourself over sex with others. People who are autosexual tend to have fantasies about themselves, they dream about themselves, and their pleasuring themselves holds more importance over pleasuring others.

Sexuality is a spectrum and autosexuality falls more on the self-desire/self-pleasure side โ€” meaning that an autosexual person derives a lot of satisfaction and pleasure from satisfying themselves sexually.

Now that we know what does it mean to be autosexual, letโ€™s talk about the signs of autosexuality, or the signs you might be autosexual.

What does it mean to be autosexual

6 Signs You Might Be Autosexual

1. You feel turned on by looking at your own body.

How to tell if you are autosexual?

Picture this: youโ€™re staring at a mirror right now as you read this, but itโ€™s not just a regular glance at yourself. Instead, you become fascinated in what you see, how youโ€™ve grown since the last time you looked in this mirror, every little curve on your body becomes something so interesting and pleasurable for you.

As time goes on, you start to notice something quite remarkable: the joy and satisfaction you experience from admiring your own body far surpasses any thrill you might get from checking out other people, no matter how attractive they may be.

Itโ€™s almost like your own reflection holds a mysterious power that keeps drawing you in, leaving you yearning for more.

2. You have erotic fantasies about yourself.

One of the major signs of autosexuality is this right here.

Your dreams have a way of revealing your deepest emotions and desires. So, when you dream, and especially when you have sexual fantasies about yourself, itโ€™s a huge giveaway of your autosexuality.

Occasionally, you might dream of other people or even have fantasies about them, but ultimately, in your conscious or unconscious mind, itโ€™s your own self that evokes the strongest sense of desire and attraction.

The thing is, your subconscious mind is clearly sending you a message through your dreams, about how strong your attraction is towards yourself, and how much you love yourself.

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3. You enjoy spending time alone.

What does it mean to be autosexual? Or how to tell if you are autosexual? One of the subtle signs of autosexuality is that you love spending time by yourself. Be it going on solo trips, or shopping by yourself, or simply spending some alone time at home, you love your own company.

Moreover, sleeping alone on your bed and not having to share it with anyone else is one of the most peaceful experiences for you, and itโ€™s something that you wish would never change.

While you do enjoy socializing with others and attending parties sometimes, you prefer being alone rather than being surrounded by other people. For you, itโ€™s all about enjoying your company, and finding happiness and contentment in those private moments.

What does it mean to be autosexual

4. You are secretly afraid of being judged, mocked or ridiculed.

One of the things that weighs on your mind often is the fear of being judged by others for being โ€œdifferentโ€.

You know that sexuality is deeply personal and intimate, but you canโ€™t help but notice how open people are about their preferences and desires all the time.

However, there seems to be a certain barrier between you and expressing your autosexuality openly. This fear of judgment can sometimes make you feel isolated and uncomfortable and prevent you from sharing your true feelings with others.

5. You love yourself more than you love others.

While autosexuality doesnโ€™t rule out engaging with other sexual partners entirely, there is an excitement and beauty when it comes to self-connection and self-pleasure. You find that being alone, in intimate company with your own body, and finding beauty in yourself brings you more fulfilment and a deeper sense of attachment.

This level of preference has been a part of you for as long as you can remember and has only gotten stronger the older youโ€™ve become. Your interest to explore and uncover every inch of who you are gives you unparalleled joy and happiness.

6. You find people who look like you to be very attractive.

You tend to feel attracted to people who look a lot like you, and this is one of the biggest signs you might be autosexual. However, donโ€™t think this is weird. Everyoneโ€™s sexuality is different, and just because what you find attractive doesnโ€™t make sense to others, that doesnโ€™t mean thereโ€™s something wrong with you.

Falling in love or feeling attracted to someone who looks quite similar to you is common amongst autosexual folks.

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Autosexuality is unlike any other sexual orientation as it exclusively celebrates self-love, self-attraction, and self-fulfilment. As an autosexual, you rank your own pleasure above all else and prefer to explore yourself in order to strengthen your emotional bond with yourself.

By understanding what does it mean to be autosexual, and the signs of autosexuality you can have a better sense of who you are as a person. This will also help you love and accept yourself the way you are.

Do you relate to any of these signs you might be autosexual? Do let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

signs of autosexuality

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