16 Uncomfortable Signs Your Life Is About To Get Better

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16 Uncomfortable Signs Your Life Is About To Get Better

Sometimes the best way to win at life, and live it to the fullest is by being uncomfortable, and embracing those uncomfortable feelings. Yes, life is not a bed rose, but the hard parts of it can at times help you become the very best version of yourself; the uncomfortable feelings will help you grow.

“True success is achieved by stretching oneself, learning to feel comfortable with being uncomfortable.” – Ken Poirot

Feeling pain & discomfort is a part of life. Irrespective of how much we want to avoid them, these uncomfortable feelings sit comfortably inside us. Whether it’s embarrassment, hopelessness, guilt, sorrow, regret, anxiety, anger, fear, or any other painful emotion, dealing with uncomfortable feelings is crucial. Running away from what you feel will simply hold you back and prevent you from experiencing life as it is.

Get Comfortable With Discomfort

Dealing with discomfort is art. But the problem is that most of us have not been taught to deal with such emotions effectively. Hence, we have mastered the art of avoiding uncomfortable and painful feelings without realizing that these emotions can actually help us live a better life.

We have figured out some unhealthy methods for managing and avoiding uncomfortable emotions through various toxic means like sex, drugs & alcohol that offer some temporary respite at the expense of our well-being.

However, dealing with uncomfortable feelings is easy to learn. In fact, once you know how to deal with your emotions you will be able to improve yourself and create a better life for yourself. If you want to be healthy, successful, and happy, you better start facing your emotions instead of avoiding them.

Face What You Are Afraid Of

It’s going to be hard, but it’s definitely doable.

Here are 4 simple yet effective ways for you start dealing with uncomfortable feelings.

1. Observe your feelings.

2. Face your emotions.

3. Be your best friend.

4. Experience life as it is.

1. Observe your feelings.

The very first step to coping with difficult emotions is to observe what exactly you are feeling without judging them. Sit silently where you will not be disturbed or distracted and spend a few moments observing what feelings you experience. You may feel pain or discomfort or anxiety.

Realize what makes you feel uncomfortable without getting engaged or involved in your emotions. Also, make sure you do not judge yourself for feeling a certain way no matter how uncomfortable it gets.

2. Face your emotions.

Once you know what feelings you are experiencing, then you need to face them boldly. Running away from uncomfortable emotions will not get you anywhere irrespective of how fast and how long you run. We don’t want to feel discomfort or pain. That’s our natural instinct. You surely don’t want to put your hand on a hot stove knowing full well that you will get burnt. But when it comes to emotions, the same rules don’t apply.

Emotions are like wounds, the more you avoid them the more infected they become. Instead, you need to care for them and heal them. Giving the right attention to your uncomfortable feelings will help you cope with them and even help you heal emotional scars with time.

Related: 6 Ways People Avoid Their True Feelings Which Does More Harm Than Not

3. Be your best friend.

The problem with dealing with uncomfortable feelings is that we can’t really express what we are going through to even our loved ones. It’s a very internal thing most of the time. This is why you need to be your own best friend.

Face the pain you are experiencing and be kind and supportive of yourself. Give yourself the advice you would to your best friend if they were facing the same thing. Give yourself the time necessary and do not rush through the process. Let it happen naturally.

4. Experience life as it is.

Once you start dealing with uncomfortable feelings, you will start finding happiness through both good and bad experiences in life. Instead of focusing on a destination that you want to reach, try to find happiness in the process. Find beauty in what you are going through right now and realize how this process will transform you into a better and stronger person. Only by opening yourself to what life has to offer, you will be able to live life to the fullest and enjoy it.

Once you have the strength to face life as it, you will find beauty in your daily experiences. You will see how everything that happens can make your life better. How coping with painful and uncomfortable emotions can actually help you live a better life.

uncomfortable feelings

Here Are 16 Uncomfortable Signs Your Life Is About To Get Better

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Now that you know how to face your emotions, here are 16 uncomfortable feelings that you must stop avoiding to build a better life for yourself.

#1 Being alone with yourself.

There is a subtle difference between loneliness and solitude. When you find peace and comfort in being away from society and in the company of your own self, solitude can be the most liberating experience. You can truly be yourself without playing any roles for anyone else. Being self-aware, you can rediscover and explore who you really are.

#2 Admitting your mistakes.

To err is human, to forgive divine.

We all make mistakes. We all screw up at times. We can’t be right all the time. We can’t be perfect all the time. We are not supposed to. That’s how we learn. Knowing when you are wrong and admitting your mistakes can be hard, but it allows us to see our faults and enables us to better ourselves. You are allowed to make mistakes as long as you don’t make the same ones repeatedly.

#3 Not knowing what you want.

It’s okay not to have a long term plan. It’s okay not to know exactly where you will be a few years down the line. The entire concept of planning out your future is simply an illusion. It may offer you some comfort to think about where you will be, but it’s NOT the truth. None of us can fully guarantee that life will happen exactly the way we planned it. So it’s better to take one day at a time without getting attached to a destination.

#4 Not doing anything.

Sometimes doing nothing can mean doing a lot. In this modern world, we are programmed to multitask, which may be helpful at times. However, when you do absolutely nothing, you will find out how truly gratifying life can be. Put down your smartphone, drink some coffee, sit on your couch, relax, and just breathe in some fresh air.

#5 Getting stressed without any reason.

We all get anxious and worried for no apparent reason most of the time. These feelings often stem from our inability to understand a particular situation or our inability to cope with the uncertainty of a circumstance.

However, allowing yourself to feel anxious and tensed for the time being can actually allow these feelings to pass, despite how uncomfortable you might feel. Your therapist might disagree on this one, but distracting yourself from your true feelings doesn’t work all the time.

#6 Accepting criticism.

Getting criticized by others hurts and it can even make us defensive. But it is important to take criticism without defending yourself or avoiding it. Critical feedback can help you focus on the weaknesses that you never thought existed. However, it can be easier said than done.

So whenever you are being criticized, be conscious of how you accept and react to the feedback and what you wish to do about it. Understand the criticism with an open mind and think if it can actually add any value to your life.

Related: Why Leaning Into Your Uncomfortable Emotions Actually Makes You Happier

#7 Judging ourselves like how we judge others.

The way we judge people is often a projection of how we judge ourselves. These judgments are a result of our experiences and wounds. However, the way you judge someone reveals what hurts you the most and what you are unable to heal. What you believe others should heal in themselves is often the thing that you need to heal in yourself. This is perhaps one of the hardest aspects of dealing with uncomfortable feelings.

#8 Accepting the coexistence of multiple truths.

Different variations of truths exist in the same reality. No, I am not talking about multiple realities here. But the fact is what you believe to be the truth and what someone else may believe to be true, even though it may contradict your belief of the truth, may both coexist and be true at the same time.

This is one of life’s greatest paradoxes. Accepting the existence of conflicting ideas and realizing both can be true will enable you to open yourself to different perspectives.

#9 Respecting your judgments.

We all cope with different situations in our own way. Sometimes we are proud of them, sometimes we feel ashamed. But we all do what we feel was the best course of action at the time to survive. Granted our judgment might have been clouded at the time due to the weight of the situation, but we did survive. Didn’t we?

So instead of criticizing and punishing yourself for what you did to survive, acknowledge the fact that you went through the challenges of life and endured. Once you learn to honor your judgments, you can figure out how to make things better.

#10 Doubt means don’t.

If you are indecisive about something more than you should be, then you need to realize that in itself is a decision. You know that the answer is a hard NO if you need to think too much about making a decision. If something is meant to happen, it will happen naturally. You don’t need to rack your brains to make a simple decision.

#11 Allowing yourself to be angry.

We are often the most honest when we are angry. Although we might say the meanest of things, but these are things that have been bottled inside of us for too long, things we believe, things we feel, things we feel passionate about, things we want to change in our lives.

By allowing yourself to feel anger, you will enable your deepest thoughts and emotions to come out in a more constructive way. Anger becomes destructive only when we suppress it for a long period of time.

uncomfortable feelings

#12 It’s okay to feel ashamed.

When feel we have done something we are not supposed to, something that goes out of character, we often feel shame. Feeling ashamed can help us get on the proper track and right our wrongs. As long as you don’t engage in self-punishment too much, shame can help us become a better person and create the life we actually want.

#13 Doubting ourselves.

There are days we all feel unsure about ourselves and who we truly are. This feeling can intensify when we face challenges and hardships as we tend to doubt ourselves and our abilities more. Although it may seem like you are lacking confidence and your self-esteem is taking a hit, in reality, you are simply becoming a more mature person.

It is only by facing challenges, we undergo necessary self-improvement and grow as an individual. The person you were till now is changing before your eyes and evolving into someone who is complete and better able to deal with life. This can be a very uncomfortable feeling for all of us, but a necessary one.

#14 Enjoy the process, don’t rush to the finish line.

If you have to love someone, love them for who they are. Don’t love them because you want to be in a relationship with them. Then you will experience true unconditional love. There are many things in life that you can do just for the sake of enjoying them, for enjoying the process, and not for reaching the destination. Gain mastery over the process. Then you will reach the destination sooner than you think.

Related: 16 Uncomfortable Feelings That Indicate You Are on the Right Track

#15 Realizing only you are responsible for your happiness.

We often tend to rely on our family and our life partners for our happiness. Most of us have this innate belief that they are responsible to make us happy and to take care of us just like we are taking care of them and making them happy. But the truth is we are all responsible for our own happiness. In a relationship, we come together to share our happiness, not to make each other happy. That’s not how a relationship works.

Only you and you alone are responsible for your life and how you feel about it. This can be very emotionally daunting as it puts the pressure directly on us. But this can also be extremely liberating as we realize we have complete control over how we feel without the need for relying on someone else to make us feel better.

#16 Breathe and live.

Breath is life. We feel, experience, and live through our breaths. It is only when you take easy and deep breaths you will be able to know what you truly feel inside without being distracted. There is a reason why meditation has become a worldwide phenomenon today. It allows you to connect with your true self.

When we breathe fully and deeply, we can experience our deepest thoughts and uncomfortable feelings. This allows us to clear the basement and face whatever life throws at us as a stronger and more mature person.

Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Be comfortable with being uncomfortable. The best things in life are often lined up for you right outside your comfort zone. So take a step outside and face the feelings you usually avoid. Decide that you want to feel uncomfortable. Choose to feel discomfort and take certain risks. Facing your emotions and dealing with uncomfortable feelings will make you a better person and make your life a lot better. Some risks are worth taking.

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