You’re dating an amazing new man. Trouble is this amazing new man already has a woman at home. That’s right; you’re dating a married man. Every couple of days I get an email from another woman telling me they’re dating a married man, or a man who has a long-term girlfriend, but it’s OK because, “He’s going to leave her.”
Here is your official David Wygant slap in the face…
The cold hard reality to all this, is this man will NEVER be yours completely.
If you’re having sex with a married man, or sleeping with a guy that has a girlfriend, sure he has feelings for you during the sex. Yes, he has feelings for you in the heat of the moment, but if he hasn’t left his wife, children, and home, he isn’t going to.
It doesn’t matter what he promises. I don’t care how many trips he takes you on, or rings that he buys you. It’s all talk. So many women fall for the fairytale idea that somehow he’s going to leave his family behind, and ride off into the sunset with you. He has a wife, he has children, and he has commitments. All that’s happening is he’s not getting what he needs at home, so you’re giving it to him instead. He spends time with you, and then goes home to play Daddy. He loves his kids. His wife isn’t giving him what he needs. He has the best of both worlds, and he knows full well he’s playing you.
Read 10 Things No One Tells You About Cheating
It seems so obvious, yet every couple of days, there’s an email from a woman telling me how a married guy is playing them. It’s always the same promises, and these women are deep into this thing. Some emails have come from women who have been “involved” with these men for months, sometimes even years. He’s not going to leave his girlfriend. He’s not going to leave his wife.
Why Hasn’t He Left His Wife Yet?
It’s just a fact, and there’s nothing you can do about it. It doesn’t matter how good the sex he gets from you is either. Think about it this way. If he was going to leave, he’d have already left. If he was truly in love with you, he’d be planning his escape to you as we speak. You see all these words and feelings he describes to you are just as much fantasy to him as they are to you. He’s lost the romance and spark he had at the beginning of his marriage, and you’re giving it to him. His wife washes his smalls for him at home, and you get them dirty when he’s with you.
Read 33 Ways He’s Micro Cheating You (and totally getting away with it)
He has you exactly where he wants you. In a bed when HE feels like it. When a man is serious about a woman, he can’t stand being away from her. He wants to be with that woman all the time, and he won’t let anything stop him from being with her. If he’s giving you excuses why he’s not with you completely, they’re exactly that…excuses.
You’re a sex object. You’re his mistress. You’re his place of refuge when he’s bored. You’re nothing but a little plaything to him. I’m sorry if that sounds harsh, but someone needs to make you women see what’s really going on in this situation. I feel for you, and I want you to find an amazing man of your own, not for you to take another woman’s, or for a man to treat you like a piece of meat. You deserve so much more than that!
Read The PAINFUL Way Cheating Affects The Cheater Most and Haunts Them Forever
Written by David Wygant
Originally appeared on
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