13 Signs Your Guy Is A Keeper

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His words tell you a lot about who he is. Hold on tight cause this one’s your forever man! Words are something that does not let you down and his words are the signifier of how he sees you. Watch out for these 13 things that you man says, for that will make the signs your guy is a keeper, a real one.

You’ve dated for months or maybe longer. Your new man seems like a perfect match for you. But how can you know for sure? You don’t want to waste your time with the wrong guy, and lately, your radar has been off.

Perhaps he’s the quiet type. It appears that he cares for you based on his actions. Still, what he says matters and every word is like a breadcrumb leading to the big prize: you!

Related: Keepers: 15 Identifying Traits of Successful Long-Term Relationship Partners

Signs Your Guy Is A Keeper

Listen up! Here is how to know if he’s the one. If he says these 13 things, your man is a total keeper:

1. “You Are Beautiful —  Inside And Out.”

My boyfriend said this to me early on in our relationship and my heart melted. Let the other guys go solely for looks; your guy appreciates everything about you.

2. “I Love Your Smile.”

signs your guy is a keeper

This is the man who will want to spend his entire life trying to make you smile over and over again.

3. “Here’s My Take.”

And, he doesn’t expect you to fall in line. He knows you have your own fantastic mind and you are the one best equipped to know what’s right for you.

4. “What Do You Think?”

Your beau asks your opinion because it matters to him. You matter to him. This inquiry shows that he respects you. If he asks this question for the little things that come up, he will ask it for the bigger ones that will arise later on, too. He considers you his partner.

5. “I Support You.”

He is not you, and he is not going to always agree with your course of action. At the same time, if he can stand by you and your decisions, you’ve got one awesome guy.

6. “I’m Sorry.”

It takes a genuinely humble man to admit his mistakes. If it’s clear that he’s learned from the experience, snatch him up for good!

You want someone who isn’t going to cover up his flaws; someone comfortable in his skin, willing to grow, and become a better person.

7. “You Look Hot!”

Even though you need to know he loves you for your personality, compliments like these will keep your relationship exciting. Face it; you want to feel desired and gorgeous. Bonus points if he says this when you’re in your pajamas, looking disheveled!

8. “You’ve Got This!”

signs your guy is a keeper

Whether it’s a big presentation at work or a stressful conversation you’re anticipating with a family member, your man knows you are a confident and capable woman. He sees it and so should you. He’s your biggest cheerleader.

Your brilliant guy knows that both pushing and encouraging you will help you realize your hopes and dreams. And when you do, he’ll be right there celebrating with you.

Related: 13 Signs You Have Found “The One”

9. “I’ve Got This.”

When you’re sick in bed with a fever, or you’re up to your neck in deadlines, laundry, or child-rearing, he tells you not to worry about a thing.

An extraordinary man will prioritize your self-care over his. He’s not concerned about a shopping list the length of his arm or even mopping up your vomit.

He’s lessening your burdens and you are the luckiest girl around.

10. “You’re Hilarious.”

Your boyfriend prioritizes fun. Secondly, he thinks you bring it to him.

Laughter is a great stress reliever, also. Couples who laugh together, stay together. And who doesn’t want a lifetime of lightness and joy?

11. “I Trust You.”

Trust is a massive deal to guys. If your man can be vulnerable with you and confide his deepest desires and secrets, you’re set to build an unbreakable bond. What you’ll get with this guy is a heart connection.

12. “I Love You.”

It may go without saying that he should tell you this. Even so, declaring those three little words makes a difference to you.

He doesn’t have to say it every day. But he does have to say it when it counts — and with ease.

13. “I Know.”

With this statement, he is acknowledging your feelings. He gets you like no other, and he’s there for you with compassion you’ve never experienced before.

After saying “I know”, nothing else needs to be said. Instead, a touch, a squeeze of your hand, or a drying of a tear, speak volumes. This man will be there when you’ve suffered a major disappointment or loss, in your most emotional, painful hour.

If your guy routinely uses these expressions, congratulations! You’ve hit the jackpot with this man!  Stick with him, and you are destined to have a bright future together.

If not, don’t give up on your new boyfriend just yet. Listen to him a little closer before you show him the door. Give him a chance to reveal further that he is either worthy of being yours or better off with someone else.

​Lisa Petsinis is a certified coach and a certified Myers-Briggs® type indicator practitioner. Contact Lisa if you’d like to discover your type and learn how you can use it to enrich your life, starting today. You can also sign up for Lisa’s newsletter for even more advice.

To know more if he is really the one for you or about the signs your guy is a keeper or not, watch this video.

Written By Lisa Petsinis
Originally Appeared On Yourtango
Printed With Permission
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