80+ Introvert Memes That Will Speak Your Mind For You

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80 introvert memes that will speak your mind for you 1

Swiss psychologist Carl Jung popularized the terms “introverted” and “extroverted” describing two distinct personality types. Introverts have a rich inner world, they are internally stimulated and prefer to stay by themselves, which is exactly what these introvert memes are trying to say.

Extroverts, on the contrary, are actively involved in the external world and things outside themselves; they are socially active and more aware of what is going on around them.

Introverts are often misunderstood because they mostly stay in their own mind space. This might come off as being distant, indifferent and aloof to some people.

Introversion is a lot about being able to relate and feel connected to like-minded people – other introverts. These memes are some of the best and most hilarious introvert memes that will help you speak your mind and feel mentally connected to other introverts who share the same thought process.

Here Are 80+ Introvert Memes That Will Speak Your Mind For You

#1 Why should I?

introvert memes

#2 There’s no in-between.

introvert memes

#3 *Thinking of ways to escape*

introvert memes

#4 And what should I do about it?

introvert memes

#5 Watch me!

introvert memes

#6 Want to know another word for bliss? This!

introvert memes

#7 Emails are probably one of the greatest creations ever.

introvert memes

#8 Boundaries. Boundaries. And some more boundaries.

introvert memes

#9 Memes are life.

introvert memes

#10 Why? And again, WHY?!

Introvert Memes

#11 I wonder why I still haven’t met The One.

Introvert Memes

Related: 40+ Hilarious Animal Memes That Every Introvert Will Relate To

#12 How can you even think of calling an introvert? Sigh.

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#13 Does anyone actually?

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#14 Stay away from me!

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#15 Truer words have never been spoken.

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#16 Well, well, well. Could have and should have said that.

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#17 There’s really no other way.

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#18 Again, boundaries.

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#19 Can’t we just catch a break? Please?

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#20 Whew! Close call.

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#21 Being adventurous, are we?

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#22 Why are you still here?

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#23 Total and utter bliss.

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#24 Absolutely not!

introvert memes

#25 Terms and conditions apply.

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#26 Please don’t go there.

introvert memes

#27 Suffocation and then some more suffocation.

introvert memes

#28 When sleep is your best friend.

introvert memes

#29 Too peopley.

introvert memes

#30 Being a slow website is a better option, to be honest.

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#31 Food for thought.

introvert memes

#32 Coolness personified.

Introvert Memes

#33 When you see your squad.

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#34 Constant struggle.

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#35 Alarms are like the gateway to real life, aren’t they?

introvert memes

#36 It’s like talking to a wall.

introvert memes

#37 Why have meetings when you have emails?

introvert memes

#38 “Hey!”
*awkward silence*

introvert memes

#39 Just the words I wanted to hear!

introvert memes

#40 Dilemmas. Dilemmas.

introvert memes

Related: 25 Introvert Vs Extrovert Memes That Will Make You Go “Oh Yeah, That’s Right!”

#41 I am just doing you a favor.

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#42 Please don’t take it personally.

introvert memes

#43 Too much. Time to become a monk in the mountains.

introvert memes

#44 God, please no.

Introvert Memes

#45 Did I go too far?

Introvert Memes

#46 Layers are good. More layers are even better.

Introvert Memes

#47 Can I leave now? Now? NOW?!?!?

Introvert Memes

#48 Silence is golden.

Introvert Memes

#49 Of course, I will come to your party. Not.

Introvert Memes

#50 Why have you forsaken me?

Introvert Memes

#51 Is there anything better than this? I guess not.

Introvert Memes

#52 I am seriously a nice person.

Introvert Memes

#53 Please get away.

Introvert Memes

#54 No. Just no.

Introvert Memes

#55 The bed is my best friend.

Introvert Memes

#56 Dilemma, part 2.

Introvert Memes

#57 What do you think?

Introvert Memes

#58 When you finally find your soulmate.

Introvert Memes

#59 If you know, you know.

Introvert Memes

#60 Why would you even ask me that?

Introvert Memes

#61 When your introvert battery is at an all-time low.

Introvert Memes

#62 That. Was. Agonizing.

Introvert Memes

Related: 19 Signs You’re an Introvert in a Loud World

#63 Talking has never felt better.

Introvert Memes

#64 The best way to keep people away.

Introvert Memes

#65 Enough. Simply enough.

Introvert Memes

#66 Just leave already.

Introvert Memes

#67 I do, indeed.

Introvert Memes

#68 Reckoning is here.

Introvert Memes

#69 This is the dream, tbh.

When you are done with humans

#70 As dark as my soul.

Introvert Memes

#71 Textable is greater than callable.

Before Calling me ask yourself Is this textable

#72 What is it with people and phone calls?

Introvert Memes

#73 You don’t even know the half of it.

Introvert Memes

#74 Why would you even think otherwise?

Introvert Memes

#75 It is what it is.

Introvert Memes

#76 I am really just doing you a favor.

I treate people the way i want to be treated by not talking to them

#77 Why would you do that to me?

when someone shows up without letting me know they are coming over

#78 Please don’t answer.

Introvert Memes

#79 Is this really necessary?

Introvert Memes

#80 Why would you do that to me, part 2.

Introvert Memes

#81 Why would I do this to myself?

Introvert Memes

#82 Well, there you go.

Introvert Memes

Related: 40+ Comics That Only Introverts Will Understand

#83 Do I?

Introvert Memes

#84 No other way.

Introvert Memes

Share these memes with your introvert squad and have a hearty laugh!

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80 Introvert Memes That Will Speak Your Mind For You pin

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