Are you worried about how to get someone to like you but donโt want to devalue yourself? Perhaps you have a certain someone in mind or perhaps you are just worried in general, that someday you might meet someone and you wonโt know what to do?
Getting someone to like you, without losing yourself, is actually easier than you think and something that you can manage once you know the keys.
What are they?
6 Keys To get someone to like you, without devaluing yourself
1. Like yourself.
How can you expect someone to like you if you donโt like yourself?
The key to how to get someone to like you is to make sure that you are happy with who you are in the world. That you have done your work and are comfortable with yourself.

People who are damaged and unhappy tend to attract people who are also damaged and unhappy. Likewise, happy and confident people tend to attract happy and confident people.
So, have you done your work?
Are you happy with your career, your relationship with friends and family and your mental and physical health?
If any of things can use some improvement, I encourage you to get on them right away. Working on yourself is an excellent way to become happy and confident.
Fortunately, you donโt need to be all fixed before working to get someone to like you. If you have awareness about your issues and are actively working on them, it will show and you will attract someone who is also self-aware and evolving.
Read Friend To Boyfriend: 4 Key Tips To Get A Woman To Look At You In A Different Way
2. Be yourself always.
One of the biggest challenges in new relationships is that, because we want someone to like us, we arenโt always our true selves.
Instead, we put forward the best version of ourselves or even act like someone totally different. Our person falls for that person, not who we really are.
People who arenโt themselves in relationships are doomed to failure. Eventually our true selves come out and, when they do, they can scare your person away.
I canโt tell you how many of my clients who are going through a break-up say I wish things could go back to the way they were at the beginning. They canโt. And part of that is because at least one person wasnโt being themselves but instead being who they wanted to be.
And that, once gone, can never come back.
3. Be the best you.
We all have parts of ourselves that we really like and are proud of.
For me, I know that I am a really good question-asker. So, when I am getting to know someone, I ask a lot of questions. People like it when other people ask them questions so it often works well to get them to like me.
What is the best part of you? The part you like most. Have that part of you on display when you are working on getting someone to like you.
4. Donโt be a follower.
When you are wondering how to get someone to like you, one of the most important things to know is that itโs essential that you not be a follower.
What do I mean? I mean that itโs key that you donโt let your person call all of the shots in the relationship.
Relationships are meant be even. Sometimes you make the decision, sometimes he does. You are aware of each otherโs wishes and desires and sometimes accommodate them but never do you let them walk all over you to get what they want.
People who are doormats for other people are not attractive. Perhaps you are worried that, if you speak up for what you want, your person might be mad at you or leave you but DONโT. If your person isnโt willing to at least discuss your thoughts then they arenโt the person for you.
Imagine spending the rest of your life doing what you partner wanted to do and never having your own wishes accommodated.
How much would that suck?
So, speak up. Be flexible but speak up!
Read Building Confidence and Becoming Attractive
5. Use your words, but not too many.
A key part of any relationship success is communication. The most important part and often times the hardest!
I encourage everyone who is wondering how to get someone to like them is to practice communication. Communicating about who you are authentically, what you want in a relationship. What is important in your life.
Share with your prospective partner and have them share with you. Understand each other so that you can decide if you want to move forward together.
Itโs also important that you not share too much. Of course, you want your guy to know you but oversharing can be off-putting, especially for men.
Let your guy get to know you slowly. Keep the mystery going and you will pull him in in a way that he wonโt ever want to leave.
Read 5 Ways To Use The Law Of Attraction When Texting A Guy You Really Like
6. Donโt make it something it isnโt.
When you are wondering how to get someone to like you there is one piece of advice that should stand above the rest โ donโt try to fit a square peg into a round hole.
For many of us, when we first meet someone and are attracted to them, we become fixated on them liking us. We will do whatever we can do to attract and keep their attention.
What many of us ignore, however, is when a red flag gets raised that this person is not the one for us. Or that, no matter how hard we try, we canโt succeed in our efforts and they keep turning away.
If someone you like is turning away from you or is obviously not a good fit, stop your efforts immediately. You donโt want to waste any more time on someone who isnโt the person for you. And, the more time that you spend trying to get someone to like you, the harder it will be for you to let go!
So, as you go about your efforts to get someone to like you, make sure you are doing it for the right reasons and that your efforts havenโt already failed.
In life and in love, knowing how to get someone to like you without devaluing yourself is very, very important.
The only person you truly have in the world is you and you donโt want to let yourself down by becoming less of yourself in the pursuit of love.
So, make an effort to like yourself first, be you and only you, present your best self, communicate openly, taking the lead sometimes and donโt make something out of anything.
If you follow these guidelines, love is yours for the taking.
Go for it!
Written by Mitzi Bockmann
Originally appeared in LET YOUR DREAMS BEGIN

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