7 Laws Of Karma By Shiva: Understanding The Divine Path To Enlightenment


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Do you want to break free from the Karmic cycle of cause and effect? Delve into the 7 laws of shiva Karma to help you achieve enlightenment and change your life forever!

Shiva which is a Sanskrit name has originated from a beautiful concept of E + Shav = Shiva (Shav = Dead, and E = Energy). It means when energy flows into the dead body; it starts to live, hence called Shiva. This only denotes, weโ€™re all born Shivas.

Lord Shiva is the most important God in Hinduism and the most crucial one in the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh (another name for Shiva), who represent Creation, Preservation, and Destruction respectively.

Shiva is a destroyer, not only the destroyer of the establishment when judgment day comes but also the destroyer of misery and hurdles in life.

It is not me who is saying this, but everything which youโ€™ll read here is an excerpt from a beautiful mythological book, โ€˜Dev Se Mahadevโ€™. The author of the book read the entire โ€˜Shivpuranโ€™ to understand Shivaโ€™s religious principles, which is known as โ€˜Shiva Dharmaโ€™.

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He also researched well on the other counterpart of mythology, that is science, to connect them both and bring forth a concept that helps people understand the laws of karma by Shiva. Following the โ€˜Shiva Karma Lawsโ€™ people can attain spiritual enlightenment and the highest form of living.

Have a look!

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7 Laws Of Shiva Karma: An Authentic Path To Enlightenment

Here are the 7 laws of shiva karma that will help you attain the highest form of enlightenment!

1. Truth

The first law of Shiva Karma is the truth. This law asks the followers to follow the path of truth, justice, and being true to themselves and those who are around them. Remember that dishonesty and false deeds may prevail in small battles, but the truth always wins the war.

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2. Knowledge is God

Knowledge is God

A single person cannot possess knowledge of everything, but everyone may possess knowledge of something. We should find that seed of knowledge within us, and then do all our karma around it. We must believe and put our trust in what we know.

3. Everything is an illusion

No matter what life youโ€™re living, whatever situation youโ€™re in; if your happiness depends on the materialistic things you own, then happiness is an illusion for you, and itโ€™ll be gone with that thing. The third law of Shiva Karma asks believers not to attach their happiness to earthly objects.

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4. Beyond happiness

The world weโ€™re living in is getting more and more self-obsessed. Everyone is worried about their happiness and doesnโ€™t care if the people around them are happy or not.

However, real happiness is beyond limits, and it could be felt only when we have found the seed of knowledge within us, and weโ€™re truthful with others and ourselves. Remember, happiness comes from within, not outside.

5. Be formless

If you have noticed someone around you who is genuinely happy all the time, youโ€™ll see that the illusion of material comfort does not control them. You put them in any situation and at any place; theyโ€™ll be the same calm and content in their mind. So, the fifth and one of the most fundamental laws of Shiva Karma is practicing to be formless like water. Be flexible and adjust to your surroundings.

6. Using all your senses

When your mind is at peace with your heart, and you walk on the path of self-realization, all your senses come together to work in proper synchronization. When you achieve this perfect state of balance between enlightenment and existence in your physical form, the feeling you get is incomparable.

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7. Enlightenment is awakening

With these laws of Shiva Karma, you achieve enlightenment. The highest form of existence for a human. In this state of mind, you attain self-realization along with the proper understanding of nature and reality. Enlightenment is the final state, and it can be achieved without sacrificing domestic life.

If you want to know more about the laws of Shiva Karma which will help you attain the highest form of enlightenment, then check this video out below:

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the rules of Lord Shiva?

The rules or laws of Lord shiva are to be always truthful, seek knowledge, stay above the illusion of materialistic happiness, work on inner happiness and strive for the happiness of others, be formless, and attain perfect harmony, and enlightenment.

What are the 5 aspects of Shiva?

Shiva, the God with five faces, represents 5 aspects, which are; Sadyojata, Vamadeva, Aghora, Tatpurusha, and Ishana, meaning Creation, Preservation, Destruction, Concealment, and Revelation, respectively.

What is Shiva Philosophy?

Shiva (also known as Pashupati) Philosophy talks about three truths; the individual soul (Pashu), the Lord (Pati), and the soulโ€™s awakening or liberation from the cycle of Karma.

Laws Of Shiva Karma โ€” attaining the Highest Form of Existence
Laws Of Shiva Karma โ€” attaining the Highest Form of Existence
LLaws Of Shiva Karma โ€” attaining the Highest Form of Existence
Laws Of Shiva Karma โ€” attaining the Highest Form of Existence
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Seven Laws of Shiva Karma pin
laws of karma by Lord Shiva To Change Your Life pin

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