The Bitter Truth About Each Zodiac Sign


Who doesnโ€™t have imperfections? Even a person who appears perfect is full of flaws. However, most of us are very insecure about the flaws in our personality and try to avoid discussing them as much as possible. But sometimes facing the harsh truth is better. And what better way to know the bitter, honest truth about yourself than to take the help from your zodiac sign. The alignment of the planets at the time of your birth has a strong influence on the kind of person you grow up to be. Hence astrology reveals the bitter, offensive truth about each zodiac sign that you would rather not know, but definitely should face.

ย Bitter Truth About Each Zodiac Sign

1. Aries (March 21 โ€“ April 19)

bitter truth zodiac sign aries

You think youโ€™re the leader, but sometimes all you do is be chaotic and directionless. You might not realize it, but at times, your ideas are impulsive, your decisions thoughtless and as a result, your projects remain incomplete. You need to get your shit together and let someone else take charge, for a change!

Aries takes pride in being a person who gets the work done. But if youโ€™re unorganized, your energy is chaotic and every move is spontaneous, you wonโ€™t end up completing even a single project that you had planned to get done.

One more thing, you need to show more appreciation for all the things youโ€™re blessed with- loving friends and family, good job, and happiness, instead of always wanting more. Donโ€™t crib about what you lack; show gratitude about all that you have!


2. Taurus (April 20 โ€“ May 20)

bitter truth zodiac sign taurus

The Bull is stubborn as hell! Itโ€™s one thing to be resolute, but completely shutting off other peopleโ€™s ideas, perspectives and vision isnโ€™t healthy at all. Often, you take the wrong call and stop growing in life because of your closed-mindedness.ย 

You want to prove that youโ€™re right even when youโ€™re wrong. Everyone knows itโ€™s pointless to argue with you because you just refuse to budge from your point of view. You need to open yourself to new ideas and possibilities, otherwise you will end up taking the beaten path that ultimately leads to stagnation.


3. Gemini (May 21 โ€“ June 20)

bitter truth zodiac sign gemini

Harsh as it may sound, you suck at expressing emotions. You lack emotional depth. Being a Gemini, an air sign, you are inherently flighty and superficial.
Geminis are social beings, so they always have many people around them, but they canโ€™t share an intense connection with anyone. They find it difficult to commit to one thing. Their feelings are usually transient and shallow, and they are confused about most things in life. But Geminis find it hard to accept this truth about them.


4. Cancer (June 21 โ€“ July 22)

bitter truth zodiac sign cancer

Emotions are good, but not when it makes you overly sensitive and full of insecurities. Cancer is so emotional they get hurt at the slightest of things. They are very touchy, and try to keep themselves protected by a tough outer shell. And they simply hate it when others find out exactly how vulnerable they are.

They are insecure to the point of conjuring problems in their mind that arenโ€™t real. Donโ€™t lose yourself in the mess of your emotions. Remember that your well being comes before everything else and nobody else but you can give yourself the love you deserve.


5. Leo (July 23 โ€“ August 22)

bitter truth zodiac sign leo

You are desperate to be the best in everything you do and just canโ€™t handle it if someone outshines you. Although Leos try to act nice and happy, it eats them away inside if someone is better than them in something. They are born with a fierce sense of competition, and thatโ€™s why many of them excel in academics. They always want to be at the top of the game. However, you need to learn to be accepting when someone else grabs the winnerโ€™s spot. Humility is essential.

Leos can be very self-absorbed. You must understand that everything isnโ€™t about you all the time.


6. Virgo (August 23 โ€“ September 23)

bitter truth zodiac sign virgo

You take pride in being a perfectionist, but everyoneโ€™s frustrated with your obsession with perfection. And whatโ€™s with you criticizing every aspect of every personโ€™s life? It makes others wonder- do you really have nothing better to do?!

The real reason behind your need to be perfect is that you try very hard to meet social expectations. You seek the approval and admiration of a few special people youโ€™re trying to impress, maybe your parents or a professional connection.


7. Libra (September 24 โ€“ October 22)

bitter truth zodiac sign libra

Librans are fascinated with beauty and aesthetics. They are mesmerized by visually appealing things and become connoisseurs of various types of art. But the bitter truth is that this zodiac has shallow and superficial standards of beauty, and are repelled by โ€œuglinessโ€.

Libra, you better face the truth- in todayโ€™s world, your views on beauty are backdated. As a result, you fail to see the real beauty in people and appreciate them for who they are.

Librans are polite and friendly by nature, so they will never be rude to anyone directly, but deep down, they are probably thinking how everything or everyone โ€œlacks symmetryโ€, or criticizing in some other way, when things donโ€™t match their beauty standards.


8. Scorpio (October 23 โ€“ November 21)

bitter truth zodiac sign scorpio

Underneath their cool and hardened exterior is a volcano waiting to explode. Scorpions are deep, but they have an emotional tornado inside them, which can lead to a sudden and big emotional outburst.

They try their best to keep their emotions in check and present a cool composure to the world. Hence when they erupt, they simply hate it that they lost control of themselves! Their outbursts are a stark contrast to their cold demeanor, which is why most people think they are volatile.


9. Sagittarius (November 22 โ€“ December 21)

bitter truth zodiac sign sagittarius

Sagittarius takes pride in being an open-minded sign who doesnโ€™t judge others, but when they feel strongly about something, their talks have no filters. They speak without thinking, and as a result, they might hurt people badly without even realizing it.

Moreover, they think they are always right and hence, seldom feel sorry for their rude and hurtful behavior.


10. Capricorn (December 22 โ€“ January 19)

bitter truth zodiac sign capricon

There are some people who try to feel better about themselves by making others feel badโ€“ Capricorn is a classic example of this type of personality. They are inherently very pessimistic. They count their flaws and feel bad all the time. Whatโ€™s worse is that they are so insecure that they draw attention to other peopleโ€™s flaws to hide their own. They point out all the wrong things other people are doing so that their own mistakes are never criticized.

You should really try to control your terrible mood swings. Whereโ€™s your fun side?!


11. Aquarius (January 20 โ€“ February 18)

bitter truth zodiac sign aquarius

Known to be deep-thinking and progressive individuals, they are actually very judgmental. Itโ€™s hard to believe that free-thinking minds can be so judgmental, but the truth is that Aquarius has a fixed set of opinions and they usually think they know the best. Although they might not express it, but deep down they are judging you.


12. Pisces (February 19 โ€“ March 20)

bitter truth zodiac sign pisces

What do you do when you just feel too much? You create a bubble to keep out pain. The real world is harsh, and the truth is that this sensitive and compassionate zodiac sign lives in a cocoon because they donโ€™t know how to tackle how intensely they feel about everything. They build a wall around themselves and try to shut out all sorts of emotional interactions with other people. And they never want to admit that they are actually doing this.


That was the hard and bitter truth about each zodiac sign. It must be hard to digest, but it is essential to be open to constructive criticism, because that is what actually helps you grow in life.

Bitter Truth
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