Are You Being Played? 10 Major Signs He Is Playing With Your Emotions


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No matter how much you may like a guy, he might not have your best interests at heart. Do you suspect that he is playing with your emotions? When someone plays with your feelings, itโ€™s a painful thing to experience.

If you have ever thought that โ€œIs he playing with my feelings?โ€, then look out for these signs he is playing with your feelings.

I had one guy I used to date who was a sadist โ€“ and not in a sexy way. He was emotionally abusive. He lived to see me in pain, primarily because he had a chip on his shoulder against anything that was female. His favorite method to see me hurt was playing games with my emotions on purpose.

At first, I thought that he was just doing it without realizing the hurt he was doling out. Then, one day, it all clicked. I kept telling him I didnโ€™t appreciate his actions, but he kept doing them, and he was smirking when heโ€™d see me upset. This jerk was playing with my emotions for his own fun!

I dumped him and learned a valuable lesson.

If you arenโ€™t careful, guys will play with your emotions to get what they want.

Whether it be free sex, a side chick, or just seeing you suffer under their thumb, the following signs definitely suggest that heโ€™s playing with your emotions to get something you shouldnโ€™t have to give.

Related: 8 Signs That Say Youโ€™re In A One-Sided Relationship

10 Signs Heโ€™s Playing With Your Emotions

1. Youโ€™ve made it absolutely clear that what heโ€™s doing is upsetting you, and he continues to do it.

Make no mistake about it, if youโ€™re upset with how heโ€™s behaving and made it clear itโ€™s a bad move, his continuing to hurt you is done on purpose.

Should this happen to you, you need to dump him because heโ€™s actively hurting you and he doesnโ€™t care enough to change.

2. The only time that he really seems to be interested in you is when youโ€™re out the door.

A lot of guys like to play with girlsโ€™ emotions because they want to know they still got you as an option.

Itโ€™s a control thing, and for them, they need to know they have you under their thumb. This often means theyโ€™ll only want to pursue you when youโ€™re not interested, or when youโ€™re about to leave.

3. He flirts with women in front of you or ogles them when youโ€™re around.

One of the major signs he is playing with your emotions is this.

Itโ€™s scary how many guys will do this just to make girls jealous. Itโ€™s their way of playing with your insecurity, hoping that youโ€™ll bend over backward to keep them interested.

4. You often get the feeling that he thinks youโ€™re not good enough for him.

Though this could be personal insecurity speaking out, if youโ€™re typically a confident person, this often is what indicates that he is playing with your feelings on purpose.

Related: Before You Go Running Back To Him Read This

5. Heโ€™s only sweet when he wants something.

A guy whoโ€™s playing with your heartstrings will often only care what you feel when he wants something.

The reason why is that guys who play mind games donโ€™t really care about you. If your first instinct is to ask him what he wants when he gives you affection, heโ€™s playing with your emotions.

6. Honestly, he just doesnโ€™t seem emotionally attached to you.

Once again, guys who play games arenโ€™t attached to anyone but themselves. If he seems distant or disengaged, itโ€™s probably because he is.

7. He acts like the king of mixed signals.

When a guy plays with your feelings, he tends to give you mixed signals.

He does โ€œcouplesโ€ stuff with you, but refuses to be a couple with you. Heโ€™s affectionate one second, then icy the next. Heโ€™s flirting with you to the point that itโ€™s unmistakable but then claims heโ€™s not flirting.

Sound familiar? If so, heโ€™s playing with your heart pretty badly.

8. You seem to be expected to tolerate his bad behavior, but itโ€™s never really reciprocated.

Guys who play with girlsโ€™ emotions operate on a LOT of double standards, and often just assume that you should play according to their rules.

If he seems to go by a different set of rules than what you go by, itโ€™s safe to say heโ€™s toying with you.

9. Heโ€™s always lying to you or excusing his actions with vague explanations.

Not acceptable, and a trademark of guys who choose to manipulate girls to their advantage. This should be an instantly dump-able offense for you.

Related: Dear Nice Girl: This Is How He Played You For A Fool

10. Your gut says heโ€™s playing games with you.

When in doubt, follow your gut instinct โ€“ even if you want to believe otherwise. More often than not, itโ€™s correct and will steer you away from bad news.

Want to know more about the signs heโ€™s playing with your feelings? Check this video out below!

10 Signs Heโ€™s Playing With Your Emotions
10 Signs Heโ€™s Playing With Your Emotions Pin
when someone plays with your feelings

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