Facts About Karma: 7 Things You Don’t Know About The Karmic Law


Do you know everything about how the laws of Karma work? The following article sheds light on how karma actually works by bringing forth 7 lesser-known facts about Karma.

Karma, although a spiritual tenet, is also a universal law that was demonstrated by Newton as the Law of Action and Reaction. As the name itself means – Sanskrit: Deed / Action – is the reaction of what we have already done, thought, or felt.

How Karma Works

Through the thousands of years we live in this or other realms, we have activated a series of events, like a chain reaction. Every moment that we breathe, we act, think, and feel causing a change in the astral and physical plane. This change of energy will later – or instantly – be converted to actual events which will become our reality.

In other words, what we now call ‘Reality’ is merely the result of all our actions, thoughts, prayers, and curses of our present and our past lives!

Well, let’s take a look at some valuable things you probably don’t know about the Karmic Law.

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Facts About Karma: 7 Things You Don’t Know About The Karmic Law

Here are the 7 important things to know about Karma:

1. Karma is Here to Prevent us from Future Suffering

facts about karma

Karmic Law is not here to punish, is not here to judge. Karma is not an individual entity (like the Jewish belief system) that weights our actions only to reward or punish us. Karma is a mechanism whose source is our Spirit itself. We are part of it.

Related: 12 Little Known Laws of Karma (That Will Change Your Life)

2. The Purpose of Karma is to Free us from this Realm

All the suffering, all the rewards, and all the challenges are here to teach us the right way for us. Karmic Law is here to help us evolve and make sure we are free from this plane of existence.

3. Even the slightest effort counts!

You shouldn’t get disappointed when you feel you are on the bottom of the ocean. Even the slightest effort can help you change this chain reaction. Just a change of mind is enough to give to you what you crave.

Related: 3 Reasons Why the Karma You Know Is the Karma You Don’t

4. Karma is Scientifically Proven

Doing good actually affects our brains. This stimulates positive retribution which can actually heal us and affect our lives in unimaginable ways! Read here more!

Related: If You Experience Any of These 5 Signs You are the Carrier Of Your Family Karma

5. You can Boost Karma Cleansing

There is an ancient Vedic Spell to boost karma cleansing and signify that you need a change in your life! It actually unbinds you from dark magic which you may have conjured intentionally or unintentionally. Read here more!

6. Understanding Karma helps us release Anger

Once we understand that almost anything that is happening is caused by human thoughts and actions, it makes us responsible. Without this knowledge, we are lost in the Hell of ignorance, hatred, and anger caused by our misery. Understanding Karmic Law releases us from this pain and puts us in the driving seat.

facts about karma

Related: What Kind Of Karma Do You Have? – Mind Game

7. Karma Can Always be Changed!

Once we understand we are responsible for our past, present, and future, it gives us the opportunity to change it. Of course, we don’t have to change immediately but at some point, we will make the right move. Take your time and plan what you want. There is no limit to time.

Related: What Is Spirituality?

This post is brewed by our Magical partner Magical Recipes Online... For more such insightful, magical reads visit their website.

If you found the above article on 7 facts about karma interesting, check out this video too!

So, those were the 7 things you didn’t know about Karma. Do let us know your thoughts on Facts About Karma by commenting down below!

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