6 Signs They Don’t Love You Even If They Say They Do


6 Signs They Don't Love You Even If They Say They Do


“The truest form of love is how you behave toward someone, not how you feel about them.” ― Steve Hall.

Love isn’t about words, it’s about commitment. It’s about the moments you spend together, it’s about how you respect one another and be there for each other. The phrase ‘I love you’ has been misused time and again. We have come across people who don’t abide by it even if they say it. That’s definitely not loving.

If you are wondering how to identify whether your partner really means what they say or not, here are 6 signs you should look out for:

(1)  They say it too soon:

One can fall in love at first sight but it takes time and commitment to retain that love. If a person is in love with you, they will give time to the relationship to help it grow. They will nurture it to realize that yes, they are really in love with you. Saying ‘I love you’ too soon signifies some sort of hurry. If someone is in love with you, why should they hurry? It signifies they have other intentions.


(2)  They say it too often:

Saying ‘I love you’ too often isn’t a symbol of undying love. The reality is exactly the opposite.  These repeated sayings show your partner is insecure about the relationship and is probably faking it. So they are always trying to convince you they love you so that their mask doesn’t fall off.


(3)  They are obsessed with the idea of the two of you as a couple:

It’s great that the two of you are dating. But being in a relationship doesn’t imply discarding individual identities. If your partner is always saying things in terms of ‘us’ then they are ignoring you as an individual and also themselves too. Either they have serious personality issues which is not at all good for your relationship or they have wrong intentions and therefore they don’t want you to think anything beyond the existence of the two of you as a couple because that is the safest way to get away with cheating.


(4)  They are too physical:

The physical relationship is an integral part of a relationship. However, if a relationship is based solely on physical bonding, it falls apart. If your partner is always insisting on the physical relationship without giving time to emotional bonding, then be warned that they are with you only for the physical relationship and they will leave when their hunger is satisfied.


(5)  They claim they like everything you do:

We have similarities and we have differences. It can’t happen that all of a sudden we meet someone who seems to like everything we do and everything about us. If your partner is doing that and keeps on telling how compatible the two of you are, then it can be anything but love.


(6)  They are always trying to show others how you look as a couple:

A relationship is formed between two people. It’s not about how others think of you but how the two of you think of each other. If your partner is always concerned about how the two of you look as a couple, continuously posting on social media, showing off, etc, then they are obsessed with the idea of being in a relationship, not with the idea of being in a relationship with you. Here, the relationship matters, not the person.


If you find one or more of these red flags, it’s time you start considering the prospect of your relationship.

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