4 Secrets For Empaths To Slow Down

4 Secrets for Empaths to Slow Down

It is not easy for an empath to thrive with their heightened sensitivity. Empaths get overwhelmed easily and it’s necessary for them to slow down and move at their own pace from time to time. Here are the secrets for empaths to slow down to protect themselves from the emotional chaos happening around them.

Being an empath, why it’s necessary for you to slow down?

There comes a point when your body and soul need to rest. As we are approaching the winter solstice, maximum darkness cradles us in serenity and quiet. Your heart may long to go inward. It deserves a break from worry and striving. You want to daydream and gaze at the empty spaces between things.

There is tremendous wisdom in not pushing yourself so hard. You deserve a break. Though you may socialize more during the holidays, leave a resting place for your heart and your body.

Here are the secrets for empaths to slow down

4 Strategies to Slow Down  from “Thriving as an Empath”

  • Mark empty periods in your schedule so nothing can intrude
  • Journal about your empath needs and how you can meet them
  • Spend time in meditation and reflection.
  • Ideally, take some time off from work so your metabolism can slow, your stress can decrease, and your heart and spirit can flourish in the holy spaciousness of unplanned time.

Winter welcomes you to quiet your mind, be still and listen to your intuition. It is associated with the element water and its properties of conserving energy and tranquility. It is the season of the recluse or hermit, which suits many empaths who adore retreating into their caves. You can also gather in front of cozy fireplaces and bundle up in warm clothing outside.

Secrets for Empaths
Secrets for Empaths

During the dark of winter, icy winds blow. Trees slow their metabolism to become dormant. Bears and other animals enter the long sleep of hibernation. Similarly, you can focus on building your internal energy.

Since empaths are often light-sensitive, a challenge of winter is feeling depressed–your body’s response to less daylight. Also, you may isolate socially, feel lonely, or be overwhelmed by holiday crowds, gatherings, and a frenetic pace. It’s vital to balance the natural rhythms of winter with a busy world.

Read: Life Of An Empath: 5 Fundamental Truths I Learned About Life In My Journey As An Empath

The Winter Solstice marks the first day of this season. It’s the darkest point of the year when the Earth tilts furthest from the Sun. As days grow longer again, there is a gradual ascent into the light. Winter invites you to heal your shadow side, including fears or self-doubts.

Winter is exciting because it takes you to your depths which helps you thrive as an empath. Reflect on your progress and areas that need growth. I love conducting this life review in December to evaluate my life and move on with more clarity to the year ahead.

Set your intention. I will practice the wisdom of slowing down. I will stop pushing and striving. I will arrange periods to decrease my pace, hibernate, and safeguard periods for rest and reflection.

(Excerpted from Thriving as an Empath: 365 Days of Self-Care for Sensitive People by Judith Orloff, MD)

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4 Secrets for Empaths to Slow Down

— About the Author —

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