Yoga can be defined in many ways such as it is a physical exercise, a stress buster, a self-exploration technique, a spiritual training etc. It is derived from a Sanskrit word “yuj” which means “to yoke” or union.
Yoga unites your individual self with the supreme self or divinity. It brings balance, wholeness and healing to our stressed and competitive life. It is not bound to any particular religion which is generally perceived by many people because it has many Sanskrit shlokas performed during meditation. It can be performed by any gender, race, age, sex and religion and it has many aspects other than the physical aspect which you can and should explore to live a happy and content life. These facets of yoga help you in exploring your breath, body, mind and spirit.
Benefits of yoga
Yoga has many benefits such as:
- Build up stamina and enhance it
- Gives you strength and physical balance
- Reduces stiffness in the body and makes it flexible
- Relieves physical and mental stress in the body to empower in both aspects
- Makes you focus and alert
- Sharpens your memory
- Increases body moment and coordination
- Improve and increase the efficiency of body systems like cardiovascular system, digestive system etc
- Improves metabolism and rectify biological processes by improving blood circulation, detoxification
- Relaxes you and induce sound sleep
- Keeps you active and energetic
- Helps you in losing weight and achieve a toned body
These are just few benefits from the list of benefits of yoga. You will feel yourself encourages to lead a healthy lifestyle because the feeling of goodness comes from inside not because your doctor has prescribed it for you. People are taking up yoga for various reasons such as
- For proper growth and development (in kids and teenagers) like to grow taller
- To build stamina and confidence (as in case of rehabilitation and in those who are recovering from injury)
- Pregnant women do it to reduce the backache and prepare themselves for labor or childbirth
- Health freaks do it to increase flexibility and as warm up exercise
- Cases of depression, anxiety or severe stress do it to calm their mind
The beauty of yoga is that you will find something useful for yourself whether you are fit or not. It caters to every learning level be it beginners, intermediate or advance level, you will feel different and excited every time you perform a new pose.
Health, happiness and fitness with yoga
Patanjali’s Yoga sutra talk about mainly talks about balancing “Sthira” (means steadiness and alertness) and “Sukha” (means lightness, comfort and happiness). The idea is about blending the active and passive principles together and it will be achieved by building strength in some areas of the body to hold space and free up other areas to go, release and relax them. It means those who have are strong but stiff use yoga to gain flexibility and those who have flexible body but lack strength uses it to gain strength.
When we talk about gaining happiness through yoga backed up by scientific evidences then it is found that this practice utilizes the mind – body connection to facilitate the chemical changes at cellular level. Its deep breathing practices activate the parasympathetic nervous system which gives you a calming and relaxed effect.
Yoga keeps your health very well in fact your all organs ages increased. Yoga strengthens your eyesight and removes eyes problems as well. People use the lenses to look attractive and not only for vision. There are numerous options of Lenses on Lens me. Even if you need the lenses for vision purpose, there are many color options available. Now, there is no need to carry a spec all the time on your eyes. Lenses allow you a clear vision from all the sides which is limited with specs. The Hidrocor range of it will be available with No limbal ring.
It is said that happiness is the state of mind and so does the unhappiness which comes from our thoughts and feelings. When we start judging our experiences in terms of good or bad, gain or loss then we feel inadequacy, powerlessness, embarrassment, humiliation and we mostly focus on the negative thoughts like what we DON’T have rather than we DO have. Meditation practice of yoga not just removes these negative thoughts from the mind and body but it gradually reconstructs our attitude, views and thoughts in a positive manner. This physical, physiological and mental wellness helps you in achieving fitness in every manner.
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