What Makes a Man Sexy? 18 Ultimate Secrets



The popular idea of a sexy man is that they earn good and look hot. But in reality, what makes a man sexy? Here are the best qualities in a man. Not these ideas are fed by popular fiction and television. It is something that attracts the mind and treats the senses.

Attraction is more than just appearances; it goes beyond the surface. The appeal of a man isnโ€™t solely about his looks but is also influenced by various aspects of his personality and actions.

Learn about the traits women look for in men.

What Are The Best Qualities In A Man?

What Makes A Man Sexy? 18 Qualities Of A Good Man

1. He Never Shies Away From His Mistakes.

If he commits any misdeed, then he isnโ€™t afraid to accept it and make amends. The one who is able to treat his ex-partner with due respect, and never feels the need to assassinate their character is the perfect definition of a sexy man. Someone who has the courage to accept their mistakes, and then tries to work on them is the real deal.

2. He Has The Strength To Cry.

Just because a man cries, that does not make him weak; rather a man who has no inhibitions when it comes to expressing his pain and crying wholeheartedly is the strongest man out there. Sexy men never correlate crying with masculinity; rather they believe that crying takes a lot of strength on someoneโ€™s part.

Related: 13 Things Emotionally Mature Men Do Differently

3. He Stands By His Woman, In Her Struggles And Pains.

If he has the sense to let the woman have her space and just support her at every turn of her life, then he is the ultimate sexy man. When a man never dismisses a woman for being emotional and stands like a rock beside her, he is a real one. Supporting their partner is what truly makes him attractive.

4. He Isnโ€™t Impatient When Stuck In Traffic.

The right man has a sense of driving and parking, and he never thinks that he owns the roads. He understands that some days traffic can be bad, and itโ€™s not the end of the world. Patience is an important virtue when it comes to being a sexy man.

5. Heย Isnโ€™t Shy When It Comes To Taking Care Of His Child.

He mustnโ€™t suppose for them to be his carbon copy. He should accept the individuality and uniqueness of his child. This man has his way with kids, and he doesnโ€™t have to use anger in order to keep them in control. He will always try to understand their children, than control or dominate them into doing what he wants them to do.

6. He Doesnโ€™t Force Himself On His Partner.

A good man truly gets the importance of consent. Heโ€™d never pressure his partner into anything physical if sheโ€™s not up for it. He respects her feelings and knows that intimacy should always be a two-way street, something that happens naturally and with mutual understanding.

Related: 20 Things A True Gentleman Does Differently

7. Heย Is Kind And Sensitive.

If he sees a woman with no wedding ring but a necklace with the name of kids engraved, then he must over tip her. He shouldnโ€™t ignore the importance of humanity, and always works hard to do good for people around him.

8. He Believes In Utmost Cleanliness And Hygiene.

A sexy man will always have impeccable hygiene and cleanliness. He never takes his body for granted, and always makes sure that he showers well, and keeps himself clean and well-groomed. Filth is something he never stands for or encourages.

9. He Feels The Pain Of Others.

Someone who is sensitive and is respectful of emotions. Someone who doesnโ€™t feel annoyed about a depressed person, but understands them instead. Empathy comes naturally to him, and he always tries to support anyone who is going through a hard time; he will never put down anybodyโ€™s struggles.

10. He Can Cook And Is Good At Household Chores.

If he can bake a cake for his childrenโ€™s birthday then his sexiness level shoots up to its double. Real, sexy men do not think even for once that itโ€™s the womanโ€™s job to cook and do household chores.

He knows itโ€™s a life skill, and everyone should be good at it, and that is why he never hesitates to help his partner with all this.

11. He Treats Mother Earth With Respect.

He knows that we only have one Earth, and if this one is gone, everything will be finished. He doesnโ€™t advocate protecting the environment just for the sake of a few social media posts, he genuinely cares about the Earth.

He doesnโ€™t litter anywhere and everywhere, and if he believes in recycling, then he is a real man.

Related: Man Up, Like a Woman: A Deeper Look At โ€˜Masculineโ€™ Energy

12. He Finds A Companion In His Books.

When a man prioritizes books over mindless scrolling on the phone, then he has the right kind of personality. Men who love to read books are not just sexy, but they are some of the best men out there.

13. He Doesnโ€™t Demean The Women Around Him.

A real man does not feel the need to put down women to make themselves feel better. He never humiliates, degrades, and demeans any woman, rather always looks to empower them. He is not like those weak men who believe that itโ€™s a threat to their masculinity when womenโ€™s empowerment is concerned.

14. He Doesnโ€™t Pretend When He Is Not Aware Of Something.

A good man knows that it is practically not possible to know anything and everything, but he is smart enough to seek information about the topics he does not have any knowledge about. He does not feel ashamed about not knowing something, and that is why he never fakes just to be in the good books of certain people.

15. He Respects Women In General And Hasnโ€™t Forgotten The Sacrifices Of His Mother.

He considers his mother a strong figure in his life, and that is why he respects every woman; not just the women he knows. He knows how much his mother has sacrificed for him, and he always tries to make sure that her sacrifices are never in vain. Respecting women is ingrained in him, and he doesnโ€™t know otherwise.

16. He Knows How Life Works.

He knows that life is the same for everyone, and it comes with its own set of struggles, and he faces the problems head-on that gives him important lessons. A real man never tries to portray himself as a victim, and always works towards being a better and stronger person, when life throws him a curveball.

Related: 6 Things Men Look For In a Woman

17. He Can Laugh At His Mistakes.

Real men are not self-obsessed or narcissistic in any way and have the ability to laugh at themselves and their mistakes. He never behaves as if the world revolves around him, and is open-minded enough to accept his faults, and even make fun of them.

18. He Knows Being Desirable Is Not Appearance But Is A Feeling.

For him, being attractive does not always mean looking good from the outside, it is much more than that. Sexiness is not just limited to muscles and abs, being sexy is more of a feeling, it means having a good personality, and a pure heart. You might look gorgeous from the outside, but if you are not a good person, you can never be sexy.

So, what makes a man attractive according to you? Let us know your thoughts about the traits of a good man n the comments down below!

If you want to learn more about your man, then hereโ€™s a video to help you out:

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