Lessons That 2016 Has Left Behind And Here Are Some.
There is always something about the last few days of December-excitement, fear, anticipation and hope for the new year to precede. While we embark on new journey of a new year of life, it never turns out the way we have hoped for. Like always, life makes us face adversity and pass through difficult hurdles. If not, then lucky you!
But, such deadlocks of life are only disguised as a life lesson for us.
We may not accept them initially, but a few things- do hit hard. They stay with us in form of lessons – that linger on….
We asked you about such lessons that 2016 is leaving behind and here are some… picked for you all to read and to reflect upon.
1) Don’t Let Someone Change
“ Those closest to you will fail you and not treat you the way you expect even when you give your all. How painful this is. I choose to continue to be who I am. I refuse to let anyone change me into someone bitter.”
Eileen Franco Reyes
2) Be Careful With People
“ Be careful about what kind of people you surround yourself with, who you trust, who are you giving your precious energy away to. Be careful with people.”
Dasha Wright
3) 2016 Was Sure A Roller-Coaster Ride
“Everything can be, everything is possible in this life I changed the direction of my life in only 3 months ..2016 was not easy and will not be easy to be forgotten..cheers!”
Ghofy Kalai
4) Never Close Your Heart
“No matter how good you are at work or for someone, remember – you can be replaced. And one more thing. No matter how painful your experiences have been, do not close your heart for protection. Leave it open as you might miss something that could make you alive again”.
Eva Evelyn
Read What Did You See First? Your Answer Reveals About Your Hidden Inner Self
5) “To Err Is To Be Human”
“Never argue politics or religion..it’s better to let it be and keep the peace..no one really knows everything in life until they experience it “To err is to be human”. I’ve have learned that experience is the best teacher in life.”
Debra Pry
6) It’s All About Acceptance
“It is still the same grains of sand that travel with each turn of an hour glass but with each passing year, we view each grain differently.
Ellie May McCann
7) Let people be..
“Accept people for who they are, not who you want them to be or who you hoped they’d be.”
Sameeka Smith
8) Point/S To Be Noted
- Never rush into love. If it’s meant to be, it will find its way to you.
- Patience will teach us some of the greatest lessons in life
- Being grateful all the time is the key to staying positive.
Diana Sumbe
9) Just Speak Your Mind
“It´s good to stand up for yourself. Don´t be quiet and swallow it down. Life is short. So say, what you have to say when people treat you wrong. No matter if it´s your boss, co worker, friend , family member etc. After, you will feel soooo released!”
Nora Jones
10) Like A Boss.
“~Control ya anger, Only one step from “D”,
~Don’t get emotionally attached to anyone, except your already dear ones.
~Shut up and laugh at that bastard.
~Love is no fairy tale, its an Fantasy.
~Except nothing in return, God will give.
~watch your Own Karma.
~Never Lose your cool”
Samuel Manasseh
11) Self-Worth
“Learnt true meaning of self worth and that you create happiness yourself.”
Monica Kissa
12) Just Say It
“Whatever going to happen will so just say f*** it and live the best you can ! You can lose it all in a moment but as long as you have ones you love you have it all.”
Lourisia Cox
13) Be Rational
“Never cut a tree down in the wintertime. Never make a negative decision in the low time.”
Ezgi Aydin
14) Change Is Important, Change Is Difficult
“When you start to change expect push back from people who have known you a long time.”
Michael Shamus Mahon
Read 21 Things That Change When You Start Respecting Yourself
15) Go With The Flow
“Do not try and plan your life out. Have goals but go with the flow. Trust life.”
Nicole Bird
16) To Forget, Is Not Everything
“Forgiveness isn’t just forgetting about what happened. It’s letting go, if the person who hurt you still makes you upset you haven’t forgiven. In order to truly forgive you have to stop blaming people including yourself and just accept it happened. Don’t allow someone wronging you to decimate your character.”
Lynn Archer
17) Keep Smiling
“Learned to accept things the way they come…
Keep smiling with the ones that are there for you…. and forgive the ones that hurt you…. nott because they need it… Because you want to be happy in your life..”
Telee Patel
18) Don’t Let It Define You
“To learn from the worst of yourself and to move forward with the best of who you are. Don’t let your mistakes define you but rather define them in the context of learning and applying them to the better half of yourself!!”
Lisa Sucec
19) Remember, No Matter What
Always put yourself first, take care of yourself even if people call you selfish you deserve to treat yourself.
Don’t let people affect you negatively, let people help you grow, learn from peoples mistakes and learn from yours.
Always be honest with yourself and to others no matter what.”
Ghadir Sabah
Read more of these thoughts here
Let us know what you think about these lessons. Share your thoughts with us.
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