Toxic Comes In Fives


Theory has it that we attract into our lives people โ€œmatchingโ€ our subconscious, unhealed wounds and that those who are more susceptible to socializing with negative types of people have usually weak or no boundaries, are codependents or empaths.

Our own personal experiences, sometimes in our closest social circle even, with people demonstrating characteristics of the so-called Cluster B personality disorders e.g. of the narcissistic or antisocial personality disorder, might often lead to the conclusion that all is โ€œwellโ€ with the sure-fire signs of toxic persons, but the ultimate danger lies behind their seemingly harmless yet common traits.

5 such cases are as follows:

1. The Puer Aeternus

Now, not all Peter Pans are toxic. But some of these eternal children might be and furthermore theyโ€™re usually the hardest source of negativity to spot. Often of the narcissistic personality disorder kind, covert even, on initial acquaintance the Puer Aeternus displays a carefree, vibrant attitude that can get anyone tricked and soon easily addicted to them.

It doesnโ€™t change the fact, however, that he (or she) is somebody who subconsciously yearns for an eternal state of childhood or youth and is incapable of living up to the complex yet necessary challenges and callings of real life. And as long as he remains in this zone, he will never mature; he will never fulfill his individual destiny in a collective society and become complete.

Think Dorian Grey โ€“ and yes, he comes with a portrait.

โ€œHow sad it is! I shall grow old, and horrible, and dreadful. But this portrait will remain always young.โ€~Dorian Grey, Oscar Wilde

2. The People-pleaser

โ€œPositiveโ€ manipulation is the hardest kind of manipulation to detect; because letโ€™s face it, egos love to be stroked, in fact thatโ€™s what they live for. But, itโ€™s our inner and true self the one that has to live with the consequences, when the whole thing blows up right in our face.

Again, not all people-pleasers are by definition malignant. Someone who is, though, has absolutely no genuine, humanitarian motive behind e.g. his (or her) offering to pull an all-nighter with you for your next paper deadline. As unlikely as it may sound, it too is just a means to his end. People and their feelings are simply objected to his โ€“ unknown to you but ever-present for him โ€“ goal. Everything and everyone outside his personal sphere are mere extensions of himself.

Read Being a People-Pleaser: Why Itโ€™s Dangerous and How to Stop

Thatโ€™s why it is widely held that empathy is a totally alien notion to this type of person. If there is something he must attain or acquire at all costs, something that entails demonstrating emotion or the like, he will resort to mimicking it โ€“ and after almost a lifetime of practice, rest assured that he has perfected it.

Truth be told of course, eyes indeed never lie; as you can spot a true emotion in them, so can you see the absolute absence or fakeness of it as well.

โ€œHe never gave me anything. He only bought me into giving him somethingโ€~Susie, Citizen Kane

3. The Self-deprecator

A typical yet not easily identified example of such a personality is the covert narcissist. The case here is of somebody who hides his (or her) low self-esteem and insecurities almost perfectly behind a well-crafted and seemingly very confident public persona. And by definition, his image follows e.g. a trend, his opinions are ultimately somebody elseโ€™s and never his own, etc. He doesnโ€™t even know who he truly is, something that results of course in anything but authentic self and he is mostly driven by material goods and superficial attributes as a measure for worth or happiness (money, youth, beauty, etc.). His ego is one of the most fragile and easy to crumble down.

These types tend to seek attention and cannot always hide their envy for people/things they deep down deem as better than them/their own.

Read 9 Types of Toxic People That Will Drain Your Energy: You Must Avoid Them At All Costs

โ€œAnd, beginning to grind his teeth again, Pyotr Petrovich admitted that heโ€™d been a foolโ€“but only to himself, of course.โ€~Demons, Fyodor Dostoyevsky

4. The Victim

Itโ€™s as the title implies; somebody of this type indulges in victim playing in almost any situation, projecting even his own faults onto others. The world is a cold, cruel place out to get him and he deserves all the protection and care he can get. He will try to gain your good favour โ€“ and keep it too โ€“ by appealing to your pity, empathy or own sense of guilt even (whether justified or not).

And when your guard is down, the work is already laid out for this kind of hard-to-identify energy vampire.

โ€œA thorough, determined dislike of me โ€” a dislike which I cannot but attribute in some measure to jealousy. [โ€ฆ] his fatherโ€™s uncommon attachment to me, irritated him I believe very early in life.โ€~George Wickham โ€“ Pride & Prejudice, Jane Austen

Read How To Stop Feeling Sorry For Toxic People

5. The Coward

If you want to get a quick and clear idea on this, simply observe how someone reacts in the face of responsibility or adversity. Does he (or she) shrink from it and let others bell the cat? This type of person doesnโ€™t know how to be sorry or apologize, tending to promise the moon and rarely deliver a light bulb โ€“ and even then, only if something is clearly in it for him, too.

And if you ever think of calling him out on it, be prepared from some first-class gaslighting.

โ€œ- Paula: Gregory, are you trying to tell me Iโ€™m insane? โ€“ Gregory: Itโ€™s what Iโ€™m trying NOT to tell myself.โ€~Gaslight (1944 film)

If you often wonder why you had to encounter or worse, get entangled with toxic people, try to remember that no evil comes without something good; perhaps all this is indeed giving you one more chance to uncover your deepest, still unhealed wounds.

When you happen to recognize any of the above five traits in someone you suspect might turn into a toxic encounter for you, there are many ways of dealing with it; the renowned โ€œno contactโ€, though, is by far the most radical and effective. Itโ€™s easier said than done, of course, namely in the beginning, but if you stick to it diligently, like a new habit, you will soon see things clearer than ever.

Trust and respect yourself; thatโ€™s really all it takes. ~

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