If you have been in love with someone, you will get this feeling.
And I haven’t mentioned that you necessarily had to be in a relationship. Just the fact you have wanted someone else makes you go right here.
Just the fact you wanted to give your heart to someone else.
It doesn’t matter if you are 17, 28 or 45. At some point in your life you have felt this little but beautiful feeling called love. You could have felt it as little as the sting of a bee, or as much as the waves impact on the ocean.
But there is no real measure for love.
You could have loved someone for one week, or for as long as two years. You could have loved someone for just the way they look at you or for all the things they made you feel. And it doesn’t matter. Love is love. It’s the same here and in China. It’s the same in every religion. In every language. Everywhere.
The special thing about love is you don’t expect it. You could say today you are fine by yourself and the very next day can’t sleep thinking about that pair of hazel eyes. You can’t think straight. You just imagine that special person and everything else doesn’t matter. It’s extraordinary. It feels like everything is relative when you think of them.
And it’s crazy how every little thing reminds you of them. You see a girl with glasses and suddenly, ”your girl” is already on your mind. You see a boy with freckles and you have your prince blue knocking on your head. And that’s when you realize that the little things are the most important.
Because is when you figure out there are not that ”little”.
In fact, they are the things that keep your loved one on your mind. The way she smiles, the way he sleeps, the way the world is felt when you are with them. That’s where love is born.
And if you are lucky enough, the other person loves you as much as you do. And no one can destroy that bond but yourselves. You are the only responsible for what may happen between both of you. You are responsible if that bond gets stronger of it breaks apart. And usually occurs the second thing.
And if that ever happened to you, let me tell you I know how it feels to see your world crumbling down. I have experienced that. And it’s not something you wish it ever happens again. And you start closing yourself. You feel like it’s not worth it anymore to open up to anybody else so you just can’t get hurt again. Doesn’t matter if someone shows true interest in you. You are in your bubble and it seems no one can pop it down.
Because in that cases, all you need is time.
Time for yourself. To get the wounds heal. To start thinking things better. To consider if it’s worth the shot to give someone a chance. Don’t focus on how much time do you need to recover. In some cases, if the break up was really hard, you will need more time. And that’s ok. You don’t need to be ok from one day to another. It will take days, weeks and even months to just feel on top of the world again. You will even feel stronger than before and that nothing can beat you down. You will even get to the point to feel that you are the only company you need.
Until you met someone.
Usually, that ”someone” is the one who comes to makes us hesitate about our being. About opening up ourselves again. To start worrying about more for them than for us. To quit our peaceful bubble and explore out the real world again. All that world that we have missing.
It comes to be a tough decision. You feel comfortable with yourself, but also feel a connection with them. You may seem to be in a tunnel without an easy exit. Because you don’t want to get hurt again, but you won’t want to hurt the other one. So you just do it. You give it a shot. You will think that maybe, just maybe, another heartache won’t kill you. Besides, you don’t want to be alone forever. So you just go into it with all your effort. Maybe this time if you give more from yourself than expecting from the other one will do things right. And lucky you, they think just like you do. And things go better than you expected. And you start feeling happier than before. You start going out more, or be in a better mood. You will start thinking love is enough again.
And you are right. And you get it.
Maybe all you needed was a heart break to learn that love is not always easy. To understand that some people will like you, but some others will truly love you just for who you are. To understand that you needed to love yourself first in order to be ready to give all that love you have been keeping, give it to someone else. To forget someone before you could move on and know that special person. That person who will take out your fears. Who will you fall in love with everything. Their angry mood, the way they scold at you, the way they smile at you. The way how they concern about you, how they want just the very best for you. How they eat, how they sleep, how they twist their hair when they feel anxious. How they walk, how they talk, how they even sing, even if they are the worst singer in the world. How they talk about the things they love or hate, the things that make them happy or sad, the things that excite them or put them down. You will listen every detail, every word with empathy and comprehension. You will learn to listen and to talk when it’s the time. You will just realize how their flaws and qualities match perfectly with themselves. You will learn more about love with them. You will do things you were afraid to do before, do them now so easily. You will learn to like the things they want.
You will learn them. And all those things will fulfill you. Will make you happy. And all that it’s just love. All those little things, those tiny moments. You will end up knowing what true love is about. Because somehow, that person helped you love again. To trust again, not only in yourself, but to trust people and specially, to trust love. To fly without the fear of falling down, because deep inside yourself you know that if you fall, they will be right down to catch you every time.
And you will learn that love doesn’t damage, it only heals you. It sets you free from any boundary from the past and most of all, it will teach you how it is necessary to keep alive its flame inside your heart.
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