The Witching Hour – Weird Things Happen Between 03:00 – 04:00 AM

Weird Things Happen The Witching Hour 1

Do you know what is the witching hour? For fun Halloween facts, know the real meaning of the witching hour in the article given below!

The roots of Witchcraft go back to the very first civilizations humans ever created. It is very difficult to track down the complete history of the Craft (as Witchcraft is also referred to), as its ways are not easily distinguished from religions or other practices.

However, it seems that through the millennia, some things resisted the decay of time. Regardless of barbaric prosecutions, they remained the same and common to all traditions. For example, the Witching hour!

Witchcraft, The Great Outlaw

Witchcraft was outlawed in Europe for most of the time after Christianity was established as the dominant religion of Europe. However, it has never left our world for many reasons.

First of all, many believe that the Witches of the middle ages were, in fact, pissed off priests and priestesses of the old religions who dared to defy the “rules of Christianity”. They did what they had to do, to keep the magic cauldron warm.

Although Jesus Christ preached love and tolerance, witches or so-called ‘witches’ suffered the violence of the Witch-frenzy. Even now, Witch Hunts are pretty popular in some places of the World. (See here about modern Witch Hunts).

Thankfully, now, Witchcraft is officially tolerated in Europe. Witches have even branded a new Religion – Wicca – although only a part of Witches defines themselves as Wiccans. The practice of Magic can now go back to normal.

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When Is The Witching Hour?

It has been attempted to give definitions for the Witching Hour, but most of them sound unconvincing, as different rules apply in different traditions and locations. We will try to sum up what is going on.

  • The most famous version of the ‘Witching Hour’ is the hour between 3:00 am and 4:00 am. It is also known as the Holy hour, or -interestingly- the Devil’s hour, too.
  • Some other versions put the ‘Witching hour’ at  2:16 AM, 3 AM, 3:15 AM, or 3:33 AM, the suggestion being that this is an inversion of the time at which Christ died at Calvary. A mockery of Jesus’ death, who is believed to have died at 03:00 PM.
  • As we read in the article of all Esbats – Phases of the Moon: “The ‘Witching Hour’ usually refers to the Midnight hour during a Full Moon. It was always regarded as a particularly potent time for Magic, as the Moon is not Waxing nor Waning, and midnight is considered the time between the days’- in-between time in between worlds. During the Full Moon time all magic work is empowered, all magical work is fertile.” Keep also in mind that on a Full Moon’s night, the Moon is in its highest position during real midnight (without considering DST).
  • Another theory – which is applied in Australia, the ‘be-Witching hour’ is around midnight.
  • According to a Japanese tradition, the Witching hour is at the moment of, and a little before and after, the sunset. According to this tradition, at that moment the veil between the worlds, just for a few moments, vanishes, and supernatural phenomena happen on their own too.

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What Happens During The Witching Hour?

Witching Hour

The Witching Hour, the Bewitching Hour, the Devil’s Hour, and the Holy Hour refer to this time of the Night when magic is strongest. During this time:

  • Witches, conjurers, and sorcerers are more magically capable to cast their spells. Why? Probably because it’s the time when they have more privacy to cast the spell exactly the way they want it.
  • During this hour, ‘the veil’ between Spirits and humans is lifted. This makes things easier for the spirits to travel our world and meet up with the humans of their choice. It’s the time when most “visits” occur.
  • Ghosts and Vampires go out to “play”. Their victims seem to be in the most vulnerable place. Haunted places become more so.
  • Demons “love” to attack during this hour. Many demonic possessions reportedly happen during this hour. The movie industry adopted the idea of Witching Hour (3 AM) into their scenes to add to the background of the thrill and horror. For example in ‘the Conjuring’, the clocks stop at 3:07 AM. From this time things get pretty messed up and take a seriously bad turn.

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Why Do All These Weird Things Happen During The Witching Hour?

  • Our body has an installed – fully functioning – biological clock, also known as the ‘Circadian Circle‘. It’s attuned to the light of the day.  This “clock” is what goes wrong when we travel long distances. Have you heard of the “jet lag” syndrome? That’s what it’s all about. During the ‘Witching Hour,’ the body reaches its lowest temperature. We experience the deepest levels of sleep. All our biological functions seem also to be asleep.
  • Hospitals and nursing units report most deaths from 3 to 4 in the morning. According to a study by Harvard Medical School, the chances of death increase during this hour.
  • This is the time when we are more “sensitive” to external psychic stimuli. Mediums and psychics find it easier to “talk” and communicate with spirits during this time. This is when we “sense” the spirits more.
  • During the witching hour, we can project a telepathic message in a more successful way. Many experiments indicate the same hour as the most successful.
  • A large percentage of Sleeping Paralysis occurs during this time. During the dark ages, superstitious people believed that witches and demons were actually responsible for the sleeping paralysis along with their misfortunes. Puritans believed that witches carried out their dark rituals during that time, when everybody was asleep, only to avoid getting caught.
Witching Hour

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Do You Wake Up During The Witching Hour?

Do you have a Witching Hour toilet habit? Many people wake up at this time to go to the bathroom. According to Dr. Karen Carlson, who conducts classes on improving women’s sleep quality at Boston’s Massachusetts General Hospital, “What sometimes happens is that women are going to bed early trying to sleep and then they wake up at 3 or 4 a.m. — and they’re not really meant to sleep more than six or seven hours, but they’re in bed early trying, and they awaken early.”

Related: Waking Up Between 3-5 AM? This Can Be A Sign Of Spiritual Awakening

Although this sounds like insomnia (and if it happens regularly you should consult a medical doctor), it might be a part of something bigger. People who are “awakened” during this time are believed to receive spiritual “upgrades”. This is the time when spirits find it easier to communicate with us. The spirits who visit us are usually our ancestors, or other higher entities, who carry messages and gifts from the above.

How To Survive The Witching Hour

If this happens to you:

  • record everything in your ‘dream journal’.
  • Write everything you remember from your dream.
  • Now meditate.
  • Don’t just go back to sleep.
  • Try to actually receive the gift you’ve been given. You may find out many secrets about your life, your destiny, and your magical powers!

Related: What Is Spirituality?

Stay bewitching!

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Now you know why weird things happen between 3 am to 4 am! Welcome the Halloween holiday by posting your views in the comment section down below

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