Lightworkers truly have the power to transform the world. But did you know that there are different types of lightworkers, and not just one?
If you have been following esoteric circles, you would have come across the term “Light Workers”.
But what does this term really mean?
A lightworker is simply someone who has taken up the project of serving humanity. As a lightworker, your main motivation in life is to make a difference in someone’s life and to make this world a better place.
Whether you are in a spiritual domain or corporate domain or walking any other path, you are always guided by your motto.
Your vibrancy, warmth, selfless service, love, and support for others inspire people wherever you go.
You try to remain true to yourself and remain in alignment with your higher self and teach others to do the same by your sheer example.
If you resonate with any of these things and feel that you‘re also a lightworker, read on to find out more.
There are 12 types of Lightworkers and all of them have the underlying mission i.e. serving and inspiring humanity.
The 12 Types Of Lightworkers Transforming The World
Here’re all the 12 types of Lightworkers who are raising the vibration of the world:

1) The Grid workers
Grid workers are those types of lightworkers who work on the grids and gateways of planet Earth.
They are a kind of spatial empaths who can sense the dark energy of a place when they enter there. They use their loving presence and compassion to transmute these dense and dark energies.
They can also invoke the violet light of Archangel Micheal, which can help them to transmute and clean dark energies.
These lightworkers deal with grids on GAIA. They actually act as an open doorway that allows the sacred light to enter the planet through their wide-open hearts.
Gatekeeping is a more advanced and evolved form of light work in which a team of lightworkers comes together to open interdimensional gates that allow more love and light to flow into the planet.
While grid workers bring light through already opened gateways, Gatekeepers open new doorways where there were no doorways or open the ones that got closed.
Related: 7 Dynamics of the Lightworker Journey
2) The Transmuters
Transmuters are those types of lightworkers who do “frequency work”. Their main work is to keep their frequencies high and transmute negative energies through them.
They transmute negative energies by releasing their light.
Transmuters can also work along with their ancestral lines and transmute past family karma. They are highly evolved souls who would have purposely chosen to be born into an ancestral line that has plenty of negative karma.
They serve to release, dissolve, heal, and help their entire ancestral line’s vibration to go up.
3) The Lightkeepers
Lightkeepers are those types of lightworkers whose core purpose is to embody light. No matter what external circumstances they find themselves in, they always maintain a high vibration frequency and a loving presence.
In traumatic and chaotic times, their light shines even brighter to give hope and inspire the entire humanity. They help and support humanity to evolve.
They could be spiritual teachers, motivational speakers, influencers, or any individual who has the power to motivate and uplift people.
Related: 18 Traits Of A Lightworker
4) The Healers
Healers are those types of lightworkers who are endowed with unique gifts to heal humanity. Most of them are empaths and sensitive individuals.
Their most important task is to heal themselves first so that they can hold a higher vibration of love and light which automatically heals whoever comes in contact with them.
Also, they need to learn to open up to their intuition so that they can recognize and activate their unique talents and gifts.
They are often endowed with clairvoyance, claircognizance, or other psychic abilities that will get activated when they start opening up to their internal guidance system and working on healing them.
5) The Seers
The Seers are those types of lightworkers who are clairvoyant in nature. They have opened their third eye and have psychic abilities to see the future.
They may have trouble connecting with others because they can see different timelines in one go that others can’t access.
But due to their ability, they are powerful manifesters and they have to be extremely careful of where they put their attention.
6) The Divine Blueprint holders
All of us have a divine blueprint which is our template for our fully awakened selves.
All lightworkers have this template but the divine blueprint holders are those types of lightworkers who are most adept at tuning into their divine blueprint template and retrieving the codes of awakening.
They can use sacred geometry or Akashic records to understand the awakening codes. They can be in any field but subconsciously they are aware of the divine blueprint and their actions and speech are used to manifest the divine blueprint on earth.
Related: Lightworker Syndrome
7) The Astral Travelers
They are those types of lightworkers who can do lucid dreaming and astral travel. They can have out-of-body experiences voluntarily and also access Akashic records and discover their purpose and how they can better help humanity to evolve.
They can also engage in dream work to access alternate dimensions or get in flow states to be a conduit of universal creative energy and get ideas for path-breaking innovations.
A lot of inventions in art and technology are brought about by these creative spirits.
8) The Messengers
They are those types of lightworkers who get guidance from angels, ascension masters, or their higher selves.
They share these messages with humanity through various mediums like blogging, teaching, or writing.
They share their own journey of the awakening process with others to guide them through the spiritual evolution process.
Related: 7 Different Signs That Show You Are a True Lightworker
9) The Manifestors
They are those types of lightworkers who are powerful and instant manifesters. They can use meditation and visualization techniques to manifest positive events for the greater good of humanity.
They have to be careful to keep doing the inner work so that they always work from their heart center and manifest for the highest good and not for their personal gains.
Most of these people don’t even intend on manifesting. They only work on themselves and maintain a high vibration to remain in flow states from where manifestation follows automatically.
10) The Way Showers
As the name suggests, they are those types of lightworkers who lead by example. They walk the talk by living their life in the most authentic way and holding the frequency of love and light.
Other people can learn a lot by simply observing how a Way Shower conducts their life. Their authenticity, vulnerability, empathy, and commitment to be their highest possible version inspire other people to strive to reach their highest potential as well.
11) The Unifiers
These are the lightworkers who can find unifying themes in diverse patterns and philosophies.
They are the aggregators who find out the best philosophy by taking a leaf from all other philosophies and putting it out in a way that is easy for people to understand.
They are great at connecting diverse people and working as mediators with their inclusive working style.
Related: 10 Traits of the 144,000 Prophesized Lightworkers
12) The Ascension Guides
Ascension guides are those types of lightworkers who help people to overcome the pitfalls of the enlightenment process.
They question the stereotypes and urge people to look at the hidden and esoteric meaning behind things.
They may seem eccentric to people but they are actually the path breakers and visionaries who use their own enlightenment experiences to help and guide others.
If you want to know more about the types of lightworkers, then check out this video below:

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