10 Signs It’s Time To Change Your Life

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10 Signs It’s Time To Change Your Life

You often lead your life without understanding why and what is happening to you. You just go through the motions and follow all the rules to have a ‘good’ life, because that’s what society expects you to do. But then comes a point when you notice that your life isn’t as good as you thought it was, and that is the time you need to change your life.

The main issue here is to understand and recognize that change is in order and you should embrace it with open arms. Life is dynamic, and the more you stay stuck in one place, you will never see any growth. Sure, the comfort zone feels comfortable for a reason, but if you stay stagnant there forever, you will never be able to experience life in its full glory.

Here Are 10 Signs It’s Time To Change Your Life

Signs Time Change Life infographic

1. Every week you desperately wait for Friday to come.

If you are living your life waiting desperately for every weekend to come, then you are not doing it right. You are just existing and going through the motions; you are not happy with how your life is. Sure weekends can be fun because you can let go, spend time with loved ones, and do something else apart from work. But if weekends are the only good thing in your life, then it’s high time you change it.

When you are doing work you genuinely love, you will always be having fun and not just on the weekends. If your job is making you miserable, then maybe it’s time to change it. Do something that makes you happy to wake up in the morning and go to work. Get a job that excites you, even on Mondays.

2. You don’t know what your priorities are.

When you feel lost in life, and you don’t know what your priorities are, then it’s a big sign that you need to change your life. Going with the flow at times is a good thing, but sometimes you need to look at the bigger picture too. What you prioritize today will play a big role in shaping your future tomorrow.

Note down your top 5 priorities and think about whether you are actuallyy prioritizing them or not. Are you saving enough money for your retirement? Do you want to give up any bad habits? Are you spending enough time with your close ones? Questions like these can help you understand what your priorities are, and the more you think about them, the more you will have clarity.

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3. Going to work every day is like torture.

If you have a career that’s blazing ahead and suddenly you find yourself hating the prospect of going to work- you have a problem at hand! Typically, most distressed people find it hard waking up every morning and going to work even more painful. In case you are one of them, you may be fatigued or tired, or even depressed. What you are doing is not giving you even an ounce of happiness, it’s just adding to your troubles.

If your job is making you this depressed and miserable, then it’s a sign that you need to change things in your life. Maybe you need some professional help to deal with these negative feelings. Maybe you need to spend more time with people who care about you so that things don’t always feel so grim. Or maybe you need to look for a job that makes you happy, not depressed.

4. You find yourself feeling jealous more often than not.

Whenever you see someone on social media posting about how great their life is, you feel a fit of burning jealousy in yourself. Whenever you see someone posting about the new car they bought, you hate them. Whenever you see someone going on an exotic vacation, you feel envious. If you feel jealous about seeing other people being happy and successful, then you need to think about why you are feeling this way and what it means.

The best way to not feel like this is by looking at your own life and changing the things that make you unhappy. There’s no point in being jealous of others. If you want to enjoy certain things in life, you need to work on them yourself. You can also take inspiration from these people and work hard to achieve these goals.

time to Change Your Life

5. You have no idea what makes you happy.

If you don’t know what you are passionate about, then doing the same things over and over everyday is definitely not going to help you understand that. You need to get out of your comfort zone, let go of your fears and think about what is it that actually makes you happy. What makes you happy and not dread the next day?

Give yourself that time and space to understand what you want to do in your life, and then slowly make a plan towards making that a reality. You need to know what your strengths are, and what you are good at. The moment you have the answers to these two questions, things will get a lot clearer for you.

6. Stepping out of your comfort zone is terrifying.

And that is exactly why you should step out of your comfort zone and do something that makes your heart sing. Like John Assaraf had once said, “A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.” Your life can change for the better the moment you decide to leave your comfort zone because there are so many possibilities out there that you have no idea about!

Life is too short to do things that don’t make you happy. Life is too short to just play by the rules. Life is too short to just keep on going through the motions and then die one day. If you think it’s time to change your life, then take one step at a time and keep moving forward. You might feel scared initially, but the destination is so worth it.

Related: 10 Simple Habits That Will Change Your Life For Good

7. You are tired and usually wake up unhappy.

If you wake up tired every morning, it’s a sign that you are not happy with your life. It also means that you are not able to sleep properly because you are tensed and worked up about the things that are happening in your life. You may also be tired of fighting and you are ready to accept losing. This is the problem that needs attention then!

If you constantly feel that you are losing in life then change it. Change the narrative, and change whatever is making you feel this way. No matter what is making you feel unhappy, defeated and lost, you always have the power to change it and take charge of your life.

8. A constant fear of being antsy is present in you.

If you feel you could do much better and something must change, then it has to change. If you have this constant sense of restlessness and impatience in you then it’s the Universe’s way of showing you that you need to change your life. That there is a need for things to get better, and you should always take these feelings seriously. Listen to what your mind, soul, and body is telling you.

When you feel it in your bones that things need to change, then don’t ignore it. Focus on it and work towards fulfilling all your dreams and goals. Only you can change your life and take it in the right direction.

9. Gossiping has become your second nature.

“Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

This act of talking about others is detrimental for you because it takes so much time away from actually doing something productive and life-changing. Gossiping about others is not cool, to be honest. What someone is doing in their personal lives, and how they are choosing to live their lives is not something you should discuss behind their backs.

One of the most important things that will help you change your life is having integrity, and gossiping has no integrity. Realize that life needs to be faced with your head held high, and you are simply wasting your precious time by talking about what someone else is doing.

Read 12 Signs You’re In The Middle Of An Important Life Change

10. Vacations are the only thing that makes you feel happy.

If the only thing you look forward to all year is your vacation leave, then there is something very wrong with your life. Listen, vacations are a good thing and once in a while, everyone needs to take a break from their work and hectic lives and just let loose. But if that’s the only thing keeping you going, then you need to change things now.

Try to build a life you don’t need to escape from. Try to build a life that excites you the moment you wake up in the morning. Build a life that won’t revolve around a two-week vacation only.

Changing your life doesn’t happen overnight, it’s a gradual process. But you need to start from somewhere right? You need to take the first step and start this tough but beautiful journey.

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