Best to Worst Zodiac Signs to Crush on

Best to Worst Zodiac Signs to Crush on 4

Best to Worst to Crush on ย 

  1. Libra: Best to crush on cause theyโ€™re sweethearts!
  2. Aries: Yes, they always know where they stand.
  3. Leo: Crushes on you too.
  4. Pisces: Genuinely cares about your emotional state & gives you cookies.
  5. Gemini: Thinks itโ€™s cool and hangs out with you a lot.
  6. Cancer: appreciates it very much and tries not to hurt you.
  7. Virgo: Sends mixed signals.
  8. Aquarius: May act a little cold because they donโ€™t understand WHY?
  9. Scorpio: Just ignores you or lets you down easily if they care enough
  10. Taurus: Says: aww, then: no, sorry
  11. Capricorn: HOW DO YOU EVEN KNOW if theyโ€™re interested or not???
  12. Sagittarius: Donโ€™t cling but donโ€™t be cold. donโ€™t be overbearing but donโ€™t be detached, donโ€™t overdo it but donโ€™t give up. Easy.

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