10 Valuable Lessons For Kids From Studio Ghibli Movies


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Studio Ghibli Movies: Valuable Lessons For Kids

Studio Ghibli movies are well-loved by all ages because of their breathtaking animation and creative storytelling. However, people also appreciate them for their deep teachings.

Every movie tells a complex story about lifeโ€™s most important aspects such as love, self-discovery, bravery or gratitude which can help parents to raise kids.

Therefore here are 10 lessons that can be taught to children from different Studio Ghibli films.

10 Best Studio Ghibli Movies And Valuable Lessons For Kids

Lesson 1: It’s Okay for Kids to Have Big Emotions

studio ghibli movies
10 Valuable Lessons For Kids From Studio Ghibli Movies

Movie: My Neighbor Totoro

One of Studio Ghibli’s most popular and classic films, My Neighbor Totoro, is the perfect example of why it’s important to be gentle with young children and their big emotions.

Mei is a toddler who is doing her best to adjust to her mother’s illness and the move to the countryside. Her father, Tatsuo, doesn’t ignore Mei’s feelings; he sits with her and makes her feel safe.

Even if your children aren’t toddlers, it’s important to remember that many children will face big emotional challenges and it’s okay to let them feel their emotions.

Read more here: 7 Words Every Struggling Adult Child Needs To Hear From Their Parents

Lesson 2: Courage Comes In Many Forms

studio ghibli movies
10 Valuable Lessons For Kids From Studio Ghibli Movies

Movie: Spirited Away

In the beginning of Spirited Away, Chihiro is a scared little girl who gets taken into a world full of ghosts and magic. While she tries to find her way back home, she faces her fears, makes tough choices and shows extreme courage.

What this film tells kids is that being brave doesnโ€™t mean youโ€™re never afraidโ€“it means you donโ€™t let fear stop you from doing what needs to be done.

Parents can remind their children that itโ€™s natural to feel scared sometimes; true bravery comes through resilience and taking action.

Lesson 3: Love Nature and Live in Harmony With It

studio ghibli movies
10 Valuable Lessons For Kids From Studio Ghibli Movies

Movie: Princess Mononoke

One of the ways Studio Ghibli impacts the world is making a movie that highlights the clash between industry versus nature.

It shows how vital it is for mankind not only to respect but also to preserve our surroundings through Ashitakaโ€™s character and his journeying phase within Princess Mononoke.

Also, parents should teach their kids about caring for the environment around them because everything has a consequence as well as realizing that we must live side by side with all living things if want earth remain healthy planet.

Lesson 4: The Significance of Effort and Hard Work

studio ghibli movies
10 Valuable Lessons For Kids From Studio Ghibli Movies

Movie: Kikiโ€™s delivery service

Kiki is a young Witch who tries to fit into society alone in the movie called Kiki’s Delivery Service. Throughout her journey, she understands how crucial it is to labor hard, be determined, and depend on herself only. 

This is one the best Studio Ghibli movies for parents because it shows their children that often success comes from being committed and persistent even when things are difficult.

Lesson 5: The Magic Of Friendship And Teamwork

studio ghibli movies
10 Valuable Lessons For Kids From Studio Ghibli Movies

Movie: Castle In The Sky

The friendship between Pazu and Sheeta forms the central part of Castle in the Sky as they go through various adventures together. T

hey complement each otherโ€™s strengths, making them able to overcome different challenges hand in hand. Moreover, this movie brings out the aspect of working as a team while considering friends as family too. 

Parents can utilize this tale to instill cooperation, loyalty, and supportiveness among their kids as well as toward others.

Lesson 6: Embracing Change and Welcoming Fresh Starts

studio ghibli movies
10 Valuable Lessons For Kids From Studio Ghibli Movies

Movie: Howlโ€™s Moving Castle

Howlโ€™s Moving Castle is one of the best Studio Ghibli movies in which a young woman named Sophie undergoes old age and begins an adventure that alters her life.

Throughout her conversion as well as interaction with Howl, children can understand that although it may be frightening sometimes, change brings new opportunities for personal growth.

Therefore parents should help their kids to accept different situations in life and regard them as learning chances.

Lesson 7: Importance of Family and Values

studio ghibli movies
10 Valuable Lessons For Kids From Studio Ghibli Movies

Movie โ€“ The Secret World of Arrietty

The borrowers live hidden from sight but among themselves in the secret world of Arrietty. This Studio Ghibli film points out how important it is to have strong family ties as well as support systems within a community setting.

To this end, guardians could teach their wards about being there for one another wherefore creating feeling having people around you always.

Read more here: 10 Inherited Traits From Your Parents That Make You Unique

Lesson 8: Kindness and Compassion

studio ghibli movies
10 Valuable Lessons For Kids From Studio Ghibli Movies

Movie: Nausicaรค of the Valley of the Wind

Nausicaรค of the Valley of the Wind tells the story of a child named Nausicaรค who is kind-hearted and sympathetic. Even enemies are shown mercy by her; she cares for every creature, nurturing them back to health.

The message of this movie is simple โ€“ try to understand other peopleโ€™s points of view before judging them too harshly. Showing kindness to others should be a part of every childโ€™s upbringing.

Lesson 9: Independence and Responsibility

studio ghibli movies
10 Valuable Lessons For Kids From Studio Ghibli Movies

Movie: Whisper of the Heart

Whisper of the Heart follows Shizuku on an inner journey as she discovers her passions in life.

This is one of the Studio Ghibli movies that teaches children about taking charge of themselves and their actions which mark important stages in growing up. 

Parents can help their children discover themselves by igniting self- awareness in their children through things like reading books or watching movies with them based on such subjects.

Lesson 10: The Beauty Within Everyday Life

studio ghibli movies
10 Valuable Lessons For Kids From Studio Ghibli Movies

Movie: The Wind Rises

The Wind Rises is a beautiful masterpiece that portrays what it means to chase dreams amidst hardships faced daily. It shows us those little moments we often overlook but are filled with so much love, joy, and beauty.

Parents can utilize such stories which help kids know how to find happiness in simple things while still appreciating life around them more so than before.

Read more here: 10 Powerful Movies About Motherhood Thatโ€™ll Make You Laugh, Cry, And Hug Your Mom

Studio Ghibli movies arenโ€™t just cartoons; theyโ€™re packed with wisdom which can be understood by people of all ages. Parents could teach their kids important lessons about life and make them believe in miracles by showing such films to them.

Share your opinions about this in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How did Studio Ghibli impact the world?

Studio Ghibli is a Japanese animation film studio that has revolutionized animation. Their movies have such an impact because theyโ€™re full of detailed artistry, deep storytelling, and universal themes

What Studio Ghibli films taught me?

The Ghibli studio is an excellent teacher. They teach us how to cherish nature, care for others, recognize mixed emotions as well as recover from setbacks in life. In case you have no idea what I am talking about then watch โ€˜My Neighbor Totoroโ€™, โ€˜Kikiโ€™s delivery serviceโ€™ or โ€˜Spirited Away.โ€™

studio ghibli movies
10 Valuable Lessons For Kids From Studio Ghibli Movies

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