The words of Rumi have this beautiful way of hitting you right in the soul – his words feel like a warm hug from the universe when you need it the most. His words aren’t just poetry, they’re like little sparks of wisdom. Today we are going to talk about some of the most beautiful and inspirational Rumi quotes.
If you are feeling lost in life, craving love or you just need a reminder that everything will be okay, these Rumi quotes will make you pause, reflect, and you never know, you may even smile.
Born as Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī in 1207, Rumi was a Persian poet, Sufi mystic and an Islamic scholar whose words have transcended time, culture, and religion. His words, filled with themes of love, faith, and self-discovery, continues to guide and heal people centuries later.
Life’s truly a wild ride—messy, unpredictable, beautiful, isn’t it? And Rumi? Well, he understood it all. And he didn’t just understand it, he lived it and felt it in his bones.
He spoke of love like it was the air we breathe, of pain as a doorway to something greater, and of life as a dance between letting go and holding on. These Rumi quotes about life don’t just inspire; they shake you awake, and remind you to have faith in the journey.
So, are you ready for some soul-stirring wisdom? Then without any further ado, let’s dive into these beautiful quotes by Rumi that will change the way you see the world.
Also, don’t forget to let us know in the comments which of these Rumi quotes about life resonated with you the most!
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30+ Inspirational Rumi Quotes That Will Stir Your Soul
1. “Be with those who help your being.”
2. “Life is a balance between holding on and letting go.”

3. “Conventional opinion is the ruin of our souls.”
4. “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”
5. “Don’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.”
6. “There is a basket of fresh bread on your head, yet you go door to door asking for crusts.”
7. “The garden of the world has no limits, except in your mind.”
8. “Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.
9. “Do not grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.”
10. “Live life as if everything is rigged in your favour.”
11. “You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens.”
12. “Lovely days don’t come to you, you walk to them.”
13. “The world is a mountain, in which your words are echoed back to you.”
14. “Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.”
15. “If you are irritated by every rub, how will your mirror be polished?”
16. “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”
17. “The cure for the pain is in the pain.”

18. “Achieve some perfection yourself, so that you may not fall into sorrow by seeing the perfection in others.”
19. “Why should I be unhappy? Every parcel of my being is in full bloom.”
20. “The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear.”
21. “Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along.”
22. “I want to sing like the bird’s sing, not worrying about who hears or what they think.”
23. “Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment. Cleverness is mere opinion. Bewilderment brings intuitive knowledge.”
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24. “Gratitude is the wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk.”
25. “Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder. Help someone’s soul heal.”
26. “The rose’s rarest essence lives in the thorns.”
27. “The desire to know your own soul will end all other desires.”

28. “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
29. “Everything that is made beautiful and fair and lovely is made for the eye of one who sees.”
30. “When the world pushes you to your knees, you’re in the perfect position to pray.”
31. “The very center of your heart is where life begins – the most beautiful place on earth.”
32. “As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.”
33. “If light is in your heart, you will find your way home.”
34. “Dance until you shatter yourself.”
35. “Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open?”

These beautiful quotes by Rumi hit differently, don’t they? His words don’t just inspire you, they truly transform you. His poetry reminds us to open our hearts, trust the timing of our lives, and find beauty in every experience.
These beautiful quotes by Rumi serve as gentle whispers of wisdom, urging us to let go of fear and step fully into who we are meant to be. So, as you reflect on these Rumi quotes about life, take a moment to let them sink in.
Related: 70+ Inspiring Rumi Quotes That’ll Open Your Heart
Which of these inspirational Rumi quotes moved you the most? Share your thoughts in the comments!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What is Rumi’s brave quote?
One of the most popular quote of Rumi when it comes to bravery is “Be courageous and discipline yourself.”
2. What does Rumi say about happiness?
Two of the most beautiful quotes by Rumi about happiness are these – “When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.”, ““Everything in the universe is within you. Ask all from yourself.”
3. What is Rumi’s full name?
Rumi’s full name is Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Balkhī.
4. Did Rumi have a lover?
Yes, Rumi had a very deep and transformative relationship with Shams-e Tabrizi, a wandering dervish and mystic.

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