We see what we expect to see.
And in our world, many of us see corruption, greed, selfishness, division, anger and hate. Walking down the street, we see creeps and weirdos. In our office, there’s that annoying guy or the lady who smells like cheese.
What if we could choose to see the best in people, instead? What if we could choose to be surprised by their kindness, moved by their bravery, amazed by their… amazingness?
Spoiler alert: We can!
This challenge is a big one that requires a lot of courage. Here’s what you do:
- Whoever you’re looking at, whoever you’re with today, expect the best of them.
- Say silently, in your own mind “Show me your best.” Then, simply let them.
- Let them show you their best. Expect to see it. Get curious about how it’s going to manifest.
- And be prepared to be totally blown away.
If you are feeling the lack of a particular quality in the world, ask them to show you that, silently, in your own mind: “Show me your heroism.” “Show me your kindness.” “Show me your trustworthiness.” Then look for it.
If you are feeling the lack of a particular quality in the world, ask them to show you that, silently, in your own mind: “Show me your heroism.” “Show me your kindness.” “Show me your trustworthiness.” Then look for it.
If that doesn’t feel natural, then instead try simply TRUSTING everyone you encounter. Not in naivety, but in community, brother- and sister-hood. Trust everyone you see. Trust them to be good, to do good, to have honourable intentions and to do their best.
And then watch what happens. Be aware. Be curious.
A few years ago, I expected the same things of men that most women in our culture do: I expected them to be dangerous, to be ignorant of my experience, to be emotionally numb or stunted, to lack sensitivity, to objectify me sexually, and on and on the list went. It probably won’t surprise you to learn that’s EXACTLY how I experienced most men… even when I had ample evidence in front of me that my expectations weren’t really warranted. Like, you know, the fact that I was surrounded by amazing men. (You know who you are, guys. Thank you for showing me the truth.)
Now, I expect the opposite, from men and from everyone. I expect that I can trust them. That they’ll be caring.
That they’ll show me their best.
So today, I want you to try doing the same. Expect the best of people. Let the people around you, strangers and friends, neighbors and lovers, be exactly who you need them to be, who the world needs them to be.
If you do, I can guarantee you one thing:
It’s going to be a really, really good day.
You deserve it ?
There’s a Big Life waiting for everybody. But most of us aren’t living it. That’s why I wrote this book: Your Big Life, to support people in overcoming the self sabotage that’s holding them back, by sharing the incredibly powerful tools I’ve been lucky enough to discover through my work as a Mindfulness and Wellness Coach. Check out my book, Your Big Life, on Amazon
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