CBD Oils for Common Mental Health Illnesses

cbd oils

The recent developments and breakthroughs in mental health and psychology reveal that a vast majority of the human population suffers from mild to severe mental health disorders. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), five percent of the global population suffers from depression and anxiety. To help combat these symptoms and conditions, key players in the wellness industry proactively develop complementary therapy products.

The most common and potent example of these products is cannabidiol (CBD). This compound is just one of the 100 other cannabinoids naturally occurring in cannabis plants. It might not be a magic cure, yet it can alleviate specific symptoms of mental disorders like depression, panic attacks, and anxiety. The even better news is that this compound is less addictive than those derived from marijuana. 

CBD Oil 101

CBD oil is a cannabinoid-containing plant-based oil. It used the hemp plantโ€™s flowers, leaves, and stalks in oil production. The body also naturally makes this compound, primarily responsible for the molecules making people happy and relaxed. 

CBD oil-derived cannabinoids interact with the bodyโ€™s cannabinoid receptors, effectively stimulating a feel-good response. This is precisely the reason behind the compoundโ€™s calming effect. 

Among all the CBD products, CBD oil has the most public traction. This is because of the absence of prohibitions on the import and export of CBD oil products. The reason behind this is they are free from tetra-hydro-cannabinoids (THC), which means theyโ€™re devoid of elements responsible for the โ€œhighโ€ sensation or psychoactive effects. 

When you read discussions on hemp vs. marijuana, you will find that derived products from the former are not as addictive as the latter because of lower tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content. This is the same premise reason applied to CBD oils.ย 

Mental Health and CBD Oils

The bodyโ€™s natural cannabinoids keep the entire internal system balanced by ensuring the proper functioning of the digestive system. It also guarantees that the body can modulate any pain. One can safely assume that CBD oil derived from the hemp plant has many health benefits with all these capabilities. 

Various studies looked into the possible healing effects of CBD, most especially for relieving mental health disorders and pain relief. Here are some of the results of these studies: 

1. Lessens Social Anxiety

In a study published by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), the researchers found that cannabidiol can lessen public speaking-induced anxiety. The researchers studied patients with social phobia, and their results show that CBD pretreatment can reduce stress, discomfort, and cognitive impairment in the respondentsโ€™ speech performance. The said pretreatment also reduced anticipatory speech alert. 

In a separate study, researchers showed how a 400 milligram (mg) oral dose of CBD could lessen anxiety in patients suffering from generalized social anxiety disorder (SAD). This is possible because of the reduced ethyl cysteine dimer (ECD) uptake in the patientโ€™s inferior temporal gyrus, hippocampus, and left parahippocampal gyrus and increased ECD uptake in their right posterior cingulate gyrus. These explain the reduced SAD-related anxiety related to the activities of the paralimbic and limbic brain areas. 

2. Contains Antidepressant Properties

While studies are declaring that CBD can combat anxiety, the pieces of evidence about its positive effects on depression are still inconclusive. Despite this, there is enough literature to support the claim that CBD has antidepressant properties since it interacts with the brainโ€™s serotonin receptors. 

Depression and low serotonin levels are directly related. CBD might not work by boosting oneโ€™s serotonin levels. Still, it interacts with the brainโ€™s serotonin and chemical receptors for them to react positively and quickly to the serotonin in your system. With this, CBD emulates an antidepressant-like effect. 

Some people use CBD oil as an alternative medication for depression. Some also use it to complement therapy because of the lesser risk of developing dependence on the medicine. CBD oil is not as addictive as other similar substances. This is because its compound works without activating the endocannabinoid receptors in the brain. 

3. Brings About Lesser Panic Attacks

CBD is also known for its positive effects in lessening panic disorder. According to the National Mental Health Institute, nearly five percent of the global population suffers from unexpected panic attacks triggered by stressful events. 

The same research mentioned above administered controlled CBD doses to human models before going through a simulated-panic attack-inducing event like public speaking. The result revealed that CBD reduced different levels of anxiety with different amounts. 


There are countless different ways to deal with depression and anxiety without being dependent on prescription drugs. One of these methods is by using CBD oil. However, despite the positive results of the studies discussed in this post, itโ€™s still best to exercise caution when using these products. 

Consult with your CBD-prescribing doctor first. Make sure that this is the best option for you. Also, ask for advice on whether this is better than conventional treatment methods. Only then can you be assured of achieving the best results. At the end of the day, itโ€™s always better to be safe than sorry.

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