6 Ways To Manage Coronavirus Depression


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Coronavirus Depression is increasing in the United States, in no small part due to COVID-19. According toย recent reports, depressive symptoms are at least three times higher than they were before the pandemic hit, suggesting that the emotional cost of living through this time is enormous.

For those who are vulnerable to depression already, this time is even more fraught.

Al (whose name has been changed for privacy) suffered bouts of depression on and off for years, but had made the decision to go off of his medications near the end of 2019. Then COVID hit, and it was hard to keep his mood from plummeting.

โ€œI have more depressive symptoms than I did a year agoโ€”more negative feelings about my relationship, about friends, in general,โ€ he says. โ€œIf your imagination runs to the negative, this apocalyptic scenario just confirms your negative bias about how things are and how things turn out.โ€

Similarly, Michelle was already going through relationship struggles and worrying about her childโ€™s mental health before COVID hit. All of the changes the pandemic wrought exacerbated these stressors, making her feel depressed.

โ€œWhatever else felt stable in my life got knocked out from under me, and there was nothing left that I felt I could count on,โ€ she says. โ€œMy social life disappeared or changed beyond recognition, and I didnโ€™t know what the future of my job was, either. I felt completely rudderless.โ€

To some extent, all of us may be at risk for coronavirus depression during the pandemic, says Nancy Liu, clinical professor at the University of California, Berkeley.

โ€œYouโ€™re going to feel down. Youโ€™re going to feel a little hopeless or helpless,โ€ she says. โ€œYouโ€™re not going to be as eager to connect with people and are going to withdraw.โ€ We should expect to feel anxious and depressed, as we would in any kind of disaster.

While we are all prone to feeling down these days, depression differs from normal sorrow or anxiety and is far more debilitating, says psychologist Shelby Harris, author of the bookย The Womenโ€™s Guide to Overcoming Insomnia. It persists, unrelenting, for weeks at a time and leads to an inability to function normally.

Problems with sleep, significant weight loss or gain, not being able to get out of bed, lacking motivation or sense of self-worth, and finding no enjoyment from everyday activitiesโ€”these are signs that you may be entering a depressive state.

Depression is such a cruel punishment

โ€œIf you find you have trouble focusing, concentrating, or doing what you need to do in life because of these issues, consider having it assessed further,โ€ she says.

Coronavirus depression can also be life-threatening when it becomes a precursor to suicide. Given the high price of depression, itโ€™s important to understand what causes it, how to identify it, and the steps we can take to counter it. Here are some of the things we can do until the pandemic ends to look out for one another, manage coronavirus depression and stay healthier.

1. Get professional help

When Michelle started feeling deeply depressed, she knew she should be concerned, having experienced suicidal thoughts in the past. After her partner expressed concern, she called a therapist.

โ€œThat was step one,โ€ she says. โ€œI needed that outlet, to be able to talk to someone who I didnโ€™t have to worry about burdening with my depressive thoughts.โ€

Liu encourages people to turn to therapy if depressed, because it can be very effective for overcoming mood disorders. But she bemoans the fact that many community clinics are overwhelmed right now, and some people lack the means to reach help.

โ€œThereโ€™s just a huge need, but not everybody has access to secure Wi-Fi and Zoom to get remote treatment,โ€ she says. โ€œI worry that only a certain subset of the population is getting the services they need.โ€

If you donโ€™t have ready access to a therapist, you may want to contact your health care provider, if you have one. See what they have to offer and if youโ€™re eligible for services. Or you can simply ask friends or family if they can recommend any therapists.

In many areas, there are sites that specialize in helping people find local therapists, or you can turn to theย Psychologist Locator, a site operated by the American Psychological Association.

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2. Add small, good things to your life

While professional treatment is ideal, what can people do when they see their mood sinking?

Harris says that itโ€™s important to start adding small things to your life that you enjoy, to fight off feelings of helplessness that often come with coronavirus depression.

โ€œPlan small activities daily that allow for a moderate amount of pleasure and accomplishment (e.g., reading, cleaning out your office, painting a picture, styling your hair),โ€ she says. โ€œActivity scheduling is very effective at the outset with depression.โ€

Of course, itโ€™s not always easy to do that now that many of our usual pleasurable activities have been curtailed during the pandemic. Still, itโ€™s possible to adjust our expectations and try new things.

Michelle tried several ways to help snap her out of her funk. One of the most impactful for her was adopting a kitten, whom she came to love.

โ€œThat kitten saved my life, because when nothing else was interesting or could grab my attention, the kitten was the one thing in my life that made me happy,โ€ she says.

Michelle also found it helpful to pursue creative self-expression by trying to do short writing exercises based on prompts she found in a bookโ€”such as, โ€œWhat is a time in your life when you saidย no?โ€ or โ€œWhat do you think youโ€™re destined to do in this life?โ€

โ€œThis was something I could do that gets me doing some kind of creativity, but isnโ€™t a big commitment; and I didnโ€™t have to think it up myself,โ€ she says. Plus, it brought her a little joy, which helped alleviate her difficult moods.

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3. Find ways to exercise your body

One of the best treatments for coronavirus depression isย getting physical exercise, while not getting exercise canย induce depressive symptoms. Especially during this difficult time, itโ€™s important to take care of your body.

Al is aware of how his physical health affects his mood; so, heโ€™s made sure to maintain routines of self-care, like getting enough sleep, eating well, and getting outside when possibleโ€”all of which have been tied to preventing depression. Though adjustments to his exercise routines were needed because of the pandemic, some of those changes were positive, he found.

โ€œIt may be less fun, but itโ€™s more flexible at the same time,โ€ he says. โ€œYou donโ€™t have to coordinate with other people or take other peopleโ€™s schedules into account.โ€

When the pandemic ended Michelleโ€™s in-person yoga class, she tried the Zoom version of the class but found it wanting. So, she made it a point to find other exercise outletsโ€”like taking walks and bicyclingโ€”which made her feel better.

โ€œI donโ€™t do big bicycle trips yet. But even if I just pedal across the street and around the neighborhood, Iโ€™ve at least gotten out there,โ€ she says. โ€œIt definitely helps.โ€

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4. Foster a sense of agency

For Al, it was important to make progress on personal goals, like improving his piano playing or his golf game. While it was sometimes difficult to find the motivation and energy when depressed, he found ways to trick himself into getting started, which not only helped him get closer to his goals, but improved his mood.

โ€œJust taking small steps, consciously having low expectations, and telling myself, โ€˜Donโ€™t make a big deal out of it,โ€™ helped me to go through the motionsโ€”to get to the range or to the piano,โ€ he says. โ€œSometimes itโ€™s less about the actual thing youโ€™re doing than the fact that you are tryingย somethingโ€”that you are taking control and taking action of some kindโ€”that helps.โ€

Having a sense of agencyโ€”the sense that you have some control over what happens to youโ€”is important for staving off coronavirus depression, says Liu. Butย that can be hard now, when so many people are working from home and finding blurred boundaries between their job hours, home life, and time for self-care. She suggests itโ€™s a good idea to create structure in your day, to make sure you schedule things that are important for your wellbeing.

โ€œYou should be making time to read that book, cook, ride your bike, or go for a walkโ€”all the little things that make you happy,โ€ she says.

5. Try meditation and self-compassion

Sometimes, though, negative thoughts get in the way. Maybe you feel you donโ€™t deserve to do nice things for yourself or you arenโ€™t good enough to reach your goals. For that, Liu suggests practicing self-compassion. After all, she says, we are going through a global pandemic and are not going to be the best, most productive versions of ourselvesโ€ฆand thatโ€™s OK.


โ€œGetting a little bit of extra help or doing some things to be kind to yourself and take care of yourself is important right now,โ€ she says.

It can also be extremely useful for people to consider doing a daily meditation practice, to ward off negative thoughts, says Harris.

โ€œStart small, even a minute or two, and do it during times when youโ€™re not necessarily highly stressed or anxious,โ€ she says. โ€œThe more you practice, the more youโ€™ll be able to notice your thoughts and be able to let them go, getting more distance from them.โ€

Meditation can also soothe difficult emotions, helping us focus less on ourselves and be more available for othersโ€”another coronavirus depression reliever, says Liu.

โ€œGiving to others is an antidote to the sense of helplessness that weโ€™re all experiencing right now, and it gives us a larger sense of connectedness,โ€ she says. โ€œItโ€™s definitely something that helps us even as it helps others.โ€

6. Reach out to other people

Both Harris and Liu emphasize the importance of connecting with others for preventing depression. Liu encourages people who are depressed to make an effort to call old friends or family members, take company on your walks (if you can take walks), or engage in other ways with people you care about.

โ€œSocial support goes such a long way, even in the face of natural disasters, because experiencing something together creates connection and understanding,โ€ she says.

Michelle definitely feels interacting with other people helps her. But she worries about asking people who are already overwhelmed to spend time with herโ€”and then finding herself turned down or ignored.

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โ€œItโ€™s a little disheartening to feel like I reach out a lot and donโ€™t always hear back from people,โ€ she says.

Al also questions socializing as a good strategy for himself.

โ€œI have trouble reaching out,โ€ he says. โ€œI often think, accurately or inaccurately, that itโ€™s asking for trouble.โ€

This is where Liu thinks friends, families, and communities could step up more to help. Checking in with those who may be isolated or depressed can be hard, especially if they are a bit crankier than normal or even actively block your efforts. Still, itโ€™s good to let people know you are thinking of them and to be willing to listen with empathy if they open up, she says. And, she adds, you donโ€™t have to be pushy.

โ€œMaking the space to be a listening, gentle presence and validating someoneโ€™s experienceโ€”that can go a long way,โ€ she says. โ€œEven leaving unimposing messages of support and understanding makes people feel less alone and that someone cares about them, which is a protective factor.โ€

While there is no guarantee that we can stop someone from sinking into depression, or that they can stop themselves, itโ€™s important to try. After all, when someone is depressed, it affects everyone.

โ€œDepression doesnโ€™t just impact the person with depression. It frequently has a domino effect that then touches family, friends, employers, etc., in varying ways,โ€ says Harris. โ€œBy recognizing it in others, we can be better equipped to help them at a time when they might be suffering in silence and just going through the motions.โ€

Thatโ€™s why itโ€™s good to be alert to signs of coronavirus depression in ourselves and in others. Not only are there things that depressed people can do to help themselves, we all can make a difference if we show up for each other and express care.

โ€œOn the rare occasions that I ask someone, โ€˜Hey, can we have a chat? Can we have tea? Can we go for a walk?,โ€™ it would be nice to have people commit to that and make it happen,โ€ says Michelle. โ€œIf I were to ask anything of my family or community, I would ask for that.โ€

Hopefully, we will all take note.

Please share this article with anyone who you may think will find it valuable and helpful.

Written by: Jill Suttie
This article originally appeared onย Greater Good, the online magazine of UC Berkeleyโ€™sย Greater Good Science Center.โ€œ
Republished with permission.
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