6 Cold-Hearted Zodiac Signs Who Hardly Feel Anything!

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Do you know who’re the most cold hearted zodiac signs? These are the star signs who hardly feel anything! Read on to identify the most uncaring and cold hearted zodiacs of all!

In a world full of various personalities, every person is a blend of good and bad qualities. But there are some people who possess the trait of cold-heartedness a little more than others.

Love is just not a feeling. A genuinely loving individual often takes constructive and loving action toward another person. This is because they have a genuine concern for the well-being of the other person in their heart. These are the people who are inherently warm-hearted, caring, loving, generous, and kind.

On the other hand, there are people who claim to feel the emotion of love but act in all kinds of unloving and uncaring ways. These people are cold-hearted, selfish, judgmental, or obnoxious, and only think about their well-being.

They are unconcerned about the needs of others and refuse to express themselves properly. While it can be very difficult to understand a person’s true nature fully, we certainly want to avoid this kind of people who unnecessarily make it difficult to be around them.

A cold-hearted person is someone who is emotionally unavailable and lacks empathy. They can’t think beyond themselves and they are not moved by someone’s sadness or needs.

It won’t matter if you pour out your heart to them or do any special gesture to express your love for them, they won’t be moved. They are only interested in getting their needs met and all conversations with them would mostly revolve around them.

Although it takes little time to gauge someone’s personality traits and we should take our time to know someone better, we can utilize the wisdom of the ancient art of Astrology to understand particular personality traits.

Since our zodiac signs control a lot of our personality and behavioral aspects, it can be easier to categorize some people who are infamous for their cold and aloof behavior based on their astrological signs. So, which are the top cold hearted zodiac signs?

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6 Cold Hearted Zodiac Signs

Here is a list of 6 cold hearted zodiac signs who hardly feel anything:

1. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarius is a fiery fire sign. They are very ambitious. They think big. The only downside is that they can get too self-centered because of their ambition. They are too occupied with their own plans, targets, goals, and success.

Even when they are communicating with you, they would mostly be interested in talking about themselves and what is going on in their lives instead of being excited about your life’s happenings. It will be a rare event when they will ask you a question about yourself and even if they do, it’s usually a way of getting some information.

Related: How Dark Is Your Soul (According To Your Zodiac Sign)

2. CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

Cancer is a cardinal water sign. Their ruling planet is the moon. They are highly sensitive and emotional and have extreme mood swings. It is a little difficult to digest that the most emotional signs of the zodiac would make it to the list of cold hearted zodiac signs.

But it is because of their emotional nature that they face a lot of heartbreaks in their life and they eventually learn to harden their heart even if it is only for self-preservation. This makes them one of the most cold hearted zodiac signs.

But they forget that being cold-hearted and holding back their feelings is not the right way to go about dealing with their mood swings and sensitivity. What they need to strike is a balance between being too emotional and too cold-hearted.

cold hearted zodiac signs

3. AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius is an air sign. They are very unconventional, rebellious, wild, go-getters, and logical. They tend toward intellectual ideas and creating new things. They may not be emotionally unavailable, however, the downside is they are not very comfortable with emotions.

It’s not that they are insensitive or don’t have any emotions but they give more preference to logic and intellect. They will feel very uncomfortable if someone unpacks their emotional baggage in front of them and they don’t want to hear about all the painful things that are going on in someone’s life. They might just insensitively ask you to change the topic as well.

Also, they’re not good at handling their own overwhelming emotions and tend to be evasive or avoidant when they find themselves in an emotionally charged situation with a loved one. They would rather be aloof and solve their own problems rather than take the chance of sharing their emotional vulnerability with someone else.

Related: The Good and Bad of Loving An Aquarius (7 Brutal Truths)

4. SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

Scorpio is again a water sign. Scorpios are known for their passion and intensity. The downside is that their intensity can make them turn hostile. When Scorpio feels hurt, they will become extremely cold-hearted and seek revenge at any cost.

They will turn manipulative and cold, and try to find out all your weaknesses and strike when you least expect it. Scorpios are also known to be extremely secretive. They use their charm and passion to hide all their weaknesses and secrets. They may have a lot of skeletons in their closet and you would not even come to know anything about it.

5. VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

Virgo is an earth sign. They are very meticulous, analytical, hardworking, rational, practical, and logical. They are also very methodical and want to be in control of everything. They plan ahead and even plan things to the minutest of details.

The downside of this is that they can learn to stay so much in their head that they can completely forget to be in touch with their emotions. They expect everyone to strive for perfection and excellence and can be very critical and dismissive of others.

They want others to meet their unrealistic expectations and when Virgos feel hurt or let down, they tend to go into a cocoon. They will express their grievances in a cold manner and will never openly share their feelings.

Related: Black Zodiac: The Evil Side Of Each Zodiac Sign

6. TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

Taurus is an earth sign. They are loyal, patient, hard-working, and seek material comfort and possessions. The downside is that they are too rigid and stubborn and don’t want to change for anything or anyone.

If you ever get into an argument with Taurean, they will never give in to your perspective. They will stick to their own and will never budge an inch to compromise or reach a common ground.

They have a very fragile ego and being right is more important to them than maintaining a cordial relationship. They are also very ambitious and materialistic and if someone comes in the way of their achievement or possession, they will deal with them in an absolutely cold and emotionless manner.

Related: What Is Spirituality?

So, those were the 6 cold hearted zodiac signs. Do you know someone who is one of these cold hearted zodiac signs? According to you, what makes each zodiac cold hearted? Drop in a comment down below and share your views on our list of the most cold hearted zodiac signs.

6 Cold Hearted Zodiac Signs, They Hardly Feel Anything!
6 Cold-Hearted Zodiac Signs, They Hardly Feel Anything!
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Cold Hearted Zodiac Signs Hardly Feel Anything

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