5 Clear Signs He’s Cheating On You

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If you love your man, the last thing you want to believe is that he’s cheating on you. But if he’s been acting differently lately, you deserve to know the truth. So is it a case of paranoia, or is the man you love cheating on you?

Here are 5 clear signs he’s being unfaithful, and take notes because you won’t find any of the “He’s had a haircut and brought new aftershave” type clichés on this list…

1. You don’t see his phone anymore – 

Suddenly instead of leaving his cell phone out on the table or on the kitchen sides, your guy keeps his phone on him at all times. Most the time he keeps it hidden in his pocket, and the only time you’ll see it is when he pulls it out to have a quick glance to see if he has any messages.

To make this sign even more obvious you’ll also notice he has all his ringtones off. The phone is always on silent or at best set to vibrate. Ask yourself the question, why would someone have their phone on silent 100% of the time unless they were in a meeting, the cinema, or they had something to hide?

A hidden, silent phone is not good news!

2. He starts schmoozing – 

He always gave you the occasional cuddle and kiss on the cheek during the day, but all of a sudden he’s being very affectionate for no apparent reason. This is a dead giveaway and hears why…

The majority of women assume a guy goes cold and distant when he’s having an affair. That’s true some of the time, but that’s normally a sign he wants you to catch him. If he’s suddenly showing lots of love it’s a sure sign of guilt. It’s a typical childlike way to react to something you’ve done wrong, and like I always say, men are like big babies most the time.

3. He lets you go to bed before him – 

Normally you always go to bed together. Now all of a sudden he suggests you go before him. He’ll tell you he just needs to send an email or check some work thing on the PC.

This is when you want to keep an eye on him. The chances are while you’re snuggling under the covers he’s sending his mistress a text message or two. If he’s very adventurous he might even give her a late night booty call.

4. He starts deleting everything – 

If he’s hiding his cell phone from you there’s no way you’ll know this, but a cheater will delete all his calling and text history. You’ll also find an empty email inbox, and browsing history on the Internet will be a thing of the past.

You’ll probably find he stops having receipts stuffed in his trouser pockets. It’s man’s way of covering his tracks. The thing most guys don’t realize is this kind of stupid behavior stinks of guilt!

5. He buys new shoes –

Don’t bother looking for new aftershave or sudden weight loss. Most guys are happy with the aftershave they’re using, and they know new aftershave is a dead giveaway. Here’s the thing you really need to worry about…

New shoes!

If your man stops wearing those dirty old sneakers he always wears and comes home with a couple of pairs of brand new shoes, he’s trying to impress a woman. Unless he’s suddenly paying attention to fashion, he probably knows women look at a man’s shoes and wants to make a good impression on someone. Unfortunately, it’s probably not you!

So what are you supposed to do if you spot any of these signs?

Sit down and talk to him. Just because he’s showing signs of infidelity you need to give him the benefit of the doubt. Tell him you’re worried about his behavior and tell him what he’s done to worry you. Don’t get all crazy on him and start throwing a tantrum because it might turn out he isn’t cheating on you.

Explain how you feel, and tell him you just want to clear your mind. See here’s something you need to know about men…

Yes, some men are cold, narcissistic, and don’t have any problem cheating. They won’t show any emotion, and they’ll happily lie to your face without caring. MOST guys though will feel some degree of guilt about what they’re doing. Think about a little boy that broke one of his Mom’s favorite ornaments and then spends the next month terrified she’ll find out.

He knows he’s doing wrong, and he’s worried you’re going to find out. But why is he having an affair? Why does he care if you find out? If he wants another woman, what does it matter to him?

Guys cheat for a ton of reasons.

Maybe he has low self-esteem, maybe a woman hurt him in the past, maybe he isn’t certain if he wants to settle down, or of course, he could just be an ignorant, selfish man-boy who isn’t ready for an adult relationship.

The good thing is, you more likely to know if you’re with a cheater IF you have a better understanding of men. To be honest, once you learn how to spot certain traits and characteristics in guys, you’ll know how to avoid players altogether.

If you haven’t seen my women’s dating product “What Men Desire” you should give it a look. It will answer every question you’ve ever had about men, and what makes us commit. You’ll discover everything from why men go cold, through to what men want in a long-term partner.

Isn’t it about time men didn’t confuse you anymore?

Why does dating seem so hard? How are you supposed to meet and flirt with men? Watch my FREE video, “How to Speak Man” to STOP speculating and START winning his heart!

Written by David Wygant
Originally appeared on DavidWygnant.com

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5 Clear Signs He’s Cheating On You

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