25 Signs Of A Fake Alpha Male: How To Spot The Pretenders 

How to spot a fake alpha male 1

Ever heard of a fake alpha male? Well, they do exist and regardless of how bold and brave they may appear, they simply hide behind a veil of false confidence. This is why it is crucial to spot the signs of a fake alpha male.

Alpha males dominate almost every aspect of life. They are charismatic, helpful, resilient and brave, making them natural-born leaders. However, some men often wear a mask to disguise themselves as an alpha male in order to take a shortcut to success. 

Let us delve into the captivating signs that expose the hidden vulnerabilities of fake alpha males. Prepare to uncover the truth behind their carefully crafted facade as we explore how to identify fake alphas.

What is a fake alpha male?

A fake alpha male is a person who portrays themselves as a confident, assertive, and dominant leader, but in reality, they lack the authentic traits and qualities that make a true alpha male.

These are individuals who present themselves as an epitome of confidence, dominance, and assertiveness, but lack the genuine qualities associated with true leadership. Fake alpha males often use manipulation, aggression, and intimidation to control and dominate others. 

They have a constant need for validation to mask their deep-seated insecurities and maintain an image of power. They may put others down, brag about their accomplishments, and use their status or wealth to impress others. 

signs of a fake alpha male

They may lack empathy and have little regard for the feelings and needs of those around them, and they may change their behavior depending on the situation or the people they are around.

Related: From Alpha To Omega: What Is Your Socio Sexual Hierarchy Rank?

Despite their outward display of confidence, fake alpha males have an inability to take accountability for their actions. Their behavior is driven by a fear of being exposed and a need to assert superiority over others rather than fostering meaningful connections and genuine leadership qualities.

In contrast, true alpha males are authentic, respectful, empathetic, consistent, and inspiring leaders. This is why it is important to learn how to identify fake alphas.

Signs of a fake alpha male

Wondering how to spot a fake alpha male? Want to know about the signs he is not an alpha male? Then here are some fake alpha male signs you must know about –

1. Excessive arrogance

While real alphas have healthy self-assurance, fake alphas exhibit excessive, undeserved arrogance. They adopt an air of superiority toward others despite having done little to merit such arrogance.

Their arrogance comes from insecurity and a need to prop up their fragile ego, rather than from any real strengths or accomplishments.

2. All talk, no action

Real alphas take bold action when required. They don’t just talk about a big game – they back it up with concrete results.

Fake alphas, on the other hand, spend a lot of time talking about being alpha but they avoid actually doing anything that requires risks or challenges.

They make grand speeches and boast about their supposed alpha qualities but when it comes time to put their money where their mouth is, they flake out. This is one of the most basic signs of a fake alpha male.

3. Excessive one-upsmanship

True alphas aren’t constantly trying to one-up others or prove they are superior. They are self-assured and secure enough to let their actions speak for themselves without needing constant validation.

However, fake alphas engage in excessive one-upsmanship. They constantly interrupt others to tell more outrageous, self-aggrandizing stories in an attempt to demonstrate that they are “alpha.”

They use hyperbole and exaggeration to try and make themselves appear more impressive. Well, this is how to spot a fake alpha male.

4. Dominance over others

Real alphas inspire followership through confident, competent leadership – not through dominance or control over others.

In contrast, fake alphas seek feelings of superiority by trying to dominate and subjugate others. They use aggression, intimidation and bullying tactics to make others feel inferior and subordinate. Their “alpha” status depends on having people beneath them. This is another crucial signs of a fake alpha male.

Related: Understanding The Alpha, Beta, Omega and other Personality Types

5. Appearance over substance

Another great way to learn how to identify fake alphas is to focus on alpha personality traits. True alphas have substance – strong character, values, skills and knowledge. Their “alpha” qualities come from within.

Fake alphas, on the other hand, mostly rely on appearance. They focus heavily on things like fashion, image, expensive accessories and material signs of “success” to try and signal alpha status. But underneath, there is little depth of character or competence.

Want more signs of a fake alpha male? Read on.

6. Needs constant reassurance

Real alphas are secure in themselves and don’t need constant praise or reassurance that they are “alpha.” They are confident and comfortable in their own skin.

But fake alphas exhibit the opposite behavior. They constantly need others to reassure them of their “alpha male” status. They are overly conscious of how others perceive them and they “fish for compliments” often. Deep down, they lack true security and self-confidence.

7. Inability to listen

Real alphas are good listeners. They value the perspectives of others and are willing to learn from those who may know more.

In contrast, fake alphas have an inability or unwillingness to really listen. They are unable to see past their own inflated egos long enough to truly hear what others have to say. For them, every conversation is an opportunity to talk, not listen.

8. Lack of empathy

Still wondering how to identify fake alphas? Then observe how empathetic they are. True alphas possess empathy – the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Empathy is a sign of emotional intelligence and maturity.

However, fake alphas often lack empathy. They are self-centered, possessive and unable to see things from another person’s perspective. They may even belittle the feelings of others to maintain an aura of “alpha” strength. This is one of the most important signs of a fake alpha male.

9. Quick to anger

Real alphas keep their emotions in check, especially negative ones like anger. They value self-control and respond to conflict in a measured, reasonable manner.

In comparison, fake alphas are quick to anger and resort to aggression and hostility. Fake alphas often resort to aggression, threats, shouting, and unnecessary confrontations to seem “tough” and intimidate others. 

Their “alpha” posturing is often a thin veil for covering deep insecurity and emotional immaturity. But true inner strength doesn’t depend on shouting others down.

10. Prone to judgment

True alphas are not overly judgmental of others. They have a wider perspective and are willing to consider multiple viewpoints.

In contrast, fake alphas are prone to judging and criticizing others. They see the world in “alpha/beta” terms, always assessing and categorizing people rather than trying to understand them.

They lack the open-mindedness and wisdom that comes from experience and self-knowledge. This is how to spot a fake alpha male.

11. Detail obsessed

True alpha males are secure enough to be comfortable with some ambiguity and uncertainty. Fake alphas tend to obsess over details, rules, and being “in control.” They lack the flexibility and versatility of a genuine leader.

True alpha qualities come from authentic self-confidence, emotional maturity and the ability to positively influence others. In contrast, fake alphas rely on superficial tactics, arrogance and domination to prop up their fragile self-esteem. 

Related: What Strong Women Must Know About Loving An Alpha Male

But wait, there are more fake alpha male signs to look out for to distinguish the real thing from mere pretenders.

signs of a fake alpha male

More signs he is not an alpha male 

Here are some more key fake alpha male traits and signs to watch out for to spot a fake alpha male:

12. They try too hard

Real alphas don’t need to constantly prove themselves, but fake alphas exert a lot of effort trying to appear alpha through their behavior, words and body language. This is a clear giveaway when looking for fake alpha male signs.

13. They are inflexible and rigid

True alphas are secure enough to be flexible and adapt when needed, but fake alphas stick stubbornly to “alpha” behaviors even when a situation calls for a different approach.

14. They have a narrow view 

One of the basic signs he is not an alpha male is having a limited perspective. Fake alphas see the world in black and white and lack the nuanced, complex view of human nature that true alphas possess.

15. They play power games

Fake alphas actively try to establish dominance and power over others through manipulation and mind games. True alphas don’t need to resort to such tactics.

16. They surround themselves with “beta” people

Fake alphas tend to only associate with people they perceive as “beta” so they can feel superior. Real alphas inspire a diverse range of people. This is among the most common signs of a fake alpha male.

17. They lack self-awareness

Because fake alphas are so focused on appearance, they have little inner awareness of their true motivations and nature. This is why, lack of self-awareness is one of the signs he is not an alpha male.

18. They exhibit selfish behavior

Real alphas consider the needs of the group or the greater good, while fake alphas focus solely on themselves and what benefits them personally. This is how to spot a fake alpha male. This is one of the tell-tale fake alpha male signs.

19. They try to control everything

Fakes have a need to be in control and micromanage situations, while real alphas lead by empowering others.

20. They make everything about sex

Fakes see sexuality and “notches on the bedpost” as signs of alpha status, while real alphas have a broader, more mature view of masculinity.

Related: 30 Characteristics Of An Alpha Male: Are You One?

21. They are easily threatened

Fake alphas react strongly when feeling threatened, while real alphas remain composed and confident in the face of challenges. Their low self-esteem is another important fake alpha male signs.

22. They are insecure

Fakes act out in alpha-like ways to cover deep-seated insecurities, while real alphas have a healthy self-image.

23. They always need to be right

Pretenders insist they are right in arguments just to assert dominance, while real alphas are willing to admit when they are wrong.

24. They have a weak work ethic

Fakes avoid hard work and responsibility, relying instead on bravado, while real alphas have a strong work ethic and follow through on commitments. 

25. They constantly compare themselves

Fake alphas judge themselves by comparing themselves to others, seeking to always be “top dog,” while real alphas are self-sufficient and confident in their own achievements.

These signs of a fake alpha male can help you easily spot a faker. The key is that real alphas lead from a place of strength, authenticity and maturity, while fake alphas engage in alpha behavior more from a place of inner weakness, insecurity, immaturity and a need to dominate others to feel superior. 

But how to spot alpha male…a real one? Let’s find out.

How to spot alpha male

Looking for some real alpha male traits? Now that we know about the signs of a fake alpha male, let us figure out how to identify a real alpha male. Here are some real alpha male traits you should know about –

1. Confidence

True alpha males are self-assured and confident in themselves and their abilities. They don’t need to put others down or brag about their accomplishments to feel good about themselves.

2. Respectful

One of the real alpha male traits is being respectful of others, regardless of their gender, race, or social status. They treat others with dignity and kindness, and are able to connect with people from all walks of life.

3. Decisive

True alpha males are decisive and able to make tough decisions when necessary. They don’t waver or second-guess themselves, and are able to take charge when needed.

Related: 11 Personality Traits Of A Sigma Male That Sets Them Apart

4. Empathetic

True alpha males are able to connect with others on an emotional level. They are able to show empathy and compassion for others, and are willing to listen to and understand the perspectives of those around them. This is one of the most common real alpha male traits.

5. Strong

True alpha males are physically and mentally strong. They take care of their bodies and minds, and are able to handle challenges and adversity with grace and poise.

6. Authentic

True alpha males are authentic and true to themselves. They don’t try to be someone they’re not, and they don’t put on a show for others. They are genuine and transparent in their interactions with others.

True alpha males are confident, respectful, and empathetic individuals who are able to lead with strength and authenticity. They inspire others to be their best selves and create positive change in the world around them.

signs of a fake alpha male

Real alpha vs fake alpha

True alpha males embody positive qualities such as authenticity, respect, empathy, consistency, and leadership, while fake alpha males often use negative tactics such as manipulation, aggression, and disrespect to assert their dominance.

Look beyond surface level bravado and focus on behaviors. With awareness, you can determine who is the real deal and who is simply pretending.

Related: 7 Reasons To Date A Beta Male and Not An Alpha Man

fake alpha male

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