Your Horoscope for the New Moon in Aries – 24 March 2020

Your Horoscope for the New Moon in Aries

General Predictions for the New Moon in Aries:

On March the 24th, at 09:28 UT, the Moon meets the Sun, in Aries, forming the New Moon.

During this waxing Moon period, Mars leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius, on the 30th of March. Also, Venus leaves Taurus and enters Gemini, on the 3rd of April. So, slowly, but significantly, the astrological scenery is changing.

The inauspicious aspects of the New Moon:

One of the most important inauspicious aspects of the period is the square of Saturn and Uranus. This square has been active for quite some time before Saturn entered Aquarius, but only recently, and especially it became significantly strong as Saturn was also supported majorly by too many beneficial influences. One of those – Saturn’s hexagon with Neptune – stopped acting completely when Saturn entered Aquarius. This square won’t become perfect this year, but it will continue being strongly active until the time Saturn returns to Capricorn, again, on the 1st of June. Because of this square, our sense of freedom is restricted. Social activity also receives some restrictions and stress. The online one, too, will face some stress. Our ability to create beneficial changes in our lives faces more challenges, as well, and we’ll need to put much more effort into such goals.

Mars is also in a square with Uranus, since the day of this New Moon. This square will be precise on the 7th of April, the eve of the Full Moon, and it will remain active until the 23rd of April, the day of the next New Moon. This will bring even more stress and tension in the same areas Saturn’s square to Uranus brings. It can also make us less patient and more willing to take unwise risks. This is a tendency we need to control. It also calls for more attention in health matters, which, though, is, by all means, advisable under the current conditions.

Thankfully, no other strong, long-term aspect influences this period.

The auspicious aspects of the New Moon:

On the good side, Mercury’s hexagon with Uranus is still active and will remain so until the 31st of March. This reduces some of the stress in social activity, and especially the online one. It also helps online trade and all web-based jobs. It can even bring the chance of additional jobs or sources of income via the internet. It’s a good period for working on and promoting your web pages, social media profiles and the like.

The Sun’s hexagon with Saturn is still active, and it will remain so until the 30th of March. This, too, can reduce some of the stress Saturn’s and Uranus’ square produces and support our efforts for beneficial changes. As this aspect, though, loses its power fast, day by day, it would be advisable to act quickly. Furthermore, this aspect can make visualization and meditation more effective. The Sun is also in a hexagon with Mars. This, too, will be active until the 30th of March, strengthening the Sun’s blessings. Unfortunately, it can strengthen our impatience, as well.

Mars is also in an extra long-lasting triangle with Venus, which will last until the 15th of May. This triangle will never become accurate, but it affects us strongly and especially so during this period and the coming waning Moon period. Thanks to this triangle, love life receive support and sex life can be more pleasant, for those in a relationship. Those searching for sex partners, though, should be extra careful. Nurturing your seductiveness, though, both magically and practically, receives support.

As Venus forms a triangle with Saturn, too, meditation and affirmations can help you to that end, too. Building the spiritual foundations for happier love life is also possible, for the singles, while making your current relationship healthier and stronger is possible for those already in a relationship. Venus’ and Saturn’s triangle will become accurate on the 5th of April, but it will be affecting us since the 25th of March and until the 18th of April.

Mars is also in conjunction with Jupiter and Pluto. Jupiter’s conjunction was accurate on the 20th of February, but it will remain active until the eve of the Full Moon. Pluto’s conjunction was accurate on the 23rd of February and it will remain active until the 6th of March. On top of that, the year-long conjunction of Pluto and Jupiter now lives its strongest period and it will become precise on the 5th of April. All this activity, amongst else, gives great power to magic and spirituality. Preparing, charging and using talismans, magical perfumes, philters, and potions can be more effective than usual. Spiritual and energy healing methods can also produce better results. Also, some advancement in medicine is expectable.

Venus is in a triangle with Jupiter. This triangle will be accurate on the 28th of March, but it’s already active and it will remain active until the 10th of April. At the same time, Venus forms a triangle with Pluto. This one will be accurate on the 29th of March and it will remain active until the 9th of April. Both these triangles promote artistic creation, as well as the cultivation of artistic skills. They give great support to health magic, beauty magic, and love magic. They can help existing relationships and they can even give the possibility of new ones. Traditional healing also receives support. Furthermore, these triangles, too, promise some significant developments in medicine.

Finally, Mercury is in conjunction with Neptune. This conjunction will be accurate on the 4th of April and it will be active from the 27th of March and until the 10th of April. This conjunction supports our otherwise stressed emotional condition. It also supports all magic and spirituality. Meditation, hypnosis, visualization and the like even more so. It can also help us heal problems in our souls and our relationships, romantic and of other kinds.


So, overall, this is more helpful than not period, even if it doesn’t look like one. Things that are not in our full control can become somewhat harder – or feel like they do – but if you focus on what you can do, you can achieve more than you’d thought you could.

New Moon Predictions for Aries:

Money needs some attention and your expenses some moderation, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Some expenses and even losses are possible to appear out of the blue. Nonetheless, money also receives some support. Especially regarding your income and your long-term financial security. Achieving a better income, or finding additional sources of one is possible. Turning a hobby to a living providing occupation also receives support.

The Internet and your high-tech equipment can cause you some stress, but they are most helpful. Jobs based on these receive more beneficial energies than the rest. Also, managing and developing your social media and web pages is advisable and easier and it can produce good results, too. Online socialization can also be both pleasant and productive.

Our New Witchy Shop has Arrived ⭐️ New Moon predictionsTALISMANS ⭐️INCENSES ⭐️ New Moon predictions BLENDS ⭐️
More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.
Listen to the spirits guiding you through your Personal Fortune Cookie. Click here to see what they can tell you today.
And, of course, see the Annual Astrological Predictions for 2020.

New Moon Predictions for Taurus:

Work, career and business matters receive both stressful and beneficial energies, during this period. Things are difficult, but progress can be achieved. Starting a new business, or changing your line of career, and great changes like those receive the most stressful influences. Finding ways to increase your profit, or to have an additional income, though, receive mostly supportive energies. Internet and all kinds of arts and crafts can become a means to that end.

In fact, this is a very good period, for you, to achieve progress via social media and web-pages. This is true, whether they are personal, or professional ones. Furthermore, focusing and working on your projects can be quite productive. Acquiring knowledge, too, receives support.

Our New Witchy Shop has Arrived ⭐️ New Moon predictionsTALISMANS ⭐️INCENSES ⭐️ New Moon predictions BLENDS ⭐️
More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.
Listen to the spirits guiding you through your Personal Fortune Cookie. Click here to see what they can tell you today.
And, of course, see the Annual Astrological Predictions for 2020.

New Moon Predictions for Gemini:

This New Moon and this waxing Moon period can be quite stressful and challenging for your emotional health and well being. If you already dealing with issues of this kind, be extra careful and extra supportive towards yourself. In most cases, your stress and worries are stronger than the situations call for, so, trying to see things more objectively can be of great help. In the same time, breakthroughs regarding healing such issues are also possible.

Focus on creative and productive tasks and goals. Artistic ones and of any other kind that pleases you. Not only this can help your mood, but you can produce great results, too. All forms of learning, too, receive support. Engaging with spiritual practices, as well. In fact, magic and spirituality are extra strong for you, during this period. More so than for the rest.

Our New Witchy Shop has Arrived ⭐️ New Moon predictionsTALISMANS ⭐️INCENSES ⭐️ New Moon predictions BLENDS ⭐️
More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.
Listen to the spirits guiding you through your Personal Fortune Cookie. Click here to see what they can tell you today.
And, of course, see the Annual Astrological Predictions for 2020.

New Moon Predictions for Cancer:

Finances receive some stressful energies under this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Reducing your expenses to a minimum is advisable. Some unexpected expenses and needs might come your way, regardless. Work, productivity and creativity receive some stress, too. There are some supportive influences acting on their behalf, too, though, so things are more difficult, but you can achieve a lot, nonetheless. Just with more effort. Receiving advice and other opinions is also a good policy.

Friends, acquaintances and business partners actually are more helpful, cooperative and supportive, most of the times, at least. Love life, too, receives more pleasant energies than stressful ones. Also, magic and spirituality are extra strong for everyone, but even more so for you.

Our New Witchy Shop has Arrived ⭐️ New Moon predictionsTALISMANS ⭐️INCENSES ⭐️ New Moon predictions BLENDS ⭐️
More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.
Listen to the spirits guiding you through your Personal Fortune Cookie. Click here to see what they can tell you today.
And, of course, see the Annual Astrological Predictions for 2020.

New Moon Predictions for Leo:

Work and business matters receive much stress, during this period, but they also receive some support. Partnerships can become troublesome. Bosses and colleagues can also cause you more stress. On the other hand, day-to-day work feels easier and slow progress can happen. Health-related businesses receive better energies, and some successes in them are possible.

Your own health receives mostly supportive energies. Of course, be careful, and take proper care of your health, but healing methods, both traditional and alternative can have better results. Similarly, strengthening your body and good condition is also feasible. Social activity and, especially, the online kind of it, too, can be pleasant and productive.

Our New Witchy Shop has Arrived ⭐️ New Moon predictionsTALISMANS ⭐️INCENSES ⭐️ New Moon predictions BLENDS ⭐️
More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.
Listen to the spirits guiding you through your Personal Fortune Cookie. Click here to see what they can tell you today.
And, of course, see the Annual Astrological Predictions for 2020.

New Moon Predictions for Virgo:

Work, career and business matters receive some stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Studies and intellectual kinds of occupations more so than the rest. Nonetheless, they also receive some support. Therefore, things might be more difficult, but progress is happening. In some cases, thinking out of the box can provide you with the solutions you need.

Love life seems mostly harmonious and pleasant. Somewhat lucky, too. Even if you can’t practically act on it, visualizations, charm charging and similar techniques that can set the foundations for a future success in the field can create good results. The whole year tries to teach you that joy comes from within, and the happier you are, the more blessings you attract. During this period, this lesson becomes clearer, too.

Our New Witchy Shop has Arrived ⭐️ New Moon predictionsTALISMANS ⭐️INCENSES ⭐️ New Moon predictions BLENDS ⭐️
More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.
Listen to the spirits guiding you through your Personal Fortune Cookie. Click here to see what they can tell you today.
And, of course, see the Annual Astrological Predictions for 2020.

New Moon Predictions for Libra:

Love and sex life receive some stressful energies, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. This will affect long-distance relationships significantly less than the rest. Love, though, in general, receives some support, too. Changing your outlook can help you, in many cases, enjoy the beneficial energies more. Also, things can be less pleasant and less satisfactory during this period. This, though, also can teach you what really makes you happy and what is really important for you. Learn these lessons and put them in action, as well as you can.

Work and health receive mostly supportive energies. Also, home and family play a mostly pleasant role in your life. Strengthening your bonds with your important people is quite possible, too.

Our New Witchy Shop has Arrived ⭐️ New Moon predictionsTALISMANS ⭐️INCENSES ⭐️ New Moon predictions BLENDS ⭐️
More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.
Listen to the spirits guiding you through your Personal Fortune Cookie. Click here to see what they can tell you today.
And, of course, see the Annual Astrological Predictions for 2020.

New Moon Predictions for Scorpio:

Home, family and your other half can cause you some stress, under the influences of this New Moon and this waxing Moon period. Achieving a pleasant balance in these fields of your life is not impossible, though. In fact, healthy relationships can become happier and stronger. Those who have some problems, these problems can become more intense, but healing them is strongly supported.

Friendships, on the other hand, receive mostly pleasant energies, and friends can play a pleasant role in your life. In some cases, they can even boost your creativity and productivity. There are some general good vibes that try to influence you, too. The more optimistic and happy you keep your mindset, the more these vibes will help you.

Our New Witchy Shop has Arrived ⭐️ New Moon predictionsTALISMANS ⭐️INCENSES ⭐️ New Moon predictions BLENDS ⭐️
More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.
Listen to the spirits guiding you through your Personal Fortune Cookie. Click here to see what they can tell you today.
And, of course, see the Annual Astrological Predictions for 2020.

New Moon Predictions for Sagittarius:

Health receives some extra stress from this New Moon and this waxing Moon period, Being extra careful is advisable. There is a tendency for accidents, too. When driving, or performing any dangerous activity, once again, be extra careful. Work, too, receives some stress. There may be some extra load of it, and less time and energy to deal with it, while, in other cases, productivity can be reduced.

Nonetheless, work doesn’t receive only stressful energies, so, things are difficult, yes, but not purely bad. Income, actually, receives more support than stress. Acquiring an additional income is also possible. Business partners and colleagues can be surprisingly co-operative and helpful, too, at times. Also, friends and family can play a mostly pleasant role in your life.

Our New Witchy Shop has Arrived ⭐️ New Moon predictionsTALISMANS ⭐️INCENSES ⭐️ New Moon predictions BLENDS ⭐️
More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.
Listen to the spirits guiding you through your Personal Fortune Cookie. Click here to see what they can tell you today.
And, of course, see the Annual Astrological Predictions for 2020.

New Moon Predictions for Capricorn:

Money and your finances receive some stress, during this period. There are some supportive influences at work, too, but it’s strongly advisable you’ll do your best to manage your finances as wisely and prudently as possible.

This New Moon and this waxing Moon period, though, empowers you from within. Saturn leaving your zodiac might have reduced the energies focusing on your sign, but it also allows the joy to flow in more freely. Your self-confidence is strong. The same is true for your enthusiasm and productivity. Your smile and happiness create more blessings, too. Also, your other half and other people close to you support you, more than they used to do.

Our New Witchy Shop has Arrived ⭐️ New Moon predictionsTALISMANS ⭐️INCENSES ⭐️ New Moon predictions BLENDS ⭐️
More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.
Listen to the spirits guiding you through your Personal Fortune Cookie. Click here to see what they can tell you today.
And, of course, see the Annual Astrological Predictions for 2020.

New Moon Predictions for Aquarius:

Home and family can cause you much stress during this period. They can also distract you from whatever you want to do and achieve, or even discourage you. That’s not necessarily ill-intended. Most probably it’s because of the stress and challenges they are facing. Moving into a new house can also be more stressful and challenging than you’d expect.

Other than those, though, this is a mostly good period for you. Happiness comes from within, and it seems that you are realizing this, now. The more you do to make yourself happy, the more blessings come your way, too. Love life, too, seems mostly pleasant.

Our New Witchy Shop has Arrived ⭐️ New Moon predictionsTALISMANS ⭐️INCENSES ⭐️ New Moon predictions BLENDS ⭐️
More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.
Listen to the spirits guiding you through your Personal Fortune Cookie. Click here to see what they can tell you today.
And, of course, see the Annual Astrological Predictions for 2020.

New Moon Predictions for Pisces:

Your mood and inner balance play a significant role in your life, during this period. The New Moon and the waxing Moon period can put some stress over it, but, overall, they also give you the opportunity to achieve some deep healing. Your fears, insecurities and all emotional problems and challenges can become more intense. This is unpleasant, surely, but it can also give you a clearer idea of what you need to heal. Focus on that part.

Friends and acquaintances can play a pleasant role in your life. There might be some stressful moments and events, but, overall, they’ll give you more blessings than stress. Work projects can advance, and the same is true for your personal ones. Online activity, online businesses, and jobs based on communication all receive more supportive energies than stressful ones.

Our New Witchy Shop has Arrived ⭐️ New Moon predictionsTALISMANS ⭐️INCENSES ⭐️ New Moon predictions BLENDS ⭐️
More spiritual advice with your Tarot Card of the Day.
Listen to the spirits guiding you through your Personal Fortune Cookie. Click here to see what they can tell you today.
And, of course, see the Annual Astrological Predictions for 2020.

Astrology and Magic:

All magic is extra strong during this period. Love, beauty and health magic, as well as meditation, visualization, and all talismans, philters, potions and magical perfumes, receive an even greater boost.

Predictions for the New Moon in Pisces – 23 February 2020
Predictions for the Full Moon in Leo – 09 February 2020
Magical Guide to Full Moons of 2020
Astrological Predictions for 2020
Jupiter in Capricorn – December 2019 – December 2020

That’s all. Have fun and enjoy this New Moon and this waxing Moon period!

Originally appeared on Magical Recipes Online

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