Why Soul Connections Are Bigger Than Soulmates

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Soul connections are different from soul mates. Having a soulmate seems idealistic, but having a soul connection is spiritual. Have you ever wondered what’s it like to connect with someone spiritually? Not just romantically or physically but one a greater level. Read below to find out why having a soul connection is much important than having a soulmate.

What makes soul connections different from soulmates?

According to popular understanding, a soulmate is someone who “just gets you.” Someone who has your back in all situations.

However, the notion that there’s only one person in the world who fits this description is idealistic. Finding the perfect person is problematic. Truthfully, there are many different types of soulmates and soul connections worth examining.

According to past life therapists, souls tend to travel in groups, and we interact with each other to learn soul lessons. To have different experiences and learn those lessons, you will change roles with other souls in your group from one incarnation to the next. You may be the father in one life, the mother in another, and a friend or love interest in a third incarnation. Every one of these lifetimes offers opportunities for growth.

The reason we need to consider other types of soul mates and connections is that the soul needs to change and adapt. A person who meets the criteria of a soul mate can turn out to be an individual with whom you do not have much in common at all, but you feel a connection or natural bond. The person you ultimately consider to be your “one and only” may not even share your same belief system. However, you can and may still need to learn from each other.

It is not necessary to attach yourself to a soul mate for soul growth, but a soul connection is important. Learning to overcome obstacles, enjoying each other, and becoming a better person through the experience of being with another person is the main point. There may be times when you may be so much like your soulmate that you are bored with them. Other times your soulmate can be a mortal enemy!

Related: 5 Reasons Why My Soulmate Can’t Find Me

The importance of “soul lessons.”

According to past-life therapists, souls tend to travel in groups, interacting with each other to learn soul lessons. To have different experiences and learn those lessons, you will change roles with other souls in your group from one incarnation to the next.

You may be the father in one life, the mother in another, and a friend or love interest in the third. Each of these lifetimes offers opportunities for growth.

The soul needs to grow. 

The reason we need to consider other types of soulmates and connections is that the soul needs to change and adapt.

A person who meets the criteria of a soulmate can turn out to be an individual with whom you don’t have much in common at all, but you feel a connection or natural bond.

The person you ultimately consider to be your “one and only” may not even share the same belief system. However, you can and may still need to learn from each other.

Why are soul connections so important?

It’s not necessary to attach yourself to a soulmate to grow, but a soul connection is important. Learning to overcome obstacles, enjoying each other, and becoming a better person through the experience of being with another person is the main point.

There may be times when you may be so much like your soulmate that you are bored with them. Other times, your soulmate can be your mortal enemy! The lessons our souls learn help us become perfect, and there is plenty of work to do.

All paths come to an end. 

You and a soulmate may have a very intimate connection and should mutually assist each other in learning lessons. However, once these lessons are completed, it’s not a surprise that the two of you move on from one another.

Soulmates and humans in general bump and bruise each other during the short period of a lifetime.

We all have the freedom of choice to do or not do something. Our decisions can be for the greater good or for selfish reasons. The reason for our actions doesn’t matter, because there are lessons to be learned from them regardless.

Unlearned lessons will come back to haunt you.

If there are lessons that you don’t learn, you may be charged to return and attempt to complete them another time.

The unlearned lessons are more difficult to solve each time, and the result can be disastrous.

Related: Why Your Soul mate Is Also Your Soul Mirror

This may be why people believe they suffer from karmic debt. Always be aware of your actions and live a balanced life, if possible.

The “universal mind.”

It’s worthwhile to shift the subject for a moment to the idea of the Universal or Hive Mind. This is a concept whereby the human consciousness or humanities soul evolves over time.

It remembers previous incarnations and builds upon those memories. It’s the reason our society becomes more sophisticated during the course of the history of mankind. The human soul has learned and grown and will continue to do so.

Each time your soul returns to this world, it acts on unconscious memories. These memories are the basis for many of the relationships you have and the actions that you take.

You gravitate to others who have similar memories because you innately understand each other.

Related: Who Is Your Soul Mate? Take This Quiz To Find Out

Past-life connections.

Life lessons with soulmates can occur within a short period of time, while others can last a lifetime.

Some people consider short, intense relationships to be “kismet” or fated because they are fleeting, but they happen because of an intense spiritual connection. However, that bond wears off quickly because the experience was learned and served its purpose.

Related: How To Recognize A Soul Mate: 10 Elements Of A Soul Mate

Soulmates have a unique magnetism and a connection that cannot be denied. It can wear off if one or both parties lose it. The need to seek other soulmates and learn other lessons is an impetus to move on.

soul connections and soul mates

Short relationships are indications of “unfinished business” between souls that have been completed. Longer relationships are evidence that more is to be gained from the association.

Who are “kindred spirits”?

A kindred spirit is a person who touches your soul, someone with whom you feel a special bond.

The two of you have had shared experiences, and you understand each other based on those experiences. For this reason, you are good for one another

This kind of relationship may or may not involve a sexual attraction, but there’s a comfort level that adds an additional element. This element is commitment.

Related: Who Is Your Soul Mate? Take This Quiz To Find Out

Commitment brings a special ingredient to the relationship that helps both parties in the partnership learn lessons. However, this situation can evolve and end when those lessons have been mastered.

What is a “twin flame”?

Soul connections

Twin flames are individuals who two sides of the same soul. They live and act like each other and anticipate the other’s actions without trying.

This manner of synchronicity is unique to their type of soul connection. Twin flames represent another level of connection of the soul through the shared intensity and vibrancy of their bond.

These relationships are said to share the same “belly button” that once linked them together in the spirit world. They chose who was going to be the male and female energies to meet the challenges of the world together.

Related: How Twin Souls Heal Each other

It is said there’s just one other person who is your twin soul, and you may or may not meet them in this lifetime. You can travel through time without your twin flame and interact with others in your soul group.

There are plenty of opportunities to grow with others with whom you have a soul connection, and all of them assist you in your quest for perfection.

Soulmates and connections are not just romantic in nature.

Family members, coworkers, friends, and others we have contact with having some type of soul connection with us. The degree of connection and value of the relationship depends upon the lessons the soul needs to learn in this and other incarnations.

Our free will has a role in determining whether we will nurture a soul bond. We have the choice of whether we will remain in that relationship.

It’s for us to decide whether we believe we have more to learn from an association with another soul or not. The experience can prove to be rewarding or damaging based on the decisions we make.

Originally appeared on: Your Tango
Republished with permission.

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