When The Narcissist Is Left Alone


Have you ever dealt with a narcissist and their abuse? Have you ever encountered for yourself, how does a narcissist react to being alone? And most importantly, do narcissists like being alone?

I have a strong belief that people who treat others poorly and have no empathy or compassion for others, will be shown no compassion in later life when their looks are gone and all that is left is an empty shell.

We are always told to look on the inside, look at how someone treats others, look at their heart, and look at their soul. Whatโ€™s on the outside doesnโ€™t really matter. Itโ€™s the inside that counts. Whatโ€™s on the inside of a narcissist? Nothing, zero, zilch.

Related: The Ageing Narcissist

Do Narcissists Like Being Alone? What Happens When Theyโ€™re Left Alone

They have spent their entire lives abusing others, knowing what they do and without a second thought for the pain that they inflict on others time and time again.

The narcissist is an immature, angry, volatile, and controlling individual. They spend their lives attempting to form relationships. Sadly, itโ€™s not a partnership they are seeking but a dictatorship where they have all the power and control. Eventually, people get sick and tired of their behavior and abandon them.

do narcissists like being alone

A string of failed relationships adds to their already fragile self-ego. By bringing about their own abandonment as a result of their abusive and despicable behavior, they inflict upon themselves, a deep narcissistic injury. Somehow the narcissist will delude themselves into believing that their own self-destruction is someone elseโ€™s fault.

Much like a drug addict without their supply, the narcissist canโ€™t cope when supplies become scarce and run out.

They become chronically depressed and angry and find no pleasure in anything. Things that they used to enjoy, no longer hold their interest. Their world has become hostile, their social life, non-existent. No one wants to be in their company for any length of time.

They often become a hermit, closed off from the outside world blaming everyone else for the situation that they find themselves in. The longer the lack of supply continues, the worse their insecurities and paranoia become.

The narcissist clings desperately to nothing. They may create fake profiles on social media in order to stalk people, people that they may never meet or talk to.

Related: How To Get A Narcissist To Leave You Alone: 8 Smart Ways

Surfing the Internet may give them the opportunity to get a little attention from someone, from anyone. Theyโ€™ve lost faith in themselves. They donโ€™t like themselves and nobody else likes them either so they think, โ€˜Whatโ€™s the point in being nice?โ€™

Life gives back to them exactly what they deserve, loneliness, and isolation. Those who once cared are long gone.

The one thing that they never could control is time. As they move forward to eternity they have the knowledge that there is a final Judge and this time, itโ€™s not them.

Want to know more about how does a narcissist react to being alone, and can a narcissist live alone? Check this video out below!

Written by Anne McCrea
Originally appeared on Narcissist and Emotional Abuse
Printed with prior permission.
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