What are Your Divine Feminine and Masculine Creative Energies?


What are Your Divine Feminine and Masculine Creative Energies?

Divine Feminine and Masculine Creative Energies

Excerpt from the interactive book, A Course in Mastering Alchemy – Tools to Shift, Transform and Ascend
by Jim Self and Roxane Burnett

The aspects of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine are misunderstood and out of balance on the planet. Separation, third-dimensional beliefs and conditional programming have split humans according to gender and the divine aspect of each of us has been lost. For eons there has been the duality; male and female, masculine and feminine. Such differences only exist in third-dimensional reality. Separation, in all of it various forms, does not exist in the higher dimensions.

Some ancient and current spiritual practices do identify and speak of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, however not always as a unified consciousness. Each archetype, deity, god or goddess has heavenly characteristics that humans want to embody, and humans believe that by understanding them, praying to them, merging with them or โ€œchannelingโ€ them, they too will become divine. On this pathway to the Living Light Body, that the Teachers of Light* have laid before us, gender plays no part. Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine have no relation to the body or the rational mind.

This pathway is about our own internal, unified nature and our expression of creative energy. Regardless of our gender, we all have access to the masculine and feminine creative energies within ourselves. Most of us, however, are unconscious of the great treasure we have access to, and hence do not know how to recognize and use these energies for our own success and personal evolution.

Feminine creative energy is both simple and complex. Itโ€™s multi-focused, energized and fast. Masculine creative energy is uncomplicated, single-focused and slower than the feminine. When the Teachers talk about โ€œfeminineโ€ or โ€œmasculineโ€, they are referring to a set of characteristics and energetics within the creation process, not female or male qualities. Feminine energetics are demonstrated as ease, patience, flow, smoothness, and understanding. Masculine creative energy holds energetics such as stability, structure, focus, and command. This is not to say that the masculine canโ€™t flow in ease, or that the feminine canโ€™t be stable and commanding, for example. Stability as feminine energy demonstrates itself differently than stability as masculine energy. Flow as masculine energy demonstrates itself differently than the feminine flow. Take a moment and observe this for yourself.

Read You Canโ€™t Be A King Until You Embrace Feminine Energy

To illustrate this in a visual way, masculine creative energy creates through the structure, such as straight lines and angles. Feminine energy is made up of flowing curves and swirls. There are no straight lines and angles in feminine creative energy and there are no curves and swirls in masculine creative energy. Both types of energy are required for you to bring forth balanced creations. Masculine energy without feminine energy is not whole. It does not feel valued. It’s not nurtured or appreciated. Itโ€™s incomplete. Iโ€™m not talking about men and women or relationships, although this applies to those too. Iโ€™m talking about your personal, internal, masculine and feminine balance. Feminine energy without the masculine is incomplete โ€“ it feels unsupported and without focus; it’s scattered, ungrounded and unstable; it’s without structure; and as a result, it has no sense of direction, completion or success.

Within the creation process, the feminine energy is the first spark or impulse. Itโ€™s the first creative thought, idea or desire. Masculine energy then takes that impulse and creates a structure for its manifestation: the scaffolding upon which to construct it. This co-creating occurs within each of us, in our individual expressions as well as our external relationships. For example, the feminine creative energy within you has the idea and impulse to the garden. The masculine energy within you builds the raised garden beds. The feminine then plants and nurtures the vegetables and herbs. The result: you benefit by having fresh, delicious organic food. This is a unified creation process of flow and structure. Without both components, you would have no success and no food.

Humans, whether we realize it or not, use both feminine and masculine creative energy with every thought we think and every action we take. More often than not, however, we do it through reactionary thoughts and unconscious actions. Balanced creations use a balanced, organic flow of both types of energy. Those who create dominantly in one energetic or the other end up with results that are off-balance, incomplete, do not have longevity and are generally not successful.

Itโ€™s of the utmost importance during this time of planetary Shift to identify, experience and begin to anchor healthy masculine and feminine energy into your third-dimensional creative process. Increasing your awareness of how you create using these two powerful energies will allow you to use them in balance, intentionally and successfully. This awareness and practice will also allow the anchoring of the higher-dimensional, divine equivalents to more easily move into your experiences.

Balance restored

Due to the planetary Shift of Consciousness that is occurring within the planet and within each of us, we are now reaching a point in human evolution where the present masculine patriarchal phase is about to end. Instead of continuing as we have in the third dimension with alternating masculine and feminine cycles, we are moving into a new cycle of consciousness. This is one in which masculine and feminine become one balanced Unified Field of consciousness. In order to enter and hold yourself in the vibrations of a fifth-dimensional reality and bring the Unified Field into wholeness, the masculine and the feminine within you must first be in balance. When this is accomplished the structure of the masculine creative energy will begin to be the structure in which the feminine creative energy can flow, grow and expand. The feminine energy can then direct the masculine energy into an expanded structure, which in turn allows the feminine to create within that new space. Itโ€™s an ongoing expansion of masculine and feminine that allows for amazing opportunities and a joyful creative process. This new level of balanced masculine and feminine creative energies is where we are headed, although sometimes it doesnโ€™t appear that way.

This unification and rebalancing requires the original essences of the feminine and masculine to be reestablished within you, and therefore also upon the planet and within all of humanity. This original essence or template is what you lived and demonstrated but forgot at the Fall of Consciousness. This is the divine aspect of who you are. This is known as the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. You hold both within your fifth-dimensional experience. It is the divinity you share with All That Is.

The wise, knowing Divine Feminine nurtures and offers the life-giving safety of the crucible (symbolically and in reality). Itโ€™s that aspect of divinity that has to be reestablished first. This original Divine Feminine aspect of Creator will open the space within the fifth dimension for the Divine Masculine to enter and be present in its full glory, as it was originally created. At that point, the Divine Masculine will take its proper place in perfect unison with that feminine aspect. Itโ€™s the Divine Feminine who does this because the Divine Masculine is not strongly present at this time in the third dimension. The masculine is still operating from that place of dominance, inequality, and control. For that masculine structure to be dismantled and transformed into the divine, it takes the feminine to set the energetic balance, make it available for the divine image of the masculine to enter and take its proper positioning not only in the creative process in the physical realm, but also within the physical body and all of humanity and Earth.

Read HuMAN Up: A Deeper Look At โ€˜Masculineโ€™ Energy

Anna comments on rebalancing

(Anna, Mother of Mother Mary, is a member of the collective known as the Teachers of Light)

I am very pleased to be a presenter at this time. Aeons ago, before I walked your Earth, there was a separation, a fracture that took place within the creative realms of form. There was a mutation that began to occur within the energetics of the creative process. This split and fracture were in the energies that held everything in operation and held everything in unity. Part of that fracture was within the energetic positioning of the masculine-feminine unit. It was in that fracturing within the energetics that there came an aspect of domination and submissiveness. This polarity began to creep into the energetics of the creative process.

To be the evolved, Light being you came here to experience, there must be within you the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine. We bring in and show to you the importance of this. It is the Feminine, the matriarch, the wise one, the teacher who will open up that space within the fifth dimension that allows for the Masculine to enter and to be present in full power. Never dominant over, but in perfect unity with, in perfected divine Love.

I cannot tell you strongly enough how important this is. This collective of Teachers offers you specific tools to once and for all eliminate the third dimension and embrace yourself as that perfected divine image. For if the Golden Age is to reign and there is to be peace and love and harmony on your planet, as you so desire, this presence must be here in the physical, in every energetic aspect of the fifth dimension and above.

The Unification Process

As this unification takes place, your unreleased baggage and limiting beliefs that have not been addressed will surface. That programming must be cleared out of your energetic system in order for you to accept and embrace yourself as that unified Divine being. This is a crucial point. For so long how you viewed yourself was responsible for a great portion of the fragmentation and pain that was present in your mental and emotional bodies, therefore manifesting in your physical body. The imprinting that took place over aeons, through many lifetimes, is now culminating during this Shift in Consciousness and upon this path to the Living Light Body. The complete unity of your mental, emotional and physical bodies, as well as your spiritual body, can now take place.

During and after the process of unifying and becoming the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, you will begin to notice where your habits and patterns are out of alignment with that unity. That false imprinting is generated from third-dimensional masculine and feminine perspectives, beliefs, and habits. These can be beliefs about gender roles, gender bias, homophobia or judgments about who and what males and females are, as bodies and as personalities. Religious doctrine and cultural norms that usurped your power and your divinity are also a cause of this false imprinting.

As those expectations and beliefs start to fall away, you will begin to see through the eyes of your Soul. You will begin to clearly and objectively observe those expectations and imprinting. You can then further release the whole of this third-dimensional matrix.

How to begin to play with masculine and feminine creative energies

  • Create separate lists of masculine and feminine words and be one word each day.
  • Become consciously aware of how you create and which energies you use. Notice if one energetic is dominant or weaker than the other.
  • Notice where any incomplete projects or creations stalled and consider what energetic was involved in the halting of it. What energetic is necessary to rekindle it?
  • Watch others around you as they demonstrate balanced and imbalanced feminine and masculine creative energy. Notice the weakness or dominance.

* The Teachers of Light are a collective of Archangels and Ascended Masters who orchestrate a specific pathway of tools and instructions for humanity to step out of the third dimension and into the higher realms of awareness.

Jim and Roxane are authors of A Course in Mastering Alchemy: Tools to Shift, Transform and Ascend and Spirit Matters: Down to Earth Tools for a Spirited Life. They are international teachers, offering the personal energy management tools of Mastering Alchemy. They co-create the Mastering Alchemy programs with the Teachers of Light, a collective of Archangels and Ascended Masters whom Jim has been in communication with since childhood. MasteringAlchemy.com

Written By JIM & ROXANE
Originally Appeared On A Course in Mastering Alchemy

What are Your Divine Feminine and Masculine Creative Energies?
Divine Feminine and Masculine Creative Energies?

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