Divine Timing: How The ‘Right Person’ Finds You At The ‘Right Time’

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The Best Time To Text A Woman You Really Like 1

When it comes to true love, it won’t just plop in your lap one fine day. True love takes time, rather the right person will come in your life in divine timing. Learn what it means in soulmate relationships below!

We live in an age of instant gratification.

If we are hungry, we can order food with a few clicks. If we are too tired to write, we can use voice activation and send voice texts. Getting used to this ease, we have come to believe that even important matters of our life can be solved with the click of a button.

But when it comes to important aspects of our life such as being with the right person, then we need to trust the divine timing.

What does divine timing mean?

For everything to happen in the right way there is a right place and right time. It is called Divine timing.

There are few rules of Divine Timing that I came across in the book “The Karma Queens’ Guide to Relationships” by Alexandra Harra

Having a better understanding of these will help us to make better decisions regarding the major aspects of our lives like our relationships.

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Divine Timing In Love: Here Are 4 Essential Rules To Follow

Divine Timing Rule #1: Everything Is In Flux

The Universe is made up of five elements: Air, water, fire, earth, and ether in different permutations and combinations and these combinations keep on changing continuously. So, everything from rocks to mountains to our bodies is in constant flux. Therefore, if we are attached to things being a certain way, we are setting ourselves up for failure.

When we start understanding this universal law that everything is changing continuously and start accepting things as they are instead of how we want them to be, they start changing in our favor.

If we accept that everything is in flux, we do not waste our time dwelling in past or worrying about our future and start taking appropriate action in present to become our highest self. It is then that we have the power to attract diving timing in relationships into our lives.

Divine Timing Rule #2: Timing Matters

When you communicate with others, be aware of the timing as much as you are aware of the content of your conversation.

If you want to have a difficult conversation with someone like giving them feedback or expressing your hurt, it is better to wait for the time when a person is in a receptive mood.

If a person is rushing or work or sleeping and you bother them with your questions at that time, no matter how important they are, they will not be able to respond to them in a calm and rational manner.

If you feel like your emotions are causing you a lot of anxiety, then try to calm them on your own by going for a walk or writing in a journal rather than blurting all your insecurities and fear on your partner.

Love yourself and your partner enough to be patient to wait for the right timing to have important and difficult conversations.

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Divine Timing Rule #3: Trying to force matters or pressure people doesn’t work

The worst way to try to change someone is by pressuring them or issuing ultimatums. Everyone has their own timing for doing things and no one likes to be forced or pressurized. Being impatient and throwing tantrums or issuing ultimatums is just going to cause the other people to leave and end the relationship.

If you want to can set clear boundaries and communicate them to your partner but you cannot force them into doing things on your timeline. If you follow this universal rule, the wrong people who are not in alignment with your life will leave and the right people who are in alignment with your soul purpose will enter into your life.

Divine Timing Rule #4: Impatience calls for exploration

When we get impatient, it is due to some underlying fear or anxiety. Instead of getting carried by our impatience, it is better to get to the underlying cause of our fear.

  • Are we not in alignment with our true selves?
  • Are we falling under societal pressure?
  • Do we have fear of rejection and abandonment?
  • Is our inner child crying for our love and attention?
  • Are we living our life to our highest potential or are we playing small?

Sometimes the Universe gives us partners to trigger our wounds and fears so that we can come face to face with them and heal ourselves. When we face our fears, we start the alchemical process of transformation and set the stage for the right person to enter into our life.

Related: 8 Signs Your Soulmate Will Show Up In Your Life Really Soon

The paradox is that the right person will come into your life when you know how to be completely happy and fulfilled on your own. When you shed all negativities and toxic behaviors that hold you back from evolving.

When you do not try to force anything and let things unfold organically. When you have done the inner work and healing when you don’t need anyone else to complete you or make you happy.

“The capacity to be alone is the capacity to love. It may look paradoxical to you, but it’s not.

It is an existential truth: only those people who are capable of being alone are capable of love, of sharing, of going into the deepest core of another person–without possessing the other, without becoming dependent on the other, without reducing the other to a thing, and without becoming addicted to the other.

They allow the other absolute freedom because they know that if the other leaves, they will be as happy as they are now. Their happiness cannot be taken by the other, because it is not given by the other.” – Osho

Divine timing in love is a highly advanced connection. Don’t miss it!

The Right Person Will Come Into Your Life In Divine Timing
Divine Timing

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