The Importance Of Being Earnest and How It Will Help You Attain Peace


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Being earnest is correlated with diligence, sincerity, and continuity. These qualities depict an individualโ€™s personality. Earnestness is a seriousness in attitude which helps an individual to take on the endeavor of awakening and development. Read on to know how earnestness will unlock the peace inside you.

One of the unexpected benefits of my commitment toย meditationย is often called โ€œawakening.โ€
This is a sense of peacefulness throughout the day, and a 100% engagement with the present momentโ€”without distractionโ€”even when Iโ€™m not meditating. And Iโ€™m convinced that anyone can experience thisย happinessย as long as you approach your sitting practice with earnestness.

The Importance Of Being Earnest

Earnestness is the secret to developing a practice that will work for you. If youโ€™ve been looking forย happiness, personal growth,ย spiritualย development, enlightenment, or whatever other names this state of pure, present being is called, meditation will end your search.

Importance of Being Earnest

Related: 7 Stages Of Awakening You Have To Go Through To Achieve Enlightenment

But Iโ€™m not just talking about a meditative practice that youโ€™ll take or leave depending on your daily schedule. Iโ€™m referring to a lifelong commitment to the practice.

If youโ€™re looking for true personal transformation, youโ€™ll inevitably have to let go of whatever activities prevent you from plunging into a regular sitting practice; it must rise to the top of your to-do list. Only when you do this, will you experience the long-term benefits of the practice.

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Developing A Sense Of โ€œAll Is Wellโ€ Requires Discipline & Consistency

In order to makeย meditationย a central part of who you are, you may have to give up activitiesโ€”or perhaps do them less. You may have to forego otherย goalsย in your lifeโ€”or maybe extend their timelines.

Sometimes, even when youโ€™re tired, and youโ€™re not motivated to sit, youโ€™ll do it anyway. Like anything worthwhile in life, such as an advanced professional degree, anย athleticย accomplishment, or a wonderful relationship, the greater your investment of time and focus, the greater the benefit youโ€™ll realize.

Related: Soul Searching: 19 Signs Of A Lost Soul and How To Uncover Your True Path

Raise your spiritual vibration.

If awakening is important to you, then I encourage you to make meditation a priority. Once you recognize the life-changing power of meditation and you earnestly, fully embrace the practice, the results will speak for themselves. Youโ€™ll experience peace beyond understanding.ย 

Are you ready to be earnest?

Written By: Robert Puff 
Originally Appeared On: Psychology Today 
Republished With Permission
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