Is He Silently Struggling? 8 Symptoms Of Depression In Men


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Symptoms Of Depression In Men: Is He Silently Struggling?

When it comes to men and depression, the signs aren’t always obvious. A lot of men hide what they’re going through on the inside, making it harder to spot the symptoms of depression in men. Men have been conditioned to believe for years that they should never talk about their feelings openly.

This is the reason why it’s really hard to understand when they are struggling with mental health. They often don’t talk about their feelings openly, and instead, they may show different signs that are easy to overlook.

But male depression is real, and the sooner it’s recognized and dealt with empathy, the sooner they can get the help they need.

In this article, we’re going to break down eight common symptoms of depression in men in a way that makes sense, so you know what to look out for—whether it’s in yourself or someone you care about.

Related: 5 Truths Everyone Needs To Know About Men’s Mental Health

Why It’s Important to Recognize Male Depression

Male depression and suicide rates continue to be alarming and reflect deeper issues when it comes to stigma associated with mental health, which then further leads to treatment gaps. Globally, suicide accounts for half of all violent deaths in men, and they are about four times more likely to die by suicide than women.

Even though women tend to attempt suicide more often, men are more likely to use lethal methods, which ultimately leads to higher fatality rates.

In the United States, depression is a major reason behind suicide. About 6 million men experience depression annually, but it is underdiagnosed because men often avoid discussing emotional problems.

Social stigma and cultural expectations of men to be tough and self-reliant discourage them from asking for help, as far as mental health issues are concerned. Moreover, this leads to many men resorting to substance abuse, like alcohol and drugs for self-treatment.

When it comes to age, men over 75 have the highest suicide rates, often driven by physical illness, isolation and depression. Other significant risk factors for male depression and suicide include unemployment, divorce or breakups, and chronic physical pain.

Recent data shows that, in the U.S., white and American Indian or Alaska Native men have the highest suicide rates.

symptoms of depression in men
Is He Silently Struggling? 8 Symptoms Of Depression In Men

8 Symptoms Of Depression In Men

1. Feeling irritable and angry all the time.

Depression doesn’t always look like sadness in men. Sometimes, it can manifest as anger and irritability. If a guy seems to snap at people more than usual, it’s a sign he is struggling with mental health.

It’s not that he is mad or upset for no reason, it’s just that he is struggling inside, but instead of opening up about it, he vents his frustration as anger. You might notice him getting annoyed at things that wouldn’t normally bother him.

If this sounds familiar, it could be a sign he is silently depressed.

2. Being a workaholic and constantly working.

Men with depression often bury themselves in work, not just out of dedication but as a way to avoid dealing with their feelings. If a man is suddenly putting in long hours at work or obsessing over career success, it might be a way to distract himself from what’s going on internally.

If a man is silently depressed, he may feel that keeping busy helps him avoid the sadness or hopelessness he feels. From the outside it seems like he is ambitious and hardworking, and this makes it even harder to understand what he’s actually going through.

3. Showing signs of emotional withdrawal.

For centuries, men have been conditioned to keep their feelings to themselves, but when they’re dealing with depression, this emotional withdrawal can be even more pronounced. They might stop sharing their feelings entirely, even with those closest to them.

Instead of expressing sadness or anxiety, they might become detached, distant and very uncommunicative. This creates a gap in their personal relationships and more often than not is mistaken for disinterest or being cold-hearted, when in reality, it’s a sign of male depression.

4. Displaying changes in sleep patterns.

One of the biggest symptoms of depression in men is this. Depression can really mess with your sleep. Some men dealing with depression might find themselves sleeping way too much, while others struggle with insomnia, lying awake at night unable to switch off their minds.

Both extremes can be signs of male depression. If someone you know is suddenly crashing early or, on the flip side, staying up until the early hours and feeling exhausted the next day, it might be more than just a bad week.

Changes in sleep are often one of the first clues that someone is struggling with their mental health.

Related: “Why Do Men Never Express Emotions”? A Closer Look At Men’s Mental Health

5. Engaging in risky and reckless behaviors.

When it comes to men and depression, instead of showing emotional vulnerability, they might engage in reckless activities like speeding, excessive gambling, or even dangerous sports. This sort of behavior isn’t just about seeking thrills—it’s often a way to escape emotional pain or feel a sense of control.

Men who are silently depressed might take these risks to distract themselves from the internal pain and struggle they’re facing. Since our society tends to often praise risk-taking behavior in men, it can be hard to recognize this as a symptom of depression.

6. Sexual dysfunction or loss of interest in sex.

If he doesn’t seem interested in sex anymore, or finds it hard to “perform”, then it’s one of the subtle symptoms of depression men. Even though these things are often believed to be because of physical problems, depression can severely impact libido and sexual function.

For men, this can be particularly difficult to talk about, adding to the stigma and shame around mental health. Loss of interest in sex or difficulties in the bedroom can be a hidden signal that a man is struggling with mental health.

7. Substance abuse or drinking more.

One of the most noticeable symptoms of depression in men is a sudden increase in alcohol or drug use. Is he drinking more than normal? Do you feel he is trying to numb his emotions through substance abuse?

Men silently struggling with mental health often use alcohol as a way to escape or avoid confronting their feelings.

This is a dangerous cycle because while it may offer temporary relief, it usually makes the depression worse in the long run.

8. Feeling worthless and guilty.

One of the signs a man is silently depressed is this. When it comes to men and depression, they often feel an overwhelming sense of guilt or worthlessness. They might start thinking they’re failing at work, in relationships, or even as a parent.

These negative feelings can be hard to shake, and for men, there’s often a lot of shame tied up in admitting they feel this way. Depression convinces them they’re not good enough, which makes it harder for them to reach out for help.

If you notice him putting himself down more than usual, or constantly apologizing for things that aren’t his fault, he might be silently struggling with depression.

symptoms of depression in men
Is He Silently Struggling? 8 Symptoms Of Depression In Men

Men’s Mental Health Matters

Talking about men’s mental health isn’t just important—it’s necessary. Breaking down the stigma around male depression can save so many lives. If you or someone you know is showing any of these symptoms of depression, don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Related: 5 Major Signs Of Mental Health Issues In Men

Depression is treatable, but the first step is recognizing it. Sometimes, just opening up the conversation can make all the difference.

Men who are silently depressed need support, not judgment. By understanding the symptoms of depression in men and being empathetic, we can help break the cycle and encourage more men to get the help they deserve.

silently depressed
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