Looking for true soulmate signs from the universe? Well, it’s like searching for buried treasure! In this quest, you’ll discover a unique attraction and connection that’ll redefine your life in ways beyond words.
Soulmates don’t have to be necessarily romantic but most often they are because of the strong attraction and connection between them. Take a look at some of the identifying signs of a true soulmate!
7 True Soulmate Signs From The Universe
1. You feel an instant soul connection.
You feel a very strong attraction and pull towards your soulmate. There is an instant sense of familiarity that you have known them before. It is because your soul recognizes the energy of their soul even if you may be meeting them for the first time in this lifetime.
The intensity of attraction and pull that you will feel for them will be unlike you have ever felt before for anyone else. You will feel aligned with them on levels – emotionally, mentally, and spiritually and the physical chemistry will be palpable.
Related: How To Recognize A Soul Mate: 10 Elements Of A Soulmate
2. There is strong communication.
However, soulmates have strong empathy and intuition and they can finish each other’s sentences but expecting them to know everything that is there on your mind is unrealistic.
Most people think that once they are in a soulmate relationship, their soulmate is going to automatically know what they need or want without clearly communicating their desires. We have different conditionings and different communication styles and thinking that the other person would know our needs without communicating is setting ourselves up for failure.
However, a clear sign of a soulmate relationship is that they have a very strong foundation for communication. They have very strong bonding and know how to create an open and vulnerable space for communication between them.
3. You are best friends and you can be your authentic selves with each other.
You feel an innate sense of comfort and familiarity with your soulmate. You share unconditional love and mutual respect for each other. You can be open and vulnerable with them unlike you have been with anyone else before.
They are your best friend, a partner in crime, a mentor, and a lover. They love you for who you are and also challenge you to grow into your highest possible version.
4. The relationship awakens you to the essence of who you really are.
One of the true soulmate signs from the universe is that it will dramatically turn your life upside down. The main purpose of the relationship is to awaken you to the essence of who you are. Meeting them will trigger your awakening process. All the old habits, facades, and insecurities that are holding you back, will come to the surface for being cleared and released.
5. You are both wholes.
The myth of romantic love that we have been fed by fairytale movies that we are incomplete and need other people to complete us is not true for real soulmate relationships.
Soulmate relationships are strong spiritual connections and not based on codependency. They happen between two individuals who are complete and whole on their own. They are powerful creators and know how to create the life they desire. They are not looking for someone else to stroke their ego or to complete them.
They both understand each of them is whole and there is nothing they need to do to change you. They love you the way you are, they don’t find anything missing or broken in you to fix.
Related: 6 Signs You’re In A Relationship With Your Soulmate
6. You’re on the same page where it counts.
While on the surface you both may have different personalities, likes, or interests. But you would be compatible with the things that are important like how you view life and the world and what is your soul purpose.
They are in tune and in sync with each other.
7. You know in your gut.
Last, but not least, you will know in your gut when you meet your soulmate. Your coming together will feel bigger than the two of you like the universe is orchestrating your meeting.
The most important guide on this journey is your intuition and the wisdom of your heart.

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