Feeling Exhausted? 8 Signs of an Emotionally Draining Person to Look Out For

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Signs of an Emotionally Draining Person to Look Out For

Have you ever hung out with someone and have left feeling like you just ran a 5k marathon without moving an inch? If you’re nodding along, this is just one of the many signs of an emotionally draining person.

These energy vampires are really talented when it comes to mentally exhausting you, even though you didn’t do anything but have a simple conversation.

Have there been times where you have felt completely wiped after a chat or hangout? Then maybe it’s time to figure out if you’re dealing with an emotionally draining person.

Today, we are going to talk about what is an emotionally draining person, the traits of an emotionally draining person and how to deal with an emotionally draining person.

Let’s start with what is an emotionally draining person.

Related: 6 Types Of Energy Vampires And Ways To Cope With Them

What Is An Emotionally Draining Person?

An emotionally draining person is like a black hole for your energy. They’ll suck you dry with their constant complaining, drama, and inability to take responsibility for their own mess.

I am sure you have come across quite a few of them in your life. You know the ones who are always in crisis mode, turning everything into a disaster, and somehow, you’re always the one stuck dealing with it? Yeah, energy vampires right there.

They thrive on attention, negativity, and emotional manipulation, and after spending time with them, you feel like they suck the life out of you. It’s exhausting, and honestly, you start wondering if you’re their unpaid therapist.

Time with them? Mentally, it’s like hitting “low battery” on your phone.

What Is An Emotionally Draining Person

Now that we know what is an emotionally draining person, let’s explore the signs of an emotionally draining person.

8 Signs Of An Emotionally Draining Person

1. They Constantly Play the Victim

You know that one person who ALWAYS has something bad going on? It’s like they have a permanent “woe is me” playlist stuck on repeat. No matter what you say, they can somehow top your story with an even worse one.

They’ll whine about their boss, their friends, their family, their life… basically anything and everything. The best part? They never seem to take action to fix anything. Just pure, uncut complaining.

It’s mentally exhausting to listen to someone constantly wallow in their victimhood, and the worst part? It starts to feel like you’re their therapist—without any of the perks.

2. They Refuse To Take Responsibility for Their Actions

Got a friend who can’t take responsibility for anything? Well, that’s one of the biggest signs of an emotionally draining person. If something goes wrong, the next thing they will do is blame everyone but themselves.

Be it the universe, their parents, their dog, the weather, or that random person they saw on the street. But never themselves. Nope, never them. It’s always someone else’s fault. And after a point, this can really start to get under your skin.

After a while, you’ll find yourself carrying all the emotional weight of their problems without them ever owning up to their role in it. They never learn from their mistakes, and you’re just left picking up the pieces every time.

3. They’re Constantly Negative

We all have bad days, but people who suck the life out of you seem to live in a never-ending storm cloud of negativity. They’ll drag every conversation into the depths of despair, and nothing—literally nothing—is ever good enough for them.

Be it their food, job, or even their goddamn Netflix show, whenever you speak to them, it’s all doom and gloom.

Hanging out with them feels like you are a swimming in a sea of negativity, where the waves never stop crashing down on you.

4. They Make Everything About Them

One of the biggest traits of an emotionally draining person is this right here. Try talking about your own day and see what happens. If you have an emotionally draining person in your life, your story is probably going to get hijacked by their own drama.

No matter what you talk about, be it your promotion, your date night or even how you have discovered a new favorite hobby, they will make everything about themselves. Suddenly, it’s all about their promotion, their date night, and their hobbies.

They just can’t seem to let the spotlight leave them, and you’re left feeling like you’re just a supporting character in their life story.

5. They Guilt You Into Helping Them

Have you ever felt like saying no isn’t an option for this person? That’s probably because they’re masters of the guilt trip. They have an uncanny ability to make you feel like the worst person in the world if you don’t drop everything to help them.

“Oh, I’m so sorry to bother you, but I really need you to do this for me.” And then, boom, you’re guilt-ridden into helping.

Even if you’re running on empty yourself, they’ll guilt you into doing things for them—leaving you emotionally drained with nothing in return. It’s like they have a PhD in making you feel bad.

Related: Who Are The Energy Vampires In Your Life And How To Protect Yourself

6. They Are Always in Crisis Mode

If there’s always an emergency in this person’s life, you might be dealing with a chronic crisis creator. Whether it’s a drama at work, a breakup, or some random “life crisis,” people who suck the life out of you always seem to be in a state of emergency.

There’s never a dull moment. Every time you turn around, something is burning down in their world and they are panicking.

While everyone faces challenges at some point in their lives, if they constantly drag you into their chaotic storm, and not just that, they also expect you to handle it, slowly you’ll start feeling like you’re the one on the frontlines, getting shell-shocked by their drama.

7. They Never Respect Your Boundaries

Have you ever tries setting a boundary with an emotionally draining person and feel like they just bulldoze right through it? Yeah, that’s a classic move.

One of the major traits of an emotionally draining person is that they will text you at all hours, show up unannounced, or demand your attention even when you’re clearly not available.

“Oh, I didn’t know you were busy, can we talk for just an hour?” They just can’t grasp the simple concept of personal space or time. It’s like they think your time is their time, and they’ll keep pushing until they’ve taken it all.

8. They Demand Constant Attention

People who suck the life out of you need attention like they need air to breathe. Every conversation, text, or interaction is about pulling you into their orbit, and if you’re not giving them enough attention, they’ll make sure to let you know.

It’s like they expect you to drop everything just to give them a listening ear or emotional support at all hours. They’ve got your number on speed dial, and if you don’t pick up, be ready for the passive-aggressive texts.

It can feel like you’re their personal emotional butler, and trust me, that can drain the life out of you fast.

They Demand Constant Attention

Now that we have talked about the signs of an emotionally draining person, let’s talk about how to deal with an emotionally draining person.

How To Deal With An Emotionally Draining Person? 6 Best Ways To Handle Them

1. Set Some Boundaries (No, Really, Set Them!)

If you don’t want to be drained like a phone with no charger, you’ve gotta set boundaries. It’s all about saying, “Hey, I can’t help with that right now,” or “I can only talk for 10 minutes.”

Don’t feel bad about protecting your energy. Be firm and friendly, but make sure you’re not constantly at their beck and call. Your peace comes first. and that’s how to deal with an emotionally draining person.

Related: 5 Types Of Emotional Vampires: How To Identify Them and Protect Yourself

2. Don’t Let It Get to You

It’s not you, it’s them. Seriously. These people live in a world of drama, and they’ll try to pull you in. But you gotta remember: their chaos isn’t your chaos. Don’t internalize it!

When they go on a rant or pull some guilt-trip move, just nod and smile—or better yet, mentally check out. Let them vent without letting it mess with your vibe.

3. Be Real with Them (But Don’t Be a Jerk)

How to deal with an emotionally draining person? Sometimes, you’ve got to speak up. If they’re being a major energy drain, let them know in a calm, direct way. Why don’t you say something like, “Hey, I’ve noticed you’re always in crisis mode, and it’s starting to affect me.”

You don’t really need to sugar-coat it, but also, no there’s no need to be rude. The fun part is that a little honesty goes a long way—just don’t expect a miracle after one conversation.

4. Cut Down Your Time Together

If you are wondering how to deal with an emotionally draining person, this is one of the most important things you can do. You don’t need to spend every weekend playing emotional janitor. If they’re draining you, it’s okay to put some distance between you.

Why don’t you try hanging out with them in smaller doses. For example, just go out for a cup of coffee for 30 minutes. Or even better? Have a quick chat and bounce before they start to suck the life out of you.

5. Recharge Your Batteries

After hanging with an emotional vampire, it’s time to fill your cup back up. Go for a run, watch your favorite show, meditate, or just kick back with a good book.

Whatever helps you feel like your happy, energetic self again. Self-care is the key to keeping your energy intact, so treat yourself to some downtime.

6. Talk It Out with Someone You Trust

Sometimes, you need to vent, and that’s totally cool. Find someone who gets it—whether it’s a friend, family member, or therapist. Let them know what you’re dealing with, and they’ll help you sort through the emotional mess.

Plus, you’ll probably feel a ton better after airing it out, and they might even have a few strategies to help you handle the situation. This is one of the best things you can do if you are wondering how to deal with an emotionally draining person.

Talk It Out with Someone You Trust

Wrapping Up

Dealing with an emotionally draining person isn’t just exhausting—it can really start to affect your mental and emotional well-being.

Related: 5 Ways Empaths Can Protect Themselves from Toxic Energy

If you’ve noticed these signs in someone close to you, it might be time to take a step back and evaluate how much of your energy you’re willing to give away.

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