Dating Red Flags: 10 Signs Of An Emotionally Unavailable Guy

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Are you facing an invisible wall that prevents you from being emotionally close with your man? You just might be dating an emotionally unavailable guy. While they cannot change who they are, it will be a lot easier for you to deal with them if you know the signs at the right time.

It was famed poet W.S Gilbert who said, โ€œItโ€™s love that makes the world go roundโ€œ, and even today this phrase is uttered by every single romantic at some point or the other.

All of us are searching for someone who is in love with us unconditionally and forever, arenโ€™t we?

Even though the prospect of being in love and being loved can make you feel butterflies in your stomach, you have to make sure that you donโ€™t end up getting hurt. The easiest way of getting hurt when it comes to love is by being with an emotionally unavailable guy.

Your future happiness is in your hands.

Why am I single? Itโ€™s a question many single women ask themselves. But for women who want a man who makes them feel great, sticks around, and holds you tight in his arms, stop what youโ€™re doing right now and listen.

When it comes to dating advice, women need to stop waiting around for unavailable men!

emotionally unavailable

The physically unavailable man is not in your vicinity or in your life. Iโ€™m not against long-distance relationships at all, but if the man you love lives in a different country (or even a different state) and you are living paycheck to paycheck, it can make seeing each other almost impossible. This 3000-mile-away guy might be the man of your dreams, but in reality, heโ€™s only your fantasy.

If the two of you never plan date number two (or never even have date number one), heโ€™s a โ€œcyber soulmate.โ€ Unless you want to spend the rest of your life cuddling with a body pillow, keep looking.

Then, thereโ€™s the emotionally unavailable man. They look like normal guys. They look like your neighbor. They could look like Burt Reynolds, your UPS guy, or the smoking hot dude from Tinder.

Read: 6 Dominant Personality Traits of Emotionally Unavailable Men You Should NEVER Expect Love From

But how do you spot him? Hereโ€™s how to determine if the guy youโ€™re dating is emotionally unavailable.

If so, cut your losses before you and your heart gets all wrapped up in his thrill-seeking.

emotionally unavailable

1. He stands you up.

This is one that is easier to spot than an albino tiger in the wild, and I know it hurts. But be thankful that he did it on your first date and not when youโ€™re waiting at the altar.

2. Heโ€™s full of excuses.

โ€œOh sorry. I was really busyโ€ is his typical response to your text message three days later. Seriously? Just let him be.

3. He says, โ€œIโ€™m not looking for anything right now.โ€

When he talks, you need to listen โ€” and donโ€™t have a Hollywood script in your head that says, โ€œOh heโ€™s going to want something serious he just doesnโ€™t know me well enough yet. I just need to show him what heโ€™s missing out on!โ€

Donโ€™t play these games with yourself. At least heโ€™s being honest with you.

4. He doesnโ€™t make plans to meet you.

Because he always has an excuse of being too busy with his kid, is working too much, or that he had a stalker and is afraid to meet you. Either way, you want someone who takes time out of his day for you.

5. Heโ€™s a master of seduction.

These men are hard to find, but when you do find one, it is like your pants seem to fall off โ€” like magic. Maybe even a little too quickly for your normal comfort level. If you are worried about this happening with Mr. Smooth, follow these three steps:

  • Donโ€™t do any bikini maintenance.
  • Donโ€™t shave your legs.
  • Do wear your period underwear.

These methods are as good as wearing an uncomfortable and very effective chastity belt. If he sticks around without the sex, maybe heโ€™s not so unavailable after all, right?

6. He has a bad temper.

Heโ€™s rude to servers, talks bad about his ex, and is bad-mannered in your presence. If someone is like this from the get-go, run for your emotional life before he crushes your heart with his mean-spirited demeanor.

7. Heโ€™s constantly on his phone.

This is a huge indicator that his mind is somewhere else. Those Facebook status updates can wait, especially when youโ€™re out together on a date!

8. He only thinks about his wants and needs.

This is no fun, and you will end up being a doormat. Cut him loose while you still have your self-esteem intact.

9. Heโ€™s had many short-term relationships.

Sally two weeks ago, Monica last monthโ€ฆ itโ€™s a pattern thatโ€™s not likely to stop at you. Be careful with someone who is a serial dater.

10. You just know it.

You have a funny feeling. Your belly feels weird. The hairs stand up on your arms. You feel a tingling in your left pinkie. Whatever it is, listen to yourself. Most of the time youโ€™re right.

Read: Loving An Emotionally Detached Man

It might be tough watching all your friends be in meaningful and loving relationships, whereas you are still waiting for โ€œThe Oneโ€. But, itโ€™s better to wait for someone amazing than settle for an emotionally unavailable guy who will end up breaking your heart after some time. Good things take time.

Good things come to those who wait. So, keep an open heart and be ready to be loved by the right person.

 Originally Published On: Your Tango
10 Signs You Are Dating An Emotionally Unavailable Guy
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