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Selected Wisepicks
We have selected 8 comments as Wisepicks from our Facebook Page, Facebook Group and Instagram as on 8 December 2024.

Navroop Sarao
Happiness is an inside job,
not how much you have.

Casey Fernandez
Gratitude turns what we have
into everything that we’ll ever need.

Lisa Sanders
The quality of my friendships
are more important to me
than the quantity of friends.

Sherry Greene
Excessive stuff does not bring joy
if it’s not a part of your soul.

Monica Sharma
Happiness comes from within.

Sarita Khullar
One forgets to appreciate
when showered with plenty.

Roccio Saldaña
A grateful heart will always be
joyful with the little things life has to give.

Aneet Mahajan
Often abundance is associated with
a joyous state of mind.
But the true contentment
lies in being satisfied with what we have!
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